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  • Can you tame the Feral?

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    Alright Boyos, {Because I do require men, sorry ladies.} if you wanna try to tame this Brat, pick your poison, or message me your own.

    Basic Plot Pairings
    The Seer's Curse:


    --Pirate, thief or bounty hunter/ Elf--

    Lost is she, the one with a gift so pure, at least thats what people have come to believe. But word travels well among thieves and bounty hunters, and the whispers have met your ears. There is a young woman in a bordering village, one whom lives by herself and is viewed as strange to the other villagers. Why? Because always seems to be in the right place at the right time. Like when a carriage almost ran over a child, or when there was a fire at one of the farms. She always seemed to be around in time for disaster to strike, and she was always able to help people. Strange woman, they whispered. But you knew better. She was the last of a bloodline long since gone. She was the final Seer, someone who could look into Past, Present and Future. Someone who could change what your eyes saw, make you believe you were the middle of a snow strom, even if you were standing in the heart of a blistering desert. Her powers were sought after, and you would be the one to take them. The bounty on her was high, and you intended to rake in every piece of gold her flesh could buy. Only problem, once you take her, you start to see the advantages of keeping her...


    True Divinity:


    --God{s}/Human Princess--

    Long before our time, the world was ruled by Kings. Specifically, Greece was ruled by several different Kings. One King, Xerxes, was looking to gain the Favor of the Gods, so he gave them an offering none of the other Kings could. He gave The Olympians his only daughter. You see, she was hailed as the most beautiful woman alive, even more so than Aphrodite herself. And the Gods tended to agree, for as soon as they looked upon her face, they knew they had to have her. Before she was officially given to them, the Gods fought viciously among each other for the right to possess her. The winning Gods, Zeus and his brothers, Hades and Poseidon, decided they would trade her around themselves. Now, with her in thier hands... Well the fun was about to begin...

    A Binding Contract:


    --Vampire Prince/Elf Princess--


    Before history can record, there were kingdoms that ruled our world, each a different race. To the North were Vampires, of all shapes and sizes, a kingdom that mostly kept to itself. To the East, Elves, wise and prosperous. The West housed Demons, ghouls. And to the south, Shapeshifters. All lived well with one another, until the shifters grew envious of the of the Elves and their growing strength. Wanting to take what they had, the Shifters went to the West and asked the Demons for help, who were more than willing to. War raged, and faced wit conflict on two sides, the Elves sought help from the North. The Vampires were willing to help, on one condition. The Princess had to be wed to the Vampire Prince as soon as the war ended. Wwith a haste agreement, the two sides merged together and crushed the war before more damage could be done.

    Now that the bloodshed has stopped, The Prince has come to collect his bride..


    History only records so much, and the writers pick and choose what to put into the books. And some times mankind is told what not to record. And no sane man would ever go against the wishes of the elves, so this never made it into our books. Long before recorded time, our world was ran by supernaturals. The Southern lands were held by Shifters, men who could turn into all kinds of beasts. The Western Lands housed Demons of all shapes and sizes. To the North, Vampires made their home in solitude. But it was the Eastern lands, the lands of the Elves, that was the most prosperous of the lands.

    No Elf was denied sanctuary, so all races lived in harmony with one another. Sun, Moon, Wild, Aquatic, wood and wild elves. They were at peace with each other, and so their lands grew in wealth and wisdom. Not all of their neighboring lands liked that though. The shifters were jealous of the Elves, wanting what they had. And so, one clear night, they attacked the edge of the Elven land. They slaughtered hundreds, setting fire to several villages before retreated back onto thier own lands before the first rays of sun graced the earth. The Elves, in their fury, retaliated. Thus a war began.

    But the shifters stood no chance against the Elves and thier magics, and lost many in those first few months. As the Elves prepared to strike at the heart of the shifters, in hopes of ending the war, the king and queen got word of the village on the western borders being slaughtered.

    The Shifters had made a pact with the Demons, a race who sought death and destruction, and now the elves were left bleeding on two fronts. Wwar raged for near a century, the blood of thousands staining the fields between the three lands. It raged, because none of the sides were willing to give in, but the Elves hoped to at least even the odds.

    To the North, the vampires kept to themselves, only having contact with the Elves, and only for humans to be transported through. Like cattle to slaughter, the elves provided humans to keep thier own necks safe, literally. You see, an Elves blood was like the sweetest nectar to vampires, and highly addictive. So, in compromise, the elves shipped an excessive amount of humans to the vampires in order to stay off thier menu. But because of that, in order to gain the help needed from the North, they had to give up something much more valuable.

    "Our Prince will only help your people if you are willing to accept his terms" the northern representative said as the Elven King and Queen gaped at him.

