Hello everyone! I am Fadereaper, I also go by Fade at times but just those two really! I am hoping to find female roleplay partners who are of like mind, interested in various roleplays of varying length, but filled to the brim with depravity and smutty goodness! Now, I have been roleplaying for the better part of 10 years at this point. I classify myself as a literate roleplayer, but I tend to try focusing less on the length of the roleplay, but more the quality. I tend to write 1-3 paragraphs for the average post, but more depending on the inspiration I get from my partner, I am definitely a casual roleplayer, but I need substance of some sort to work with so I can write! Now, hopefully I can find some wonderful ladies who are of like mind, if so, let's get to talking!
I also have these finer points to make before getting into my kinks and ideas!
First, I love lust and smut filled roleplays as much as the next degenerate, however if that is all there is I will lose interest. I want to write a character, I want substance and interaction between our characters! Even if I am utterly bending you backwards and pinning your ankles to your ears as I slam you into next week, I want to do more than just write that basically! So, I am hoping for a like minded partner!
Second, I don't main roleplay as my only form of entertainment and fun. I have a life outside of here, sometimes I will miss a day when replying, sometimes I'll get multiple posts in a day! So, please respect that, a helpful reminder is always good! Sometimes I can get sidetracked in my thoughts, and will just gloss over my reply and forget, it is always fine to ask as I forget like a goober sometimes!
Thirdly, I like the idea of surrealism in writing. To that end, I explore themes and kinks that are not exactly grounded in reality. To some, that is off-putting and strange, but I find it is very fun to explore concepts that are completely impossible and writing that! It is why I trend toward settings that are fantasy in nature, but I love all settings!
Fourthly, I am happy to do OOC chatter! However, as I can be quite awkward sometimes I might be a bit quiet. I will say however, my favorite roleplays I have done are ones I was able to become chummy with my partner! I want to keep my privacy of course, but I am happy to be internet friends if it works out!
Fifth, open communication is key! You want something addressed, some helpful advice, or ideas on how you want the roleplay to go, let's talk about it! I am wanting to improve my writing, and if there is something that you want to say I am open to hearing it!
Now, other things come up but these are the main points I want to bring up that I think summarize me as a roleplayer!
Excessive Semen and cumflation
Huge and exaggerated bodily proportions - Ass/Breasts/Cock/Balls
Body Bulging
Breeding and breeding focused dirty talk
Multiple and frequent orgasms
hair pulling
rough sex
lactation and breast sucking
ahegao/fucked silly
body growth
Multiple cocks for one male
sexual exhaustion/overstimulation
somnophilia (fucked while sleeping due to exhaustion can be hot)
addictive elements
Forced orgasms (for non-con scenes)
Dirty talk
Physically beating and hurting my partner
heavy bdsm
mutilation or other gross things we can think of
Now, that I have got those all covered, if anything is not mentioned here feel free to ask! I can address it! Now, onto the plots I had in mind! I am not limited to these, but they are my absolute cravings currently! If you have an idea you think I might like, feel free to ask!
Right now I have one major craving of a scenario, the rest are either taken or on the backburner. As more ideas come into the fore front of craving, I'll add them to this list up here!
A New Era for the Explora
So, I found this particular cosplay for Dora and was quite inspired to craft a scene! So, I thought about how this bombshell might have developed now that she had this glow up in her twenties!
Well, what if she was some archaeologist adventurer, like her no doubt hero and inspiration Lara Croft! Traveling the world, exploring, delving into ruins, finding lost artifacts and cultures. Then, I asked myself, how would we make this lewd in a fun and enticing way?
So, I had an idea! Now, I am not limited to this set up and would be down to hear out from others! I just love her velvety folds getting violated by anthro men especially!
Dora is exploring a tropical jungle in South America, during her exploration of an old and scarcely heard of culture. The records only seem to indicate they leaved in this particular region at some point, with only a handful of encounters from other tribes who wrote of the experience. They didn’t seem to say much, but reference something about walking beasts
So, as she arrives and finds their sacred temple. She finds that this tribe is not long gone, in fact they are secretly still alive. They don’t have a massive populace, but are far from extinct.
She also finds what the references to animals were, as they are anthromorphic animals. Walking, talking, beasts with fully opposable thumbs and human-like hands. Wearing tribal, foliage style outfits, she finds they speak her language from learning from others who found them before.
However, she has trespassed on their sacred temple, and this man first society decides that her fate for trespassing will be to participate in a holy ceremony. A fertility rite going into the new year, for them to have a bountiful harvest. The ceremony involves basically a train of anthros to be ran on her, big cocks, lots of cum, lots of beast men all having their way with her. The goal? To fuck her until she is broken, and then some! After all, their gods of the harvest and fertility will find their offering all the more valuable, if she is a cum drunk and pleasure addled whore for their anthro dicks!
