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  • Demon Slime/Tentacle Monster Invasion

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    So I figured I'd go ahead and try to give this a shot here. This idea just recently popped into my head, well thanks to a certain image. Anyway, the idea is that a power slime/tentacle demon was summon by a cult of devil worshipers. You know, the ones that like want to "Cleanse" the world. The demon is known for consuming everything and of course the cult cannot control it. The slime/tentacle demon can also use its slime to shape shift into people. By now the demon has began attacking the city. It's consuming everything, especially the people, females specifically. Of course it uses their sexual energy to grow stronger and bigger. Police have tried to stop it. Demon hunters, even the army. Of course by the time they tired to stop it, the demon has already grown too powerful. They know if it's not stopped it'll not only consume the city, but probably the entire world, making it pretty much hell on Earth. However, it can't be stopped now. It's only a matter of time before it consumes the entire city, the people doomed to suffer an eternity of torturous lust.

    So I'm basically looking for someone to play as multiple characters, mainly female. If you want we can add male and futa as well. Also, we can take turns playing the monster while the other plays the victim. The main kinks will involves of course, tentacles, rape, and this will end with a bad end. So if you're not into that this is probably not for you. I am open to suggestions and other kinks as well, assuming they're not on my no list. So, if anyone is interested PM me.

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