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  • Erotic cravings! (Looking for Fem Partner!)

    Hi there! I’ve been craving some specific rps lately, specifically base on harems and orgies and I was hoping I would be able to find someone to rp the women for me! 
    my ideas for now.

    Pokémon; the leader of a criminal organzation (me) was able to capture the female trainer/champions who’s been a Pain to his operation, and made them and her their sexy anthro/Faunus Pokémon’s his personal whotes, slaves and wives, using them however he wants even sharing them to his hunged anthro team and men.


    Fate grand order: humanity is saved but Chaldea has fulfilled its purpose and to keep going,  a new director must come to chaldea and take over, using his magecraft he proceeded to enslaves/control Gudako and through her he was able to control and enslaves the female servants as well, and proceeded to breed them and have them be bred by his fellow magus to give birth powerful children?



    for the rwby one, how about this, the grimm king has awaken from his slumber but doesnt have his full power so he use a disguise as a human and plot in the shadow gathering power, politically and financially took control the kingdoms and academy over the centuries, then using his power he gather women for his harem, to bred them and gain more power by fucking and breeding women. it’ll all start with summer and Raven.


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