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  • Blood Sport (Orc X Elf)

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    Blood splattered across Aya's face. There was a complete moment of silence before the elves broken body was dropped onto the ground. The crowd erupted into heavy cheer at the sight of blood and carnage. Aya quickly scrambled forward his hands glowing bright red trying to heal the elf, despite the blood pouring onto the sandstone. It was futile, the young elf was far beyond help like all the others. The orc moved turning before his King letting out a roar of pride. These elves weren't really much of a battle. Which wasn't enjoyable though most watching only cared about the blood spilled.

    The King was amused looking down bellow at the arena of blood. He really was forcing elven hand. The elves could protect their home by winning the battle or lose. Losing meant slavery and slaughter. The King stood from his throne looking over crowd and arena.His body covered in war paint with very little hidden. The orcs never were concerned with covering skin. Men wore extravagant paint, jewelry, and loin cloths. Women were much the same with the exception of skirts. Though many didn't cover their chests unless they wrapped their breasts with simple cloth or wore jewelry in such fashion as to cover. It was interesting how brutal yet attractive this species really was and the King was no exception. "The Orcish warriors are winning though in honour of these dead we shall rest through midday. When the sun cools and the elven healer has rested we shall return to our festivities."He said looking towards his people before glancing down at Aya who was soaked heavily in his own peoples blood.

    The Elven people were shaped differently based on their location. Aya's people lived along the swamp lands and meadows. They were particularly small and cute with giant floppy ears. They herded small sheep to make their lovely soft clothing. Those here were lower-class people whose loss wouldn't be as noticed.

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