    "He wants our daughter! Not in marraige, though even that would be a laughable arrangement, he wants her as his slave! His Property! You can not expect me to be willing to accept that!" The king shouted, lifting the contract to throw it at the representavie. But the frail vampire simply smiled, shaking his head ever so slowly.

    "You misunderstand. This is not a contract between you and our Prince. This is meant for the Princess. These are terms only she can accept." he said, his red gaze flickering to the young woman sitting stiffly beside the King. Her blonde hair fell around her pale face. Her eyes, one green ad one blue, showing her mixed heritage, were wide. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips as her chest heaved with deep breaths. It was as if she were in a trance, at least until suddenly, her pale hand snaked out and grabbed the contract.

    "Ill do it." She whispered, her voice strong even in its softness.

    As she reached for a pen, the frail vampire shook his head again. "No, for this contract, you sign in blood, for nothing can break a Blood Oath." He held out a knife to her, and with a quick prick of her finger, crimson splashes fell onto the scroll, sealing her fate. Te representative nodded, gathering the scroll and standing from the table. "Your war will end in a fort night, and our Prince will come to collect whats his.."


    Lillian took a deep breath, trying to center herself. A month ago, she signed away her life for her people. The Vampires came, led by thier Prince, and drove back the shifters and Demons. Now neither side dared cross them, for fear that the Prince will wipe them out of exsistance. Last night, once the treaty was signed between the 3 lands, a letter was delivered to her door.

    Be ready for me...

    I collect whats mine with the rise of the moon..

    So here she stood, on the Northern edge of her lands, awaiting her new master. She was dressed in tradition Elven mourning fashion, a deep emerald dress covering her voluptous figure. Over her dress, she wore a simple black cloak, hood up to protect her from the rain falling from the sky. Her golde locks were braided and falling over her left shoulder. Her strange eyes downcast, as she stood alone in the darkness. No one was with her because she wanted no one here. Her parents fought her bitterly on her choice, but whats done was done. They could not fight a blood oath, nor did she want them to try.

    So here she stood, a once proud Princess, alone and shivering in the rain, as the moon rose in the Dark sky.

    Crown Jewels:



    He was a famous thief, one hired to do a job no one else wanted. He was to steal the crown jewel from the castle.

    Little did he realise when he agreed to this job, the crown jewel wasnt a necklace or small trinket. His employers wanted the Princess.

    With a temper as fiery as her hair, and beauty beyond belief, he wasnt sure he would be able to complete this job without taking the Princess down a few pegs...


    Remembering the Past:



    In the shadows, he has stalked this girl for many a night. Many a century, truly. See, he was in love with her in a past life, and has sworn to always protect her. He has found her every generation, and watched her grow from the shadows, never interfering in her life, because she was human, and he was a monster of the night. But when he finds out she is consorting with one of his enemies, he cant take being in the shadows anymore. He steals her in the dead of night. But when he enters her room, he sees drawings and writings of him. So his little pet has recalled him from her past. Well.. Now that he has her, what is he going to do with her?


    A Pirates Life:


    --Pirate/royal daughter--

    What is a pirate is he doesnt Plunder and Pillage? This pirate captain hit one kingdom, His whole goal capturing the royal daughter to hold her as ransom. But now that he has her.. He may just keep her as a slave for him and his crew. Cause the nights at sea can be very lonely...


    Gulls cried and waves broke against the wood of the ship, as it swayed through the salty waters. The crew laughed heartily, watching one of the younger members lose his rations overboard. The constant sway of the ship would make most people sick, But the crew, as well as Ariana, were quiet used to it. Ever since she was able to walk, her father, king of Diose Isle*, would take her aboard his ship and spend days sailing around their kingdom with her. As she grew older, the farther they sailed, until on the eve of her 19th birthday, he agreed to sail her to see all the seven seas had to offer. Now, 3 months into their voyage, and the newest member of the crew was still getting sick. She wrapped herself tighter in her blanket, shaking her head in amusement. Some people never grew their sea legs...


    Her dark red hair billowed in the wind as she wandered the top deck. She truly loved the sea, it was so freeing to be out here. Her violet gaze swept over the dark oak carvings of mermaids that were carved into the railings. Her father often spent nights up here, carving out stories of the sea as he told them to her. It was one of the reasons she loved this ship so much.


    As the sky darkened to the preludes of night, one of the crew members bellowed out, "Pirates! We are being attacked! All men to your stations!! Princess, get to the captain's quarters, before they board us!" His order came too late though, for the ruffians were already aboard her fathers great ship. She tried to run, but two of the men snagged her up before she could get far.


    "We were told to get you. Come on, we have a nice place for you in our captain's quarters." They said as they hauled her across the planks of wood and over to their own ship. Within minutes, she was in an unknown room, waiting to see what would come.

