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  • Been MIA, Looking to return!

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    The soft tapping of a hammer against a nail pinning a sheet of paper against a vast wall littered with other ads sits before you,  You see it's a wanted ad and have decided to see what it's all about....

    I've been needing a creative outlet,  I think I'm going to come back to role playing... but,  I can't do already established universes like TV shows and such. Playing as someone else's character has never felt right to me,  with that said.  I'm looking for a person who enjoys to tell a story of their own and would like to help me grease my gears again and get back into the game, It's been a long, long, LONG time since I've had my OC/muses out to play.  I tend to make characters on the spot, I write out lengthy descriptions to describe how they look rather than use pictures, unless it's a muse that I hold dear to me, I might actually HAVE some kind of picture crafted of them be it from an avatar site or a place like second life.

    I like stories,  long term role plays. We've got a beginning but the end of it is up to us.  Will we die? will one of us get arrested and executed? or will we leave it on a happy ending note? I don't believe in when a character dies, that's it.  I think they can be re-purposed into another role.  I'm a third-person sort of writer, My grammar and spelling isn't the best and I do try to improve on it on a daily.  With that said, I don't expect perfection.  I do however expect communication outside of our RP, I like getting to know my partners and becoming friends.  it adds a personal flair to it all that makes it easier.   I'm up for any kind of theme, I don't mind taking turns in writing a setting when we figure a over-all theme,  Like you have an idea, we talk about it and decide if we are going to do it, if we do it's your job to open it, give a setting and vice versa.

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