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  • (This is roleplay is loosely based on the anime/manga "Dress up my darling", however the only thing I'm using from it is teens/adults cosplaying-- I fully intend on having sex with whoever I do this with, and I would love it if we could tease each other with our outfits. We can take it anywhere you like it, as long as we have fun and we can get laid eventually... I'm happy. I have no problem playing male or female, although I would really like to be the male if the girl is good at teasing. If not, I'll gladly take over and I'll do my best to add in your kinks.---Wink. I'll put an example of something I'd be looking forward.)

      Out on the street walking home from school, Noah would be talking with some guys from school. Talking about their day, and what they were into, as people went home they would slap hands and make plans to meet again on a later date. Making the rest of the trip home by himself, Noah would think of the things he would try to get into once he got home. 

      "Hm. You know, I kinda watched everything in my 'watch list', I wonder if I should start looking into the mangas. I swear the good stuff never last long enough. That and I have no idea where, 'Sword art online' is headed." He'd mumble, he then noticed he was already home before he could come up with anything. After entering his home and locking up, he'd head upstairs to get ready for the night. "I'm home." He'd shout, as he headed to his room. The sound of his parents playing around could be heard from the hallway. 

     "Welcome back son." His dad would shout, his mother giggling.

    "Foods in the kitchen honey." His mom would mutter as he again heard the sounds of beginning of love making. 

    "Yea, thanks." He then headed into his room, placing his headsets on his head before heading to the computer to search for something to watch while listening to music. "'Uzaki wants to play?' what kind of anime is that?" He'd ask himself as he decided to check it out. "Aw man, I love things like this." He'd say, sitting down at the computer to binge it.

    [Hours later]

      "Oh man, I'm almost done. What time is it?" He then looked at the time on the computer as he thought he seen light. Turning his head toward the window, seeing the light in the sky, "Aw dag, damn it all... I have a few hours until school. I'm going to stop here." He'd say as he'd race to turn everything off, and head to bed. In the middle of trying to put his things away he heard the scuffling around his room. "Shit." He'd mumble as he'd hop in bed and pretend to be sleeping. 


    Dad: "Noah?... I must have imagined it." He'd say, closing the door back and heading to bed.

    Noah: "That was close." He'd say as he would then finish taking off his clothes and hoping into bed.

    [2 Hours later]



    Noah: "I swear I hate everything." He'd mumble as he would just look at the clock. Working his way out of bed, he would groan as he got ready.

    [School bell chimes]

      Sitting at his desk, Noah looked miserable. Eyes blackened, his head barely done, and he appeared as though he could fall right to sleep. While laying on his desk, people would pass by barely paying him any mind. 

    Mika: "Keiko... What's going on with Noah?" She'd ask out of concern.

    Keiko: "Hehe. I just got here same as you, you really think I know?" He'd say, looking to her with a sly look. "Why not ask him?"

    Mika: "What? Why can't you? Your friends with him." 

    Keiko: "Well, because you're the one that cares. Class is about to start, I don't have time to talk about it right now. So either ask now, or wait until lunch."

    Mika: "You're so mean." She'd say, pouting toward him.

    [Teacher comes in and give a lecture and ask the class to take notes-- speaks on their homework that they should be doing tonight. While he teaches Mika watches Noah through out class until they reach lunch time]

    Keiko: "Well?"

    Mika: "Stop messing with me, I'll ask him when I'm ready."

    Keiko: "Scared?" He'd tease.

    Mika: "No."

    Sheila: "You are, all last year you've been watching him. If you don't make a move someone is going to take the chance away from you. There are many girls into him."

    Mika: "Right. Wait. I didn't say I liked him." 

    Sheila: "So---it's not like it isn't obvious to everyone else."

    Mika: [Blushes]

    Keiko: "Hehe. That's true."

    Mika: "Fine."

       Walking over to Noah's desk, she would kneel down to look him in the face seeing he was out. Right no, he seemed so tired which was unlike him. Pushing her hair behind her left ear she would reach out and touch his hair, stroking it. "Noah?".

    Noah: "Hm."

    Mika: "Hey, you've been sleeping all class. You okay?"

    Noah: "Oh yea, just didn't get a lot of sleep. I got caught up watching some anime. Oh, don't tell no one that though. It's pretty you know, lame."

    Mika: "I didn't realize you had a thing for that. You don't ever talk about it."