    Big Brother:



    Little sister wants to get out of the house and explore the city, so she begs her brother to let her crash at his place. He agrees, but when he finds he baby sister drunk and playing strip poker with his friends... Ooh, well that deserves a punishment. One hes been dreaming about since she walked into his house


    Taboo Desires:



    How is one suppose to act like a lady, when she's grown up in a house of men? At a young age, Lily lost her mother and step father, and ended up in her grandmother's care with her 3 older step brothers. As the children grew, Lily picked up some of the less feminine habits of her older brothers, something that amused them to no end. Now, as she reaches the ripe age of 19, the brothers have begun to notice more than just Lily's boyish habits, things like her body, and the desire in her eyes when she looks at them. One night, she makes the first move, laying out her taboo desire. Now, it's up to the boys to decide what to do about it...

    Doctor May I?:


    --Doctor/patient --
    Lisa went to the clinic for a normal check up, and thinks she gets the flu shot, when in truth she is getting a drug that heightens ones libido. As the days pass, she gets more and more antsy, finally deciding to go back to the clinic. She saw the same doctor as before and He helps her, by bringing her to climax, without fucking her. He knows this will help, because he knowingly dosed her before, and he does do again now. She comes back again, and it continues, each time they have to do more in order for her not to feel overstimulated and needy. At some point, she finds out he is dosing her and freaks. She calls the police and such, forcing him to lose his license, blah blah blah. Now, the only issue is, she cant reach climax without the drug. And the doctor knows that. So he decides she deserves punishment for ruining his life, and what better punishment than keeping her on the edge with no chance of release until he decides so.


    No one likes going to the doctor, but its one of those things any responsible adult knows they have to do. Especially when that responsible adult happens to work around children. Lily was a librarian for the local public Library, and with school starting back up soon, she knew her job was going to be teeming with kids pretty soon. So, she made an appointment to have her annual check up and get the flu vaccine. She hated being sick, and with so many kids coming and going, some were bound to be contagious.
    So here she sat, all 5'2" of her settled into a seat in the waiting room of the clinic. Her long red hair fell down her back, as her violet eyes scanned the page of the magazine she was reading. She was an absolute beauty, though a little on the tiny side. Her ass was small, but perky, her breasts small b cups, barely noticeable in the formfitting bodice of her green summer dress. But even without the curves, she was still gorgeous.

    I've been here for an hour and a half... Cant i just get this over with and go home?, she thought as she put down the forth magazine she had read since arriving. It was her own fault she had to wait so long. She made her appointment this morning, and they told her the only opening would be the last one at the end of the day. The pale woman sighed, ready to just leave when a nurse finally said, "Miss Lily Rosenwolf, the Doctor is ready to see you now."

    She almost leapt up out of her seat and hugged the other woman. Finally! She didn't think it would have taken this long, but she was relatively grateful she was the last one. It meant the appointment may not have to take forever. As she followed the thick blonde nurse into the room, she found herself wishing she had those curves. Oh, she had an hourglass figure, but without the ass of chest to make it look anything but awkward. She settle on the paper covered examine table, her eyes roaming the room. Pale blue walls, making everything seem so calm. Your generic pictures of the human anatomy and other such medical crap. Lily fiddled with her fingers, thinking of just getting up and walking out as she waited for the doctor to come in...

    Craving her Darkness:


    --Rouge bounty hunter/ Elf --

    Elves are typically known as creatures of Light, but there are very rare Elves that are born to The Darkness. Most die before they reach adulthood, either from becoming Insane, or from the ones that hunt them down. Now, there is only one Elf left who was born to the Darkness. A young woman, who can manipulate the Darkness to create Illusions and other such tricks. It has become your job to hunt her down. Not to kill her, as others would, but to capture her for your Kingdom. But once you see her beauty, its not her powers you crave, but her body..


    Legend has it that the first Elf was born when the Sun first rose to touch the Sky. Under the light of day, the elf danced for joy, singing out a praise to the Earth for his life. And Mother Earth, so taken with the elf's dance, placed her magic on the sky. For the next year, each time the Sun rose to meet the sky, a new elf would be born. And so it was. With each passing day, the elves danced for joy, singing out as a new one was born in the Suns light. All pale blonde, with sky blue eyes, and tan skin. They were like living drops of the suns rays.


    Then, on the last day of the year, when the last elf would be born from the sun and sky, something happened. Just as the sun rose, its rays shining on the earth, the moon blocked it from the sky. As the moon eclipsed the sun, its own silver rays touched on the elf being born. With a cry, her skin change, paled to match the moonbeam touching her skin. Her hair darkened, as did her eyes, matching the darkness of the night sky. When the sun was allowed to shine upon the earth once more, the others were left looking at the tainted elf. She trembled, but the first elf created smiled at her, welcoming her with open arms.


