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  • Adera's final strategy MxF

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    It's a time of war and strife, the lands are suffering from famine and ruin. The Kingdom of Adera continues to fight for the freedom and safety of it's people against the onslaught of Empire Shordin. The war has taken a heavy toll on both sides, soldiers lay lifeless across countless battlefields, sword and shield painted with the crimson blood of both friend and foe. The Kingdom of Adera grows restless and tired, desperate for an end of this bloodshed and peace for it's people.

    The only hope now for peace is to broker an alliance with the Empire of Shordin with an arranged marriage. In a parlay between the two great powers, an agreement was met to wed the young Prince of Arden to the Baroness of Shordin. The Young Prince was not keen to marry the enemy, however accepted his father's bidding, for the sake of his people. Given the tension between the two nations, another condition of this peace agreement was for the King to send an escort and deliver the Prince to the Empire, rather than meet up.

    Ooc: In this story, I will be playing the young Prince (age is negotiable but he is supposed to be young) and my partner will be playing an escort of their choice. You could be a powerful mage, or just a simpler knight, it's up to you what you wish to be. You of course will be playing a bit older than my character (again, age is negotiable) and will be devout to the Kingdom of Adera.

    The basic idea is that the escort starts out normal, and during the trip there, either one of us grows feelings, and ultimately betrays both nations for the sake of each other. There is not going to be a happy ending to this story. Ultimately your character will be executed, and my character will be forced to marry the Baroness, however he will eventually kill himself with poison. A real Shakespeare tragedy is what I'm aiming for.

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