A Zombie Acumpalypse: Oh my, a zombie smut themed roleplay? Of course! I was inspired by some art, absolutely lewd and ridiculous, but it got the ol' brain juices flowing too! So how about a thick and stacked, (I have references on request,) and she ends up being utterly fucked senseless by a cum spewing zombie! I especially like this idea of a zombie licker, one with a huge schlong and massive prehensile tongue he can use to utterly debase her! Now, it doesn't have to end there! What other zombies can we use? What weird and unique features will they have? All in all, I am wanting some curvy babe to get fucked silly in a zombie apocalypse by some monstrous zombie dick!
Jurassic Smut: Claire is a Dino’s bitch: So, this is an idea that I devised when I found some particularly hot cosplay of our favorite Claire Dearing from Jurassic World, this would be her appearance for the roleplay!
Essentially, Ingen had another laboratory on another island. It was years ago and very secret, only Hammond and the island staff knew it existed. So when the ownership passed, the information came down to Claire. It was an island where they experimented with mingling human and dinosaur DNA, to make anthropomorphic animals. Originally conceived as soldiers with physical abilities beyond humans but with our intelligence. It was shut down however, when it became too dangerous to continue, due to the aggressive nature of the dinos.
It was abandoned, and forgotten, until Claire found out about it. She concluded that some of the research must be worth saving. She organized a team, traveled by helicopter, and made their way to the island. Only for her chopper to go down in a terrible storm, leaving her crash landed, as well as alone in damaged clothes. She has to now find a way to escape.
However, that won’t be so easy. The island is still populated with a good amount of these anthros, and they have formed small clan-like tribes that are very territorial. They also have very archaic and outdated views of women, especially human women. They are basically viewed as property, to fuck, breed, and use for anything they desire.
So my vision is that it is a roleplay where she is basically passed from situation to situation, gets used and somehow manages to escape, or maybe her captors get attacked by another tribe and she is claimed as a prize, maybe she earns the clan leader’s eye and he keeps her as his personal cock sleeve? Whatever happens, she is going to get a Jurassic pounding! Let’s work out this plot together!
Code Lyoko - A World without Consent (Craving): Anyone remember this show Code Lyoko? It was a french animation that had a unique premise where students at a junior high private school, Kadic Academy, battled an evil virtual presence that lived in a virtual world. They teamed up with a girl they met in the world to stop XANA from destroying the world, with his reality warping powers that he could use to infect the real world. Now, this setting is were I want to put a smutty roleplay! Featuring Aelita and Yumi, Aelita is the pink haired girl and Yumi the dark haired girl! There is also a third girl who I can't find art that I like for, but her name is Elisabeth 'Sissy' Delmas. In this alternate timeline telling, she ends up joining the Lyoko Warriors! Aelita being the cute nerdy one, Yumi the confident tomboy, and Sissy the preppy and egotistical cheerleader with a heart of gold under that façade.
Now, this can take place either when they are aged up in College, High School, or still at Kadic Academy depending on what age you want to play them as, I lean toward college but am open on it. My main thing is, I do like girls with some jiggly asses and some developed breasts so I am hoping to include that. Now, the plot of this smutty scenario! These three girls have become a thorn in XANA's side for a long time, stopping his nefarious plots. However, this time he has a new idea to deal with them once and for all. He will corrupt them into his side of course! How does he do that? Well, this is where we get perverted!
He has an agent in the real world, a fully aware and loyal servant. He is some older man, be it a teacher/faculty member/older sibling of a fellow student/or just a random thug. He is given powers like in the show, electricity manipulation, strength, and hacking abilities. Lastly, he has special cum that is infused with the virus data that he needs to implant in all three girls. To that end, he'll need a lot of cum, so he was given some excessively big balls to hold it, and he'll need a thick cock to penetrate these girls as deep as he can to make sure maximum affect! So, he has a huge dick that he'll use to properly fuck and use these girls till they are filled completely by his corrupting cum! Every time he ejaculates inside of them, his virus will break down their mental defenses more and more. Not to mention, the more he makes them cum, the same result happens! So, his goal is to fuck them senseless, make them cum their brains out as he floods them until he finishes corrupting all three girls! This can be one at a time or all at the same time, it is depraved and I love it! Let's corrupt some heroines into fuck toy/servants of an evil virtual entity!
Breaking and Entering and then Entering again: Ok, so this is a simple set up of a couple of big dicked thugs who break into a house and find this sexy petite babe who they can fuck and fuck. Why? Well, because she is home alone and they can! Now, this can be a coincidence where they broke in to rob the place and instead find a lady worth fucking. Or, they could have come with this deliberate targeting we can discuss. Like, her father is a lawyer, and a guy he convicted has his friends on the outside fuck his daughter senseless till she is a cum oozing slut. Or could be she pissed of someone and this is the result, either way. Home invasion, becomes two guys slamming her relentlessly and flooding her with cum!
To the Victor go the Spoils: Marvel/DC canon heroines vs OC Villain: Cliche isn't it? Well, I have been working on some new villains, and I have 5 of them that I'd love to play! I can go into more details about each character when we start brainstorming together. The basic idea is that they are enemies, the heroine is defeated, and the villain captures her as the spoils of victory and corrupts her into his plaything and possibly to join him and his evil plans!