    A marriage followed, and then a daughter. The elves figured out their magic, the ability to help the plants grow, to help others heal. But the lone elf with dark hair... She was special. Instead of bending the suns rays for her magic, the night sky flew from her fingertips. Darkness...

    As she practiced her craft, her daughter grew. Others whispered about her oddness, and watched as she was driven mad by their whispers. When her daughter begin to show the same gifts, they were exiled, forced to live away from their friends and family. In her fury, the mother cursed the others, tainting them slightly with her Darkness. And those who bore light, as they watched the dark trendles drifting toward them, reacted. A clash of magic, and as the dust settled, the mother and daughter lay dead. But the trendles had done their job. They leached into the women of the village, tainting their blood and wombs. Now, every few generations, one woman will be born with the dark curse...


    That was the story passed down from mother to daughter in all the families, a warning to look out for anything odd. It was the story told to her by her mother, when she asked her mother why her hair wasn't blonde like all her siblings. Arianna was the first in Several generations to be born with the curse, and her curly red locks were the first sign of it. Great great grandmother Keri was cursed, like her, and had been driven mad by the magic, until she threw herself from a cliffs edge. But Ari wasn't like her, no, she embraced the magic with a sense of joy. She learned she could create illusions, so skilled they could fool almost any eye. She could pull shadows, masking herself from her enemies, which turned out, she had many.


    On her tenth birthday, her house was set aflame, killing her family and leaving her alone in the world. If it wasn't for her magic, she wouldn't have escaped the other Elves that night. She had run, not stopping until she had found an abandoned cottage in the middle of the Eastern Woods. As night darkened the sky, she had called on her magic to hide her new home from any who might seek her. It was the first night the magic had stained her skin...


    But that was years ago.....


    Arianna shook her head, her long red hair falling out of its braid to frame her golden face. She always found herself thinking of the past on days like today, days she could almost feel eyes on her. The tiny elf stripped out her tunic top and trousers as she stood before the stream, unafraid to be stark naked. Not here, no one could ever find her here, she had made sure of it. Her illusions surrounded the forest around her, thickening the trees and cutting off anyone from the path.


    She sighed, stepping into the cool, clear spring water as she pulled her hair free of its braid. The long red locks tumbled down her back, covering her round lush bottom. She pulled the sided forward, covering her large breasts as she waded into the stream. It was only deep enough to reach her waist, but the cool water worked wonders to relax her as the sun faded from the sky. As the full moon rose to great her, she smiled, tipping her head back as if she were bathing in the silver light.


    Darkness shivered around her, thickening the mist in her little grove. The flowers swayed in the increasing wind, growing as her voice floated with the wind. In fuin, mín are polodren. In galad, mín bel- **


    The moonlight shined brighter for a moment, before fading to normal. With a small smile, Arianna dipped beneath the water, not paying attention to anything around her as she enjoyed her soak.

    {{**Translation: In Darkness, we are strong. In Light, we die}}

    Royal Bounty:



    A Princess is taken from her home in the middle of the night. A group of men have taken her and The orders are simple. She is to be kept hidden away, and made to never want to step foot back into her kingdom. They are to do whatever necessary to achieve that goal. What will they do with their new bounty?


    Left with Sister:



    Three brothers grew up with their bratty little sister, and her smart mouth. But it was always her body they loved the most. Being so close, they had shared their fantasy of taking her with each other. Now, mom and Dad are gone for the summer, and they have to Babysit, not a problem, until little sister stumbles in drunk and late one night. She has to be punished, and oh, do they want to punish her...


    There were very few times in life when Liliana didn't get her way. She grew up as the baby in the family, her daddy still considered her his baby girl. Her mother doted on her because she was the only daughter. Mike and John never messed with her, cause all it took was one little pout, and the tremble of her lower lip, to bring her parents rushing over to her side, and making sure things were as she wished. Because of this, Liliana never really took well to being told no.


    The front door swung open, and laughter carried through the house as Lily blathered on into her phone. "No, Marie, you just have to throw a pool party! You have the nicest pool out of everyone!... Well, make it Wednesday... No, Sarah is having her party that night... Joseph claimed me for his beach party on Friday... Come on Mare! If you do, I'll get you an invite to Devin's scene... Yea, he is... Uh huh.."


    "Lily, sweet pea, your mother and I need to speak with you when your off the phone." Her father said, looking more stern then usual.


