About me: I'm one week new to GP, but have almost two decades of Roleplaying experience. Now, while you'll find smutty, erotic, naughty, raunchy...all sorts of that here it's not all I'll play. I f you need bodies for a scene you'd like to try of a genre other than 'Adult", I've a background in Larping, DnD, Pathfinder and World of Darkness (My favorite!) I am an adult woman, conscious and capable of entertaining any type of conversation without being offended. So please, don't worry about censoring yourself with me!
1) I'm a 3D style roleplayer, Depth, Description, detail. I don't enjoy one liners or short posts. Especially in a forum as the medium. If you can only respond once or twice a week, and it's a sentance or two you've probably lost me as a partner.
2) Contribute to the scene, setting, interaction. Please, please feel free to add to the atmosphere and surroundings...if we're outside, make it rain if you want. If we're in my characters room, and you think the wallpaper is yellow, make it yellow. IF we're in an alley and you can smell a mildewed, rotting couch, say it please. We should both add to it. More to that, if you slap my characters ass, and think it makes i t wiggle so much it's gonna pop out of her skirt, that's fine too. Say it! I'm going ot show you what I see, you show me what you see!
3) The use of "i/My" When discussing an Rp, characters if I refer to myself via I, or My, like..."Are you gonna spank me" I am referring to the character. To help me with immersion, I don't speak from character perspective until a scene starts, at which point I don't break it. So no, I'm not asking YOU to spank ME lol.
4) Communicate, just, drop a message or something if it's going to be a while before we can continue. Also, I have a variety of mediums I can be reached on to bring my attention here. YiM, AiM, Googlehangouts, and Discord. I prefer to discuss via a messenger, but as per the rules, the play stays here after we discuss a set up.
5) Pretty please, if you like an idea and want to play it, PM, don't just post here Oh and when you do PM me, let me now like..which idea(s), what about them and how you see your role within them.
6) Finally, if we play together it's something we do together. So if there are some twists, teaks or turns you'd like to add of remove, feel free to address it with me.
I play the bottom, sub, prey, victim, damsel, doomed heroine, etc. At least for my ideas, I might be tempted to do otherwise for something a partner wanted to play or in a few of the idea's presented as the story might dictate. I prefer playing female, but can sometimes do other genders. I've not a problem with any race or humanoid species. I prefer Modern Fantasy as my timeline, though straight modern and Sci fi are my next favorite.
For these ideas, I'll be playing females so...
FxMale (Where applicable)
FutaxFuta (Where applicable)
THE OCCULTISTS DINNER PARTY: (Modern/Supernatural/Dark)(Creature/Futa)
My character attends a wealthy extravagant socialite's dinner party. It's a formal affair. They are donating several items from a find to the city museum. My character has heard rumors all night though of something more 'unusual' in the basement vault. Upon investigating, it's a creature...bound none too securely to the wall. This creature (Futa, Monster, etc) is very well hung. Now being a little bit of a tease and a thrill seeker, my character teases the creature. This gives the beast reason to get worked up, and the frustration and strength to break free...where my character is then taken. It could go on until everyone departs and into the night, the creature could escape and take my character with them, or the other guests could find it, while happening, enjoy the show and seal my protesting character in with the creature. I am oh so very open to multiple endings!
THE POSSESSED PAINTING AND HELLISH HOME: (Dark/Supernatural/Horror)/(Creature/Futa)
My character receives a mysterious letter regarding part of an estate she's inherited from a twice removed grandmother, the matron of a branch of the family no one ever talked about. It seems she's inherited an old Victorian home in the middle of a long abandoned stretch of forest in northern Maine. The house is famous for a rash of disappearances all the way back from the 1850's. Upon investigating, she discovers battered, antiqued old furniture, a place in general disrepair. All save one painting hanging in the top floor. A pair of ghoulish (Creatures, women, etc) take up the painting. It looks well cared for and preserved. The foreground is dominated by the creatures, things right out a Poe or Lovecraftian nightmare....and the background is set to a long hallway, not too dissimilar to the hall leading up to this room. Torn, by freaky events and interest as well as some ominous references in diaries, she investigates the painting at "Twelve past twelve of the Witching hour." The reason for the disappearances is made clear then as the creatures slither form the painting to help themselves to our doomed little heroine, before she is dragged back into the painting with them...one of the rooms in the hallway behind them set aside especially for her. Know one ever knows what happened to her, other than upon inspection the house looks much better. Figuring she paid to fix it then left it....it just goes back on the market.
BLIND DATE GONE WRONG: (Rough/Kinky/Modern-Modern Fantasy) (-open preference-)
It begins with the obvious from the title premise of at least a partial "Blind date" a few choice for you to choose from are....
