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  • Conversation with a Predator [M4F]

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    Times available to play: Some in the morning/afternoon, and after 8 or 9pm CST

    I'm sure most women on the internet have experienced this at some point... you get plenty of creepers openly asking for lewd photos of you, you deal with plenty of really dumb pickup lines. Every now and then, though, you come in contact with someone who's far more dangerous.

    As you talk to him, he makes no secret of what dark desires he harbors. He's filled with confidence, not the sort of bluster that all those other perverts had though, where their desperation and lack of self esteem would quickly reveal itself... he has true confidence, and patience. Despite knowing how dangerous this man is, you find yourself drawn to him... perhaps sharing your own dark desires, and in turn, starting to share in his... well aware that there's only darkness where this man is leading you. Unfortunately, he's just charming enough that the sensible part of you, the part of you that knows she should run away, can never quite make her voice heard before it's far too late.

    Of course, in reality most everyone has the sense to preserve their own life. But... what if you hadn't? What if you had succumbed when you met that person, what might your life be like now?

    Format, Expectations
    These are prompts for those that have experienced that sort of thrill. All roleplays within are done in an unusual format... they will be played as if our characters are just chatting over the internet. If any "traditional" roleplay format took place, it'd likely be right at the end. Given the format, where it will be entirely dialogue between our characters... I am looking for someone that can contribute somewhat regularly. Life happens and things get chaotic, I'm more than happy to be patient for that... hell, life will probably come for me at a few points. But under ideal circumstances, you should be able to contribute multiple times a week, if not every day. Life happens though, and circumstances change, and I'll never give anyone grief for that.


    Ranked according to interest, more plus signs means more interest.
    Body Modification+++++
    Mind control+++
    Orgasm control+++
    Dress control++

    I could see myself including elements of transformation, though given the format it might be awkward... however, if including that would add much for you, I'm sure we can figure something out.


    1. I'm a violent sex offender and murderer, locked up for what might as well be a life term. Given the low use of letters in the modern day and age, they allow prisoners to sign up for messaging with anyone who might want to contact us. Most of the messages I've received have been, understandably, family of the victims wanting to curse me out... random people wanting to tell me what a monster I am. Then you reach out... you're horrified, but some part of you is curious as to what could make someone do the things I've done, what drove me. You're fascinated with figuring people out, what makes them tick, but you're unprepared for how manipulative and charismatic I can be... how I can slowly warp your own perception of women and in turn, yourself.

    2. You're a recently widowed mother, suddenly left without any support... financial or otherwise. When you're not struggling to find work that pays well enough, or wrangling your kids, you hop on chat rooms just to get some escape. Most of the people you talk with are either bland and completely uninteresting, or dimwitted perverts that ask you your bra size before they even ask how you're doing. That's when you meet *him*, though... he patiently listens to all your problems, even asks you questions about your life, your kids... he seems genuinely interested in your life. As time goes on though, his questions get more and more personal... more intimate. Not just about you either, but your kids too. This man is your only escape from the stressful reality you lead, though, and despite how worrying his questions can be, you find yourself charmed by him, somehow... if only you knew what fate he may have in store for you and your kids, you might have got out before it was too late...

    3. You're a teen girl, intelligent but ostracized by your peers... even your siblings think you're sort of hard to get along with. You find much of your refuge on the internet where you can be whoever you want to be. You spend most of your time chatting with other teenagers, but an older man contacts you out of the blue. Your instincts tell you to run right the hell away, but your low self confidence makes you stay... after all, you're not good at socializing with other people your age but maybe someone older might get you. If anything, though, he understands you far too well... enough that he knows just what buttons to push, and how to manipulate you into ruining your own life in depraved ways.

    NOTE: A bit burnt out having a teenager as the victim. Open to discussing this, but I'd need there to be other unique aspects.

    4. The most immersive option... simply playing yourself. Or an approximation of yourself, with adjustments made as needed for privacy. If we did this one, I would want it to be slow going... things only moving forward when you think it's reasonable you might actually be convinced on something.

    Of course, if you have other ideas in that sort of vein, I'd love to hear them.

    Heavy preference for Discord.

    PM me if these ideas struck a note with you.

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