    Noah: "I do, on the way home with the guys sometimes. We share our watch list sometimes."

    Mika: "Well I like anime too, what are you watching?" She'd say smiling. 

    Noah: "Oh, 'Uzaki wants to play'... Or something like that." He'd say yawning.

    Mika: "Oh, that one is pretty cute. I'm a little surprised that you watch that."

    Noah: "Why? Something wrong with that?" 

    Mika: "Not really."

    Noah: "Good. Thanks for waking me. What did I miss?"

    Mika: "Notes. If you want you can copy mines, it was a good bit though." 

    Noah: "Oh well thanks. Breaks almost over though right, so... how about after class?"

    Mika: "Sure."

       As the students wait for lunch to end they return to the their seats, when the teacher enters the room again Noah pulls out his things to try to keep up for the rest of class. Keiko and Shelia smile toward each other.

    [Bell chimes]

    Keiko: "Hey man, you good. It seems Mika helped you out."

    Noah: "Yea, she's great. Actually she's going to give me her notes to copy from the first part of the day." 

    Keiko: "Oh, then why not meet somewhere and do that. Like your house or something?"

    Noah: "Yeah, I suppose I could."

    Keiko: "Good. See ya tomorrow."

    Noah: "Alright sounds good."

       Leaving school grounds Noah would look around for Mika. When he spotted her, he'd start of in her direction when he'd crowded by girls. "Noah, spend time with me today. My parents aren't home we could watch movies.", "No, go to a mixer with me.", "What about me? You said you'd help me train in basketball." 

      "Ladies...Ladies. I'm sorry but I already have plans. Sorry maybe another time, this is important. It's for class. You don't want me to fail right?" He then would rub on their heads as he continued to Mika. 

    Mika: "Is it always like that?"

    Noah: "Sometimes. Anyway let's go before more come. It's hard turning everyone down." He'd say, taking her hand in his as he would head to his house. 

    Mika: "Eh?.. Where are we going?" 

    Noah: "My house."


      Entering his house with her, Noah would invite her in closing the door behind her. Once he closed the door he would take off his things as he went to the living room and pulled out his paperwork.

    Noah: "Alright, want to sit next to me."l

    Mika: "Okay. Thanks for having me."

    Noah: "Of course, thanks for helping me." He would say, smiling toward her.

      As she gave him her notes to copy down she would look around the house, looking at family pics and stuff. 

    Mika: "Is your family home?"

    Noah: "Not today, they have work."

    Mika: "So it's just us two?"

    Noah: "Yeah. Don't worry though, I won't do anything." He'd admit.

    Mika: "Noah." She'd say in surprise blushing.

    Noah: "What? I just didn't want you to worry, I mean most girls would right?" He'd ask.

    Mika: "Still. It's embarrassing."

    Noah: "Right, sorry. I'm nearly done, I feel bad making you come out here for this and I'm nearly done. Do you want to hang out or something?"

    Mika: "Oh, alright. What do you do here?"

    Noah: "All kinds of things. Well not really, I play the game, watch anime.... random stuff when I'm in the mood." 

    Mika: "Right, so what about anime? I'd watch some with you."

    Noah: "You sure?"

    Mika: "Yea. What kind of things do you watch?"

    Noah: "All types. Take your pick."

    Mika: "'All' kinds?"

    Noah: "Yea."

    Mika: "Even... the adult stuff."

    Noah: "Bold of you to ask, but yea. Why? You're not offering to watch some with me are you?"

    Mika: "Of course not, just wondering if it was any good."

    Noah: "Well they have some for everything, so depends on you. Anyway, I'm watching the show I was talking about... but I can watch it from the beginning with you."

    Mika: "What's it like?"

    Noah: "Slice of life, it can be a little on the ecchi side, but very little. Nothing I would call mature." He'd admit.

    Mika: "Sure I'd watch some."

    Noah: "Sweet." He'd say smiling.


       When he finished his work, they would watch a few episodes together on the couch; it didn't take long before they were laughing at their relationship, and hoping for them to get together.

    Mika: "She totally loves him."

    Noah: "Right."

       While watching the show Noah would completely relax, leaning into the back of the couch with his hands behind his head---his legs stretched out with his right knee shacking.

    Mika: "You seem really into this."

    Noah: "These are my favorite types of anime, I'm always hoping they get together. The sad part about animes like this, they often end before they even get together. That's when you have to read them." He'd say as he looked to her, her eyes seemingly forced on his legs. "Sorry is my movement distracting? Keiko tells me about it all the time, I can't help it. It just means I'm relaxing."