    "Ugh! Ill call you later tonight Marie. The 'Rentals need me." She breezed, hanging up and smiling brightly at her parents. "Yes? Did you two decide to let me have a party here next week?" She had practically begged them for a solid month, and right when they had been about to give in, her stupid brothers decided they were coming back home, therefore ruining her plans. Part of her hoped her parents had come to their senses and agreed to allow her this, since it would be her last spring break for highschool.


    "Erm, no honey.. Actually... Your mother and I have been thinking.. Well with your brothers here, we wanted to be able to enjoy some time to ourselves.." Her father mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck and not meeting her eyes. Mother let out an exasperate breath, shaking her head and saying, "Your father, bless him, means we are leaving for the week. We will be taking off until next Sunday, and while we are gone, your brothers will watch you."


    Lily blinked, rocking back on her heels slightly, as if the news had physically rocked her. "What?" she asked, her eyes narrowing. "Your what? Having them babysit me?" the incredulous question fell from her lips as she glared at them.


    "Yes, and we expect you to behave for them. I know it throws off both yours and your brothers plans, but that's how its going to be."


    Liliana took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she yanked a hand through her deep red curls. "Daddy, I'm 18. Why are you two treating me like I'm a toddler?" She said, her eyes snapping open so she could plead with her father. He had always been the softer one, and she knew she could get him to crack. At least, she thought so.


    "I'm know sweets, but you've been a little bit of a handful recently, and we don't want you doing anything stupid while we are gone. Don't worry, I'm sure they will still let you go to those parties." Her father tried to reason.


    Her temper lit, and the spoiled brat reared her head. "UGH!" She groaned, throwing her hands in the air. "I hate you two! You always treat me like I'm a kid! And why them?! They can barely scratch their own asses without help!" She shouted, her voice echoing through the house as she stomped her way upstairs. "Liliana!" Her mother scolded, but she didn't listen. She was already at her room, slamming her door shut as she pouted unceremoniously on her bed.

    Not so Unwilling:



    MC wakes up tied to a bed, in a cage. She has no idea where she is. No idea who holds her. YC is a mysterious man, or men, whom come and ravange her. Force her to do all kinds of naughty things. No faces can be seen, and it is completely exciting to her.


    Prisoner of War:


    --Rival King/Princess--

    When one is a Princess, she is expected to do everything she is asked to do. She is proper and well read, and pure to the core. When she is offered to the king of the Enemy kingdom, as a sign of peace, she is suppose to go along willingly. But not this Princess, for she has heard rumors of thus ruthless king. So in the dead of night, she runs away, only to find caught. And not by her kingdoms guards, no the other kings guards had found her, and dragged her before him. Now it's up to him to decide to do with his new prisoner of war.....


    Wheres your Halo?:



    Angels are meant to be pure, wise, and holy. They are to slay the demons that plague the earth. No one would have ever expected this turn of events. The arch angels had caught a group of demons, and had caught themselves what they presumed was a fallen angel. But after some interrogation, they find out this beauty with blood red hair and black wimgs, is none other than the daughter of Lucifer. Now that they have her, they need to break her and force her to turn her father over to them. And Michael thinks it's a swell idea to treat her the same way as the demons treat humans.

    Will she give into them, or will she hold strong?

    Teachers Pet


    --Teacher/ student--
    A distinguished English professor happens to have quiet a secret. He loves to pick a young girl every semester from one of his classes to make his own personal pet. This year, his sights are set on a shy little book worm, covered in baggy clothes and hidden behind thick glasses. With her red curls piled messily on her head, no one would ever think this girl was what the professor found attractive. But he had seen her outside of the classroom, running in the morning. Beneath that shy, messy bookworm look, was an absolute knockout beauty. Large breasts, flat tummy, and ample ass. It too all his control not to shed her of her baggy armor in front of the rest of the students. But no.. He would get her alone and he would make her the perfect little pet..


    No one ever notices the shy, mousy girl, the quiet bookworm in the back of the class. Glasses and messy buns, sweat pants and baggy shirts. No one noticed girls like that, so that's how she was able to skate through high school unnoticed. Now, she was at North Creek, mostly since it was close to her parents, though it also had the added bonus of low tuition and Mr {Insert name} being the professor for the English class. Vivian was passionate about her writing, and to learn from {Insert Name}... It was a dream come true.
    The mousy girl walked into the class before it was time for it to begin, an overachiever at heart. She sat front row, her red locks piled messily atop her head. Her violet gaze was almost hidden behind her thick glasses. She wore a dark grey sweater, so baggy it was almost like a tent on her. Her black sweat pants were equally as baggy. Notebook open, taking notes throughout the lecture, if anyone did notice her, it would simply be for her writing. The tales she spun on paper were breathtaking, not that anyone would ever guess that they belonged to her. After all, what kind of nerdy woman like her would write stories like her, so scandalous they almost edged into erotica.
    She sat in class day in and day out, noticing that Mr {Insert Name} gave just a little more attention to the woman that damn near bared their bodies before mankind. She never understood woman who went to class like that, in mini skirts and tight shirts. This was a place of higher education! They shouldn't be looking for attention in such a way, they should focus on getting their grades up!
    Vivian was definitely not jealous of those skinny little woman, oh no. On the contrary, she almost pitied them. Her body was voluptuous where theirs was flat. Little would anyone notice under her baggy clothes, she had a pair of natural Double D breasts, a flat tummy, but wide hips that made her ass look amazing. Oh, she knew she had a great body, and when she wasn't at school. she showed it off. It was hilarious to her, when she would run into class mates and they would have no idea who she was. Because, really, who would look at the knock out and see a mousy nerd?

