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  • (Closed) [GM 4 Any] "Hellooooo...? Is anybody theeeeere...?"

    Well that's a peculiar title!

    So, what's this all about?

    Have you ever stumbled across the phrase "Magically Appearing Furniture Brand Furniture™" and wondered what it means? Or, do you already know what it means, and wonder why I bring it up?

    Long story short, Magically Appearing Furniture Brand Furniture™ is just when someone roleplays a couch into existence, but given a canon presence. Some kind of magical force delivers a comfy chair right to your ass just before you drop far enough that your center of mass shifts you into a hard thud on the ground or floor.

    That doesn't explain anything, Beezechorgar!

    Shush, let me cook bro, I'm getting to that.

    So, you know the world in SpongeBob SquarePants that's a white void, and when Squidward says "Alone!" it conjures up physical words in the atmosphere?

    Well, think of a plane of existence similar to that.

    I still don't follow...

    You start off in a blank, white void. If you're like me, one of your first thoughts is how damn blinding it all is. Within an instant, you're suddenly in the midst of a starry space scene. No planets in sight, no sun or moon anywhere to be found, and yet, it already feels a little more homey.

    What are you--?

    Shut! This is already getting too meta!


    Anyways... You do come to realize, given time, that this world you're in, at least to some degree, has to have some level of sapience, as it understands your requests the exact instant you vocalize them, and begins bringing them into reality as soon as possible.

    In this case, it's not just that the world is your oyster, but seemingly an entire universe is, as it seems to bend to your every whim, giving you just about anything you could possibly want.

    This world can even conjure up people for you, but they're based almost exclusively on your own memory.

    Where will you go with this knowledge? What will you do here? Are there others here who are trapped like you are? Are you really trapped, or are all the folks back home the ones who are really in a cage?

    Wait... Isn't this just Rose Quartz's room from Steven Universe?

    If you want to dumb it down to the absolute bare basics and get rid of a lot of the nuances I have planned, then yes, on the most fundamental level, it does share a fair few similarities with Rose's room.

    But I have a lot of stuff in store, and I've done this plot before! People have found love, people have found ways to communicate with the universe, people have even escaped the universal trap! What will you do?!


    This post has a fair few differences from my other ads thus far, and the concept is a unique one that I expect many people may not want to do, as it's a story-first and story-focused play on a site primarily geared towards smut. Regardless, I recently found some old design docs that reawakened my inspiration for this plot, so I wanted to give it another go. Please tell me if you like this, and give feedback to the post as well~!


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