      As he comments on her watching his legs she would blush turning red, "Oh no, it's no problem. I was just wondering if you were agitated about something." She'd say, stuttering as though she was caught doing something wrong.

    Noah: "No. I'm not. I'll try to stop." He'd say as he would rub his head in embarrassment.

    Mika: "(I got lucky, what if he noticed me looking at him?)" She thought, he eyes bent on watching the fold on his crotch, unable to keep from thinking about lewd things while alone with him.

    Noah: "How much are you into anime? Do you like go to conventions or do you cosplay at all?" He'd ask.

    Mika: "No, not in the slightes. The most I do is watch them."

    Noah: "I was thinking of going to a convention with some friends, I really would like to meet my dream characters in real life." He'd say, as he pulled his phone out and started looking for places to go to. "See look at this." He'd then move over to her, showing her pictures of those cosplaying and their outfits.

    Mika: "Woah, I wonder how much that all cost?"

    Noah: "Probably a pretty penny. If I went I would go as something I could pull off like Ren Kenshin." He'd mention.

    Mika: "If I went who would you make me?"

    Noah: "Give me a minute.... Um.... If I could choose anyone. Maybe the girl from the anime about cosplaying, 'Shizuku'. I think the outfit would look hot on you. Realistically though... I'd choose 'Asuna' from 'Sword are online'."

    Mika: "That would be really cool."

    Noah: "Yea, I could totally see you with a sword. On top of that I could go as 'Kirito'." He'd say, thinking about his outfit and which one he'd wear.

    Mika: "[Blushes] Maybe we should try it one day, that could be fun."

    Noah: "Maybe".


    Parents: "We're back".

    Noah: "Hey there, took you long enough."

    Mika: "Ahh."

    Dad: "Oh we have a guest."

    Mom: "Noa... she's cute. Is this the girlfriend?"

    Noah: "Eh no. I'm not dating anyone, she helped with my homework. This is Mika, one of my best friends."

    Mika: "Hello."

    Mom: "Looks like you were having fun. So, what were you up to?"

    Noah: "Nothing. Just watching some anime."

    Dad: "Was that really it?"

    Noah: "Come on, of course. This is her first time here, like I would do something inappropriate." He would say getting up from the couch.

    Mom: "Come on honey, don't tease him in front of his guess. Anyway, it's getting late. Why not walk her home?"

    Noah: "Right. You ready?"

    Mika: "Yea."


       Heading out together, the sun was starting to set and looked beautiful from where they were. "Sorry about that. I never bring people home, so they automatically are thinking I only did for that purpose." He would mention.

    Mika: "No, its expected. We're in high school and we were there alone together. My parents are scared about that too."

    Noah: "I bet. This was fun, we should hung out more."

    Mika: "I have an idea. I'll tell you about it tomorrow."

    Noah: "Sure."

       When they got to her house, Noah would wave her off and then head back home. Once he arrived he was corner by his parents, they wanted to know everything about her. "Stop it guys, she's just a friend. I swear it's nothing else." He'd say returning to his room. Once he looked up a book he was reading he would completely tune into what he was reading.

    Noah: "Oh man, she takes him to a 'love' hotel. The guts on this girl. The poor guy is always having a hard time holding back, not that I blame him. I would probably be the same if a girl was so open with me." He'd say, as he got up to lock his door.


    Dad: [Knock-Knock] "Son, what did we say about locked doors?"

    Noah: "Oh right. I'm coming pops." He would say, as he unlocked it.

    Dad: "Starting to lock doors around here, huh?"

    Noah: "I guess."

    Dad: "Alright, I'll talk to your mother. I suppose a little privacy is fine. However, no locking this door with anyone inside. Got that?"

    Noah: "Right. I know-- you'd kill me."

    Dad: "Oh yea. I remember what it's like, and just because you're growing up I don't want you to think it's okay to just do what you want. If you get to a place where you want to really start chasing skirts, we'll talk."

    Noah: "There's no need. We talked about that at school. I know how to protect myself, and I know not to do anything in the house."

    Dad: "If only knowing was enough. On your next day off we're going out, until then... Keep it in check."

    Noah: "I'm not doing anything."