    Daddy Dearest



    He had never been close to his daughter. Hell, he hadnt seen her in 16 years, having left her mother the day after she turned 2. Now, his 18 year old baby girl is coming to live with him while she goes to college. Not an issue, the house was big enough for them both. At least until she stumbles in drunk and half naked one night. What was a simple lecture turned into his cock shoved down her throat. The next morning, she doesnt recall a thing, but he does. And hes going to do everything in his power to make sure he gets to relive that feeling every night.


    Naughty Niece


    --Uncle/Niece-- It was supposed to be a simple task, babysit the niece for the summer while his brother and Sister-in-law were out of the country. It didnt matter to them that his darling little niece was 18, therefore legally able to care for herself. No, his brother had always been overprotective of his only child, spoiling her so bad that the word "Brat" didnt even cover it. But, for a couple hundred thousand, to watch a moody teenager... Now who could turn that down? Only, he didnt expect her to sneak out one night. Fraught with worry, he paced up and down his living room, contemplating calling in a search party when she finally stumbled in, obviously coming down from some kind of high. Furious, not only with her actions, but with how much of her body was revealed in her tiny outfit, he lectured her. But when she kept pushing his buttons, he figured the only way to teach his little niece was to show her exactly what kind of depravity lives in the world. And hey, he had a whole summer to train her.


    Office Toy


    --Boss/Secretary-- He was the CEO of a billion dollar company, spent most of his days in the office, didnt have time for a personal life. When his family finally begged him to hire a personal secretary and assistant, he caved and held interviews for the position. When Arianna Ventrise, a lengthy redhead with curves in all the right places, stumbled into his office, he lost all ability to think. This woman was everything he wanted, mouthy and abbrassive, but he could see the spark in her violet gaze that begged for him to bring her to heel. He offered her the job, triple the offered pay, as long as she promised to never breathe a word of her work to anyone else, and did everything he demanded, no questions asked. The first demand, to strip and show him everything she had to offer...

    A Firm Right Hand


    --CEO right hand man/ CEO's daughter-- He hand been the perfect employee for the past 20 some odd years. He had climbed the corporate ladder until he was the man directly under the top boss. He knew the company like the back of his hand, so it would have seemed like the logical choice for him to ear the CEO chair once boss man retired. But, on the day of his dreamed for promotion, it is announced that the CEO's daughter will be taking over the company. Fresh faced 24 year old college graduate, Arianna knows nothing about running her fathers company, she simply wants the income it will provide. As she starts to act like the brat she is and whine about the amount of work she actually has to do, he comes up with an amazing idea. He will run her company for her, all behind the scenes and never taking the credit. But, in exchange, she has to become his Sexual servant for the next year, giving him pleasure whenever he demands it, however he demands it.

    Unholy Nights


    --Demon/nun-- The rain pours down outside the walls of the old church, the sky dark and menacing. She had been part of the few Nuns sent to clean up the old church, because the priest had decided it was time to start holding morning services there once more. You see, something had happened within these walls centuries ago, and the towns people had refused to set foot inside ever since. The say the walls hold a demonic presence, but that is absurd, no demon could step foot on Holy ground. The other Nuns had left for the night, leaving her alone to clean. As she worked, she felt a shiver run down her spine, as if she was being watched. The demon looked down from the rafters as she cleaned the alter table. Oh yes, it had been some time since he had taken a maiden, and one of such holy status.. He would enjoy ravaging her. ruining her.. She had no idea what was going to happen to her for the next few nights as the storm raged.