1) Through a deliciously desperate ad placed on Craigslist that called out to your inner predator
2) A mutual associate who sets us up either knowing or NOT knowing what you will do with and to me when we meet.
3) Sort of stalkerish thing where you've been leaving notes on the car/house/work and my bimbo headed charrie gets intrigued rather than freaked the fuck out and answers a 'demand' to meet.
Now through this all, part of the initial power trip of your character is that they've seen mine, know what I look like. Either through stalking or one sided emails where I've been forced to reveal myself while yours remains secret. IF you want to play a male, part of this here would be that you know I was looking for another girl, so you faked it to get me somewhere vulnerable.
For bonus points you could start this off in the initial post with the instructions on where we're to meet and how their supposed to dress. The feel behind it should be making me feel vulnerable, trashy and to see JUST how desperately my ass wants to 'meet' someone.
Now I have ideas for where it can go from here, but they're a bit more specific and specialized towards the more esoteric kinks we both might enjoy. So for now, I'll leave this the basic premise, with the knowledge that however it starts, I hope it ends up in a sticky situation.
THE POLITICIANS DAUGHTER: (Rough/Modern/Longterm) ( Futa-Fem)
This is a dirty, rough n' tawdry Idea I've been developing-
Sandy is the daughter of a successful single mother, who carved an empire in business and is now ruthlessly pursuing political station and office. Her daughter Sandy, is in no way as ambitious or successful. Bratty as a life of decadent indulgence can make a girl, the stacked and backed brunette has been a constant disappointment to her Alpha personality mother. Well Sandy took some rather tawdry naked photo's over the last few years and turns out....now? Well now she's in trouble as someone found a way to hack her lil nimbus of the cloud. IF she's exposed this way, her mom will cut her off so she has to keep it secret. Her blackmailer knows that. Well this puts Sandy in hopefully some very kinky, fucked up sad and twisted positions...before she comes clean, a sobbing mess to mom for help. Mom, furious, brings the blackmailer over...and lets her daughter know how worthless he is, demanding her busty, buxom lil' bimbo become the personal hump toy, even including wifey of the blackmailer, or she's cut off and out forever.
I hope the premise sounds interested, a few things :
-Not looking for romance
-Detailed/Descriptive is how I post, and how I enjoy posting. Encompassing all the senses, I don't like or get into short post play. 2-3 Sentences doesn't work for me.
-My Messenger is the same as the name here, on AiM and YiM
-IF you want to do a forum, I've been really disappointed by post rate's so we'd have to discuss that.
-Darker. dirtier kinks are all faves.
INFESTATION! (Very Dark, Modern Fantasy/Erotic Horror/Epic Scale) (Specialized preferences)
It began well enough, the surging crowd of girls and women crowding to get onto the cruise ship. If any of them noticed the lack of males, none mentioned it. They were all too happy to have won a free, all expenses paid cruise to Bermuda! That's how it had began. Late that night the ship, the Pandora, slipped it's moorings and drifted into the sea. It has now been over four months and no one, not a crew member, not a guest, no one has been seen since. Investigation into the ships disappearance has revealed shadowy connections to AlterGate Inc. A mega-conglomerate based out of the Urals. No comment has been given. So what happened to the women of the Pandora?
AlterGate is the cover for a 'business' ran by a coven of millennia old witches and evil beings. The business combines the supernatural with the scientific to open dark pacts and doorways into other dimensions, seeking to free the ancient, and immensely powerful Hermaphrodite Sex Deity Alterea. ((Imagine a more evil though less homicidal Umbrella/Resident evil comparison)). The Pandora is their latest and greatest sacrifice and experiment. Housed within the bowels of the ship are monstrous entities born of science, black magic, or both. The ship itself is suffused with an evil intelligence and acts as a conduit for Atlerea's dark wishes and needs. All the lust, carnal release, sex, fucking, every instant of horrible ecstasy experienced on the Pandora feed Alterea, providing her strength to free herself. The women and girls who won their passage aboard the cruise are there to feed Altera and her new Monsters and Minions, and breed...and breed...and breed... growing the monstrous army of AlterGate. After three days at sea, sorcerously imbued pharmaceuticals are introduced into the drinking and water supply. This is the first step, as most of the women feel not much, just a mild illness as their bodies are altered to accept the seed of the creatures that will soon hunt them, breed them, and feed on them. Others however, find themselves bed ridden, immense pain and heat filling their bodies as they become vassals of Alterea and the Coven...their most base desires twisted and empowered. Enormous hermaphroditic cocks springing from their feminine loins as their skin grows thicker and less human, lust seeping like poison into their veins until the revel int he desire to impregnate any woman they can with a daughter of Alterea, the newly born monsters humping evil daughter after daughter into their victims.
