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  • I am totally new to this! Hope I'm doing this right, I've had lots of nice people message me about RPs, but I'm looking for some specific ideas. I want like...something real? What I mean by that is that it's human and very comfy? So we just got out of Cuffing season, and as someone who was brutally single during it, I would love to go back and kinda reimagine all of it with a S/O! If you'd like to kind of play that out with me I'd be so thankful. This is a two piece prompt because I also have some kinks I really like and if anyone just wants to engage with any of these that'd be awesome. 

    So for the real sex side of things, I would love to just fuck, can be boyfriend, hookup app, quicky link, friends with benefits, step brother/step dad, I don't really care. But I'd like to just have very realistic over text sex. So like, sweat, awkward moments, stopping because we're out of breath, pausing to shuffle into a new position, accidently bearing down on my hair, using too much teeth, accidental orgasm, failing to orgasm, broken condoms, like just, totally normal stuff. It doesn't have to be super affectionate, and doesn't have to do with the other side of this which is the comfy cuffing link stuff. If you wanna do both I'm totally down, but not necessary. 

    On the side of cuffing, I just want to play out being in a relationship during the holidays, can be affectionate, kinda sweet, it's whatever. 

    I am also way kinkier than this! But this was just what I'm looking for, why I made the account. Anyway! Lemme know if you're interested, byyeeee ✌️

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    TIL what cuffing season is

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