    Opener to Plot:  A wind blew through the halls of St. Josephs Abbey, as Bishop Andrews and Mother Superior spoke the the 5 newest Nuns in the congregation. It was as if God himself was trying to warn his daughters of the horrors that would await them in the halls of Cornall Abbey. "Bishop Andrews and I believe this is a great way for you all to get closer to our Heavenly Father, as well as helping the towns people to recognize that the Abbey is still a house of God. One of you will have to stay during the nights, while the others are welcome to return here to St. Josephs for Vespers." Mother Superior said, her voice drawn tight as if expecting an argument. They all knew the rumors of the old Abbey, and in truth, none of the elder Nuns wished to step foot in the building. Sadly, they had little choice, since the Bishop wanted to open it. They could, however, put off going there, by sending the newest. She was shocked when the youngest Nun nodded her head and whispered, "I would be glad to stay the nights in Cornall, Mother Superior, Bishop Andrews."

    The youngest of their superfluity, Vivian was the last person the old nun expected to volunteer. At 19, the girl had seen some of the worst in life, which is what brought her to the hand of God in the first place. When the girl was at the tender age of four, she was found of the steps of St. Andrews, covered in blood belonging to her father. The man, in his depression over losing his wife and second born child not a week earlier, could no longer take it and had committed the ultimate sin. They never knew if he intentionally shot himself in front of the child, or if she had walked in as he pulled the trigger. When questioned by police about why she come to the Abbey, the child smiled and said "He led me here", while pointing at a St. Nicholas.


    As she grew, she stayed part of the church, having been adopted by devote followers who brought their faithful daughter to every sermon and Mass. As the Nuns watched her grow, they could tell she was an old soul. It was as if she could feel things others couldn't, often telling the older priests that she believed the hand of God guided her. And it was for that very reason Mother Superior wondered why Vivian, who was much more attuned with her spirit and that around her, would feel comfortable in such a place.


    Before the Old nun could say anything to the young woman, Bishop Andrews spoke. "Excellent, thank you Sister Vivian, for your unwavering faith in Our Lord and his servants. I trust the Abbey will in tip top shape by months end, with you there 24/7."


    "Months end? Bishop Andrews, that only gives these Sisters 13 days.." Mother Superior gasped.


    "13 days, and nights, with Sister Vivian's willingness to stay. I have no doubt they can handle it. Well, Sisters, your shuttle is awaiting you. Sister Vivian, please go pack a bag. You all will leave as soon as she is packed. The shuttle will come back for those of you returning at 3pm, so you have time enough to return here for Vespers." He said, effectively dismissing the Sisters.


    Sister Vivian rushed to her room, packing a bag with her habits and night clothes. A bible, her prayer beads and the lone picture she still had of her mother and father, quickly followed into the bag. Nuns were not supposed to have worldly possessions, but she highly doubted the Lord would begrudge her keeping one lone little photo.


    She made her way to the shuttle, climbing aboard and trying to ignore the looks of the others. As they started away, Sister Abigail whispered, "How can you be willing to stay there? Do you not know of the rumors surrounding it?"


    "I know them as well as any of you," Vivian started, her violet gaze flickering across them. "But I have faith in our Lord, and I know that no place that was ever graced with his light could truly house evil."


    "Well, you are braver than us. None of us could ever think of spending the nights there, alone." Abigail whispered.


    Vivian simply hummed in acknowledgement, not wanting to make it seem as if she doubted her sisters faith. As they arrived at the old Abbey, all of the woman gasped. "I thought we were the first ones to come here?" Vivian asked.


    "You are.." the driver answered.


    "Then... why is it not overgrown? Has it not been abandoned for decades?"


    "Yes, but nothing has ever grown here. Its as if Mother Nature herself fears the stones." the driver answered as the sisters exited the shuttle. "Most you ladies will be doing it dusting and removing cobwebs. Nothing too hard. Now, I'll be back to pick up those of you heading back at 3pm sharp. Be out here waiting for me." With that, the doors closed and he was off, driving down the road before any of them could answer.


    "Well.. that was a bit.." Abigail began.


    "Harsh, rude, unneeded?" Vivian finished, which made all the woman laugh. Her violet eyes flashed as she looked up at the old Abbey, humming under her breath. "Alright Sisters, you leave me in 4 hours. Lets see what all we need to do and get started before then, yes?"


    They all mumbled in agreement and followed her up the steps and into the Abbey, ignoring the unease they all felt.

    Hired Gun Gone Wrong


    --Assassin/target-- He was a gun for hire, or sometimes a knife, or a baseball bat. It all depended on what his clients wanted. But at the end of the day, he was a paid killer. And he enjoyed his line of work, enjoyed ending people who deserved to die. You see, he never killed innocents. He killed con men, abusers, rapists. It didn't make him any better of a human, but he liked to believe he had standards. So when he got the call to kill a 19 year old woman, he found himself scaring his head. What could she have done to end up on his list? Turned out she was just a party girl bringing down step-mommy's image. And step-mom wanted the young woman gone so she would inherit the husbands fortune. Normally, this would be something he just ignore, but he had gotten a good look at the young woman in his scope. Her lush figure made him hard almost instantly, and when she had bent over to fix her shoe, he just about came in his pants at the sight of her ass in that tiny dress. So, he made a plan. He wouldn't kill the girl, but he'd make sure she was out of step-moms hair. And, he would get to play with that lovely body of hers.