For two days women disappear as a few at first fall victim the the hungers and urges of the new Altera Vassals. Then, a week from shore on the darkest night..the ships evil awakens. Cabins seal themselves, furnishings twist into unholy semblances of life and fuck the residents of their cabins! With each orgasm growing more, and stronger into willing monsters. Creatures grown int he labs and occult caverns of Altergate are released to fuck, breed and feed on the sudden hunted women. The crew, all of them unaware of their fate are consumed, each busty beauty added to the ranks of the innocent victims as evil magic, hermaphroditic stalkers, slimy monsters, creatures and the ship itself lat claim to the carnal feast of flesh. Perhaps even allowing Alterea herself to manifest and claim her new prey? Who knows!
-So that's the premise and background. I'd like ot stay close to it, but I am not against tweaks, changed here and there, if it sounds great, but you have an idea, please share!'
I have a huge assortment and variety of characters/pictures of the women and girls that can make up the crew/cast! I of course also will look at any suggestions you have. . Some of you have played with me playing as myself and liked it a lot. Thank you for that! And yes, I have a pretty big collection of creature/monster images and ideas to share as well! But as ever, I'm hungry for your ideas as well!
On monsters: This isn't a Vampire/Werewolf sort of monster romp. Perhaps the Captain might be a vampire herself, one of the AlterGate coven, but not much else there.
Kinks: I'll tell you now, this isn't for the squeamish or easily offended. Foul acts, vulgar language and deeds. There's a lot here to do that I'd like to see done! Next to none of it involves Vanilla or romance (Unless you're interested int he truly twisted ero-horror romance I can propose.!)
This is long term, and as you can see there's a lot that goes into it. So, if we play in a forum, lets try to keep the posts lengthy and immersive.
Fetishes/Kins Adored and desired:
Force, Impreg ,Oviposition(Eggs), Body alteration, imbofication, Anal, Strange Insertions, Cum play, tons of cum, monsters, Soft Vore (Swallowing, no blood&gore), Cocooning, breeding, Hermaphrodites, Slime, Resident Evil style monsters,humiliation, degredation, food play,forced lesbianism, accelerated pregnancy,slapping, spanking, mild violence, vulgar language, insults, vulgar description, inanimate objects becoming animate, tentacles, physicality (Lifting,dragging, tossing) group scenes.... Those are just the few i can think of at the moment.
So, if you like the idea of it we can definitely talk, and I can send an email or two of the cast, and the creatures/acts I have in mind!
Some things I think of as neat for it-
Massive frog like creature, humanoid but with huge mouth, long sticky tongue, likes to bang and then swallow it's prey. Maybe to gobble them up, maybe to slurp them up and spit them out in cocoon prisons, who knows.
An object, like a chair..comes to 'life' and starts to become fleshy and scaly as appendages hold it's occupant in place while it starts to bang away at her, the more it humps, the more a creature it becomes...and this can happen out of nowhere.
Group of friends fleeing, one doesn't make it, that sort of scene sounds great. Perhaps where something lurches free of a pipe or water to get it's prey.
Something hidden in a refrigerator of the kitchen, one gets to close it swings open, something grabs her, drags her in. The others try to free her as they hear screams and the sounds of humping.
( Bondage, Non-Con, BDSM - A one shot that I would love to go long term with the right player!() (Futa/F/Male)
When they had come upon me, as I was walking in my back door at night with a hand over my mouth, they'd told me they were here to rob me. They told me if I just went along with it, nothing bad would happen. If I didn't fight, they'd just loot the place and leave. Well I've watched most my possessions go out the door, tied up and gagged on the couch...now it looks like they are getting ready to leave...but, why are they pointing and motioning to me that way? No! They said they'd leave me alone! Why? Why. thought Amy, is this happening to ME?
-Looking to take the scene from there, or about there. Who knows what's going to happen? Plenty of possibilities! . I don't mind playing in any medium, but I do like it if we're able to talk the scene and each other out with AIM or YIM where possible, it's just been a lot easier when that's been involved.
Setting: Modern
Requirements: Someone with a creative mind and a little bit of dark to them to play the robber, or gang of robbers. Race and gender don't matter. I fact I'd love to play this at the mercy of a gang of women or futas. But don't let that guide you, I'd try this with anyone!
Fetishes: (Lol oh so many...)
Non Con, Heavy Force, Abduction, Insertions, Oviposition....it's probably easier for us to talk it out a little as I don't want to pigeon hole the possibilities.