    [Closes the door]

      "One girl comes over, and they think I'm dicking everyone down. Dag, if I would of known that we would have went to her house." He would say, as he headed to his bed to rest.


    [Next day in school]

       "Hey look it's Noah." Some random girls would say as they looked toward him. As he entered the class he would head back to his seat-- while passing Mika's desk he would mumble. "I need to talk to you." He would then would sit at his desk and exchange eye contact with her.

    [Lunch period]

    Mika: "Hey, what's up?"

    Noah: "Sorry for coming off strange, I was just wondering if I caused you any trouble last night?"

    Mika: "Not really why?"

    Noah: "Nothing really, I just figured maybe your parents ripped you another butt hole from me walking you home."

    Mika: "No, why?"

    Noah: "My parents think we did something, and got on my case pretty bad."

    Mika: "Oh yea, like what?"

    Noah: "You know what I mean."

    Mika: "No. Not really."

    Noah: "Nevermind then. Anyway, I was just checking up on you. I'm glad they didn't cut into you all crazy like." 

    Mika: "Why did they think that of us? We were only watching movies."

    Noah: "Because you're so cute. On top of that, my parents really think I'm a perv apparently."

    Mika: "A pev? Are you?"

    Noah: "Not to the extent their thinking, they made it sound as though I was handling business on the couch. Well now that I think about it, I can't blame them."

    Mika: "What? What does that mean?"

    Noah: "It means we had the opportunity. If we were like that, I could of had you right there. With more then enough time to....well, I'm sure you can imagine."

    Mika: "Anyway, sorry. I didn't think they would act that way, oh and thanks."

    Noah: "It's fine. You are really cute, I would be worried about my son too--being alone with you. Although, it's kind of disheartening. Not even a little faith, do I really seem like such a problem?"

    Mika: "Hehe. You have that 'player' feel about you."

    Noah: "You too?"

    Mika: "You were talking about adult shows."

    Noah: "Hey, you asked. I just answered."

    Mika: "Why aren't eating right now?"

    Noah: "It'll mess up my body if I eat just anything."

    Mika: "What? You say that like you're a model..."

    Noah: "Not even, I just like how I look." He'd say looking to her while sitting back in his chair.

    Keiko: "What are you two talking about?"

    Noah: "My body."

    Keiko: "Umm... Should I leave?"

    Mika: "See, don't say things like that."

    Noah: "But we were. It's not a problem, you make it sound so dirty. It was pure. Why is everyone doubtful that I can be pure?"

    Keiko: "You're a chick--magnet. Girls are probably dropping their skirts for you all the time, I would go into better detail... but you know. You're here."

    Mika: "What's that mean?"

    Noah: "He's trying not to be...explicit."

    Mika: "There you go, everything about how you move and talk is lewd."

    Noah: "It's not me."

    Keiko: "Told you. It's because your a chick-magnet. It's easy to imagine what you go through, even when their wrong they can't help thinking dirty thoughts when they see you." --Laughs. "I know what you're like and even I can't help thinking crazy like. Girls calling you're name, and hoping you'd pick them for your next target."

    Noah: "No way."

    Keiko: "They can't help it, they think you're experienced."

    Mika: "Wait. Are you?"

    Noah: "Isn't that personal? Should I ask you that?" He'd tease. "I'll answer truthfully if you do."

    Mika: "Sure. I'm not."

    Noah: "Yea, I figured. You're guard was way down when we were together, not that I thought I could make moves on you. However you seemed to trust me... well without trying to give me anything."

    Mika: "What does that mean?"

    Noah: "You weren't trying to tempt me. I mean if you were into that type of stuff, I feel like you would of... Even if I'm not those girls type, there are plenty of times when I can tell they want me to try something."

    Mika: "Oh, I see."

    Noah: "I don't though, it's not good when it's too easy." He'd mumble.

    Keiko: "Heh. Said it like a flower picker."

    Noah: "Don't say that."

    Mika: "Lunch is almost over, I'm eating something tomorrow. Oh by the way, does that mean we can't hang out?"

    Noah: "No, we can. I just wanted to see what life was looking like for you. I can handle my parents. I can't let them get in the way of my fun, right?"

    Mika: "Great, so come by the gym today after school. Just bring you though."

    Noah: "Oh, okay."


    [After school]

    Keiko: "Hey we hangin out today?"

    Noah: "Nah, not today. Soon though."

    Keiko: "Seeing girly?"

    Noah: "Sorry man, I don't know if I can say. Later though."