    As Sir Pleases


    --Master/slave-- In the middle of the night, she was pulled from her bed. It was too dark in her room to see who grabbed her, but she could feel 3 different sets of hands on her. She screamed, hoping to wake her roommate, when pain exploded in her head and the world went blank. When she came to, she was bound, gagged, and naked before a mysterious man, claiming to be her new owner. Who knew this is what she would wake up to on her 21st birthday? No way in hell was she going down without a fight. Would he be able to break his new pet?

    In The Name of Peace


    --Rival Prince/ Princess-- Blood soaked lands, the air was filled with the constant clash of swords and the cries of innocents as they are slayed by the enemy. Soldiers fight with mindless blood lust. Children become orphans, and then slaughtered. It is all two countries have ever known. Arsia and Rihona have been at war for longer then anyone can recall, have been fighting so long that they no longer remember the reason the war started. Now, they simply fight because its all they know, and to avenge their fallen. The kingdoms are tired of warring, and wish to simply reconcile and be at peace. No more bloodshed. No more wondering if their kingdom will be left without an heir. They can not achieve this peace alone, so the monarchy of both kingdoms travel to Evaria, a neutral land, whose rule has outlived both of their kingdoms. The elder monarchy declare, the only way for the war to stop is to bind together the kingdoms. Marriage must form from the prince of Arsia and princess of Rihona. Will these young royals be able to put aside hatred and marry for peace? Will they wish the war to rage on? Or, could they possibly find love in this strange arrangement? What would you do in the Name of Peace?

    Unjust Justice


    --Cop/thief-- He has been on the force for a decade or two, has seen the worse of the worse get off the hook because someone fucked up, or got paid off. He was so tired of doing good, and so, one night, when he caught a woman trying to break into the back of a boutique, he took justice into his own hands. He would teach her not to steal from people. Tossing her into the back of his car, he takes her to an abandoned building, cuffing her a pole and teasing her until she swears to reform her ways. And then fucking her until the sun rises. He enjoyed it so much, that now thats what he does. Every night, he finds a new woman and fucks them until they swear to stop whatever it was he caught them doing.


    The Auction House: 


    --Shape-shifter {Or other creature}/ human pet--

    Creatures of the night were always around us, hidden beneath the veneer of society. They hid because humans outnumbered them, and had the weapons to destroy them. But, as the humans evolved, they started to destroy one another in wars. The first two World Wars never lowered the human’s numbers enough to tip the scales in their favor. In the year 2023, after the 3rd World War, that changed. The humans had slaughtered themselves to near extinction, and the Creatures of the night took their rightful place on top. The captured humans, made slaves of them, and bred them into pets. Four generations after the takeover, there were still pockets of resistance, but the majority of humanity were pets to Vampires, Werewolves, Shifters, and other creatures of the night.
    Now, Humans were sold in Auction houses. You had ones that were a dime a dozen, humans bred into pethood, pure-breds they call them. You have the Half-breeds, ones who were born of mixed lineage, human and creature. And then you had the Ferals, the humans who had been caught, who weren’t broken yet. Those were the rarest, and most coveted.
    He goes into the auction house, not expecting to really find what he wants. He likes his pets with… more, an elusive something he couldn't seem to find in the pure-breeds. As he wandered the slave floor, a whisper began to drift through the crowd. [i]A new addition, just brought in. A Feral, up for bid.[/i] A Feral?! The last one caught was more than a decade ago, He was determined to outbid his competition. When he got to the auction room, his breath was taken away. There on the stage, shackled, kicking and lashing out at her captures, was the most attractive human he had ever seen. With fiery red curls and flaming violet eyes, she was beauty incarnate, made more so by the look of rage twisting her red lips into a snarl. That was it, the something missing, the something [i]more[/i] he had been searching for. He wanted that girl, wanted to temper that fire, wanted to break her of her rage. He absolutely salavated with the desire for it. As his eyes dragged up and down her body, he called out the final bid, a smile curving his lips as she became irrevocably his. He couldn't wait to collar her. 




    --Boss/stripper--No real plot

    --Pimp/hooker-- No real plot

    --Mob boss/rival bosses daughter-- No real plot

    --Human/fairy--No real plot


    --Demon/demon hunter-- No real plot

    --Demon/Angel-- No real plot

    --Human/Neko Slave-- No real plot

    Any Questions, please feel Free to Message me!


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