There can be so many. The heavy sexploitation of B monster movies is what I'm hoping to play out. I'm not looking to do just one either, I mean with so many genre's of monster and horror movie schtick why just do one? I do have some favorites. That being said, I'm also interested in other peoples favorites. I'm not looking to play with the good guys or heroes, but the nasty, horny, slimy, sometimes inhuman and freaky monsters that we all know and love! The following monsters, themes, etc apply and I'd love to discuss-
-Boogeyman/Closet monster (Google Monster int he closet movie)
-Under the Bed Monsters
-The Ring, where the monster is a futa/herm/dick girl and when she finishes, tries to stuff the victim back through the television with her.
-A Freddy Kruegar like creature who has to torment the souls into giving up for so long before th creature gets to own them as hell harem girls forever.
-Troll/Troll 2/Troll Hunter...trolls and my thick ass. ::blushes:: I like the idea of it.
-The monster from "The Host" but, you know, sexualized.
-Resident Evil
-The thing
-Aliens intent on Breeding
-Night of the living "And hump hungry" dead.
-It style clown
-The Ghoulies sort of little nasty guys
-Kinky Gremlins.
For someone interested in getting very kinky, the idea of some sort of ancient sex demon or creature manifesting in the mirror as a reflection of the woman, but with obviously large and threatening male parts....to take her as a mirror image of herself is something I would enjoy playing quite a bit!
Style: Dark
Preferred Partners: Futa/Hermaphrodite Females, Males
Content: NonCon ,Anal,Oral ,Vaginal ,Body Alteration, Abduction
Scenario: A character of your design works for Mandham Pharmaceuticals, but as an 'Off the Books" Contractor so to speak. Mandham Cosmetics and pharmaceuticals makes quite a bit of it's revenue in products the public never see's. Formula 8.1.M.8.0 (or BIMBO) is designed to take women and accentuate their curves and 'assets' through stimulating the body chemistry. Your character is given several doses and payment rest son recording the effects on an unwitting subject. Part of the payment is the freedom tot hen use the woman, during, after and before...and the company will cover up her disappearance should your contractor wish to appropriate her.
Setting: Modern, ModernFantasy
Requirements: Must be okay being so deliciously evil!
Other info: The scene can go long term if you like the characters, or the assignment can be taken again with a new character.
Contains: Non-Con, Monster play, Zombies, etc
The news reports had warned to stay in doors due to the massive storm about to hit the east coast. But miserable weather had always called ot the deliciously built Laci Lynn, goth girl and cock tease extraordinaire. Well she snuck out to enjoy the horrid night. Cold rain and summer breezes would feel great...and of course, she wore next to nothing. Well her big, clunky boots carried the hip heavy young thing to of course...the local cemetery. Where else would a black dyed spoiled, bratty goth girl go? The rain started, but she didn't mind. It felt good on her legs where the skirt didn't stop it. She thought her gal pal Amy was going to meet her here. Looking around..she'd finally stop with a low, derogatory whistle. Those ripped up pink panties over there....yeah those looked like Amy's. ::Slut's getting some huh? She was supposed to meet me! ::Those were the last normal words of the night, for at that exact moment, hands would emerge from the loaky ground as dirt and earth started to tumble away. The hands grabbed hold of her ankles...thighs.....she'd scream seeing the zombies with pale green glowing in their eyes...and as the emerged and pawed, and tore at her clothes...one and all, male and female undead were sporting immense undead cocks! She knew then...she wasn't going home, and somewhere...Am was some zombies bitch. And she was next!
Well...*PHEW* that was a mouth fun wasn't it lol? You start to get a view of how kinked up my brain is and into what dark corners I tend to dwell. Let me say in parting, that yes, the aspects of sexualized playing exist in all the set up and scene idea's....believe me, there is MUCH more to them that I want to work out on an individual, partner to partner basis. IF sex is one dimension, our RP should be at least three dimensional with my preferences being Sexual, Atmospheric,, Heavily psychological. Bit those aspects are so personal, I imagine it's better to leave those specifics to those that I play with! Thank you for reading lol, I know it was a lot, but trust me, you'll enjoy it!
AS an aside: I much prefer to do the discussion about the scene via a Messenger service. AiM, YiM, Discord, Googlehangouts. I have all four, I got all four to be accommodating lol. If we click after talking in a messenger, of course we can discuss RPing it via forums. But I find it's harmful to the set up to take four days to get it done.
One more PS: As I don't know near any of you, I'm going to hope you'll offer some points of critique that maybe make us work better together. I also expect you to be able to receive the same in an adult fashion. If you can't, we can't play.
PLEASE have one of the FOUR messenger services I've listed to at least set up and talk about hte RP. Two weeks of intermittent emailing ot try and set something up ruins the momentum of a good idea or pairing.
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