    Noah: "I forgot to ask her where she would be at." He would say entering the basketball area. "I'm here." He'd mumble.

    Mika: "Boo!" She'd shout, jumping out from seemingly no-where.

    Noah: "What are you doing? I could off knocked you out on accident."

    Mika: "Sorry, I didn't think about that?"

    Noah: "What are you wearing?"

    Mika: "Can't you tell? Cosplay, I'm Kagome."

    Noah: "I can tell, but how did you get it?"

    Mika: "It's a secret. I was wondering, do you want to be my 'Inuyasha'?"

    Noah: "I can't. I don't have the outfit."

    Mika: "What if I could get it?"

    Noah: "Really? Sure."

    Mika: "I thought you might like this."

    Noah: "Well strike some poses for me Priestess."

    Mika: "Just this once."

        Getting on the basketball floor she would make all kinds of poses, some on all fours, some with her back against the wall, some that seemed a little suggestive.

    Noah: "You're pretty good. If only I had my camera." He would mention, as he would take fake pics by putting his fingers together to resemble a frame.

       As she turned away from him to pose, her skirt would reveal her panties to him. "(Her skirt, it's really short. I can see her panties.)" He thought.

    Mika: "What do think?"

    Noah: "Pretty hot. Is the skirt that little on purpose?"

    Mika: "What do you mean?"

    Noah: "Heh. I can see your panties. Black's good on you, makes you feel a little naughty."

    Mika: "Don't look, pervert."

    Noah: "Haha. You asked me too. I won't tell, I promise. After all if I did, this wouldn't just be our thing. Right?" He'd ask.

    Mika: "Our thing?"

    Noah: "What, you want to include people?"

    Mika: "No. This is embarrassing."

    Noah: "No, don't be. You look amazing, even without cosplay. I doubt there much you could look bad, now all I have to do is put you in a bunny suit." He'd tease.

    Mika: "You want to see my body?"

    Noah: "Of course, if you're willing to show me that is. Come on--get up. I'll help you." He'd say, taking her hand and pulling her in close.

    Mika: "[Blushes] You pulled on me too hard."

    Noah: "Well I wasn't expecting you to be so light." He'd state, looking into her eyes.

    Mika: "What do you mean? Of course I'm light." She'd say, quickly going from shy to angry.

    Noah: "Hm." Holding her close, he'd stare at her lips. Her breast pressed firmly against his chest, as he'd look into her eyes. "You're quite comfy."

    Mika: "What? Put me down."

    Noah: "As requested. Go change, I'll walk you home."

    Mika: "Okay, thank Noa." She'd then smile as she went to take off her clothes.

    Noah: "[Blushes] (Her breast were so soft, and her lips were like... begging for me to kiss them.)" He thought, thinking about the feeling of her in his arms.

    Mika: "Here I come."

    Noah: "Great."

    [Walking home]

    Noah: "Do you have anymore outfits? I want to see you try on more."

    Mika: "Are you being a perv?"

    Noah: "I didn't say you had to wear anything sexy, or anything take off your clothes in front of me. I just want to see you become some hot girls from some anime. Or nice looking boys."

    Mika: "You go both ways."

    Noah: "That's not funny. I mean, how could it be anything but hot when I know what's underneath the make up and the clothes." While walking he watches her rear shake in her mini-skirt, while he behind fills up all the crevices. "(Has her ass always been so plump, guess I never noticed all her curves. How is it no one is asking her out?)" He thought, his dick hardening by the thought of her without he skirt. "What am I thinking about?"

    Mika: "Why are you so behind?"

    Noah: "Oh, sorry. I was watching you walk, trying to figure out who you would look good as."

    Mika: "Oh, who then?"

    Noah: "I don't know. You're super curvy Mika, there's no one you could straight up be. With your big chest, and plump behind... you'd either make the girls I watch look like matured versions of themselves, or make them look like little girls."

    Mika: "Stop it, you watch hentai."

    Noah: "I wasn't comparing you to any of them? I mean, would you really agree to be someone that people get themselves going to?" He asked.

    Mika: "Why'd you put it like that?"

    Noah: "Well, you don't think people watch it for the story right? Females too, we watch to get hot and bothered and then put out the flames."

    Mika: "Looks like we're here."

    Noah: "That was super quick."

    Mika: "Right, later Noah."

       As she waved him off she would be blushing thinking about him.

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