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  • Baywatch Theme RP

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    I've played this idea off and on for a number of years with other writing friends and interested in revisiting. Definite opportunities to explore erotic writing and enjoy some likely over the top storylines that the TV show Baywatch was famous for!


    SR 6969 - Morro Cove Project

    The Morro Cove Project is a joint project between the LA County Fire Department and the California Beach Association. Funded with public and private funds, Morro Cove is the first public access nude beach in Los Angeles County granted special dispensation from County decency laws and regulations. 

    Morro Cove is staffed by specially selected Lifeguard units with special privileges to enforce beach guidelines and codes and engage with the public in a variety of activities not normally allowed on public beach property. 

    The Morro Cove Project is in it's probationary stage with funding granted on a yearly review. Should the project prove fruitful, a more permanent funding project will be brought to the legislature for discussion and vote.

    In English...

    Morro Cove is the first nude beach completely open to the public. For all those of appropriate age, nudity and sexual acts are completely legal and not bound by the city, county or state laws in the restriction of such activity. 

    The lifeguard staff are encouraged to promote and participate in activities with the population within the confines of the beach and not in dereliction of their duties as lifeguards. Special dispensation pay is offered to any lifeguard who join this unit. 

    All lifeguards will be required to wear department standard uniforms while on duty. Off duty, they may participate in the nudity allowed on Morro Cove. Management has discretion on granting exceptions to uniform standards based on need.  

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