The main idea, is I want to play opposite some canon super heroines, either from Marvel or DC! My current cravings are Spider Gwen and Raven, but am open to others as well that you want to suggest! Now, I will include images and names of the villains I'd like to play!
Khalus the Demon Lord (Powerful Demonic Sorcerer)
The Myrmidon (Proud Warrior Wolf)
The Mastermind (Alien telekinetic/Telepath)
Team Splice Fucks the World: Pokemon themed Smut: Now, the idea! Team Splice, a shadowy group whose main trade is genetics. They study the genetics of humans and pokemon, and try to find ways to put their research to good use for their goals of world domination. However, the most recent project has resulted in nothing close to world domination. They made a special Rare Candy, that when ingested by a pokemon, puts them through a strange evolution. They become anthormophic, they maintain a lot of their pokemon traits, but walk upright like a human and with hands that have opposable thumbs.
Not only that, but the project puts these pokemon in an odd state. While they are still pokemon, it gives them a potent breeding drive and desire to mate with humans specifically. Now, we can discuss whether they are capable of inseminating a human or not, but the breeding drive is there.
Now, this idea can take several turns depending on how you want to proceed! Perhaps you are a trainer out in the wild, a shipment of these rare candy's ended up here for some reason, and there are several anthro pokemon in the wild all who just picked up your scent!
Or perhaps you are one of the scientists, and you end up stuck in the lab where this disaster took place, will you be able to escape? Or will you end up stuck in this quarantined lab as their sex toy?
Or maybe it is your own pokemon, and rather than having a more non-con turning con tone it is a more con tone. He develops the ability to speak, and he still views you as his master, but has this relentless breeding drive with you that is always part of the dynamic now!
Would love to hear your own thoughts on what you'd like to do, your character's info, and if you have any preference on what pokemon I play!
Starcraft - Zerg on the hunt for Ghosts: I had a very random idea, and it all started with a lack of finding the art I needed for my idea! I had a thought of a humanoid Zerg, but one who is a powerful psionic being. He would look something like this, mingled with a more traditional Zerg with the snout and such!
His role in the swarm? Well, he is a hunter of psionic power. He has a rare talent for psionic powers, but is also able to sap the energy from other beings who possess psionic powers. While he can never remove the powers permanently, he feeds on it and stores it in his body. However, as this is a smut themed roleplay, he has found he can only do this in a particular way. He found that it was through bringing the woman to orgasm that they released the potent psionic power uncontrolled, it was this he could feed off of.
So, he has been hunting, gifted a small bio-ship that he can command to travel. He hunts Dominion ghosts, whether that is Nova, or an OC Ghost female. When he finds them, females specifically obviously, he ravages them, until he has brought them to multiple orgasms and leaves them spent from his feeding. He can then either capture them and hold them prisoner to feed upon later, or leave them, albeit with their memory wiped.
A strange idea that was inspired by a recent playthrough of SC2's campaign, hope to find a lady interested in it!
Humans do it Better: A Sonic Universe Human x Female Mobian Anthro (OC x Canon): So, a bit of a reverse from what I typically like with anthros. Typically, I prefer playing the male anthro opposite a human or human adjacent lady. This time, I am looking to play the opposite! This time, I want to play the human or human like male opposite a canon Mobian lady from the Sonic Universe. Right now? I am craving either Amy or Rouge, both would be 18+ in age. They would be short stacks in comparison to my character, and I would LOVE to give them some vivacious curves to draw anyone's eye!
Now, this is a general idea and lends itself to a wide array of options. Be them simple hook up, or something more intriguing like a bounty hunter who found the world's most notorious gem thief, or Amy Rose getting in over her head while trying to help her friends and faces off against some wicked man! Non-con, dub-con, full con are all on the table! Need both a lady who will play one of these canon girls, but also who will brainstorm a plot with me!
Big Brother’s got a BIG friend: Any of you ladies feel inspired by this? Well I certainly was, I had some ideas, and well I am not at all limited to this, I would love to play it out! You would play the younger sister of my friend. My age can vary, but would cap it at 30. Perhaps you always had a crush on MC, or this is your first time meeting mine. Whatever the case, something absolutely depraved happens between us.
Perhaps you start teasing my character, expecting just some shy and nervous response. What you don’t expect is that while we are watching a movie with friends and family, I would take advantage of the fact we are sharing a blanket to finger you under the blanket. Making you squirt all over it but having to stifle a noise.
You also didn’t expect me to show up in your room in the middle of the night, cover your lips and spread you wide around my massive dick and make you cum your brains out as I flood you with load after load of my hot cum. Making you sticky, exhausted, and seeing stars, before flipping you onto your stomach and railing your ass till I show you the meaning of the word gape!
So many options, I would love to play an anthro male if you would indulge me! Now, I am not limited to this set up, but fuck do I love this gif and hope it will inspire someone else to!
Star Wars Ageplay: I got a simple idea, I want to do an ageplay scene in the setting of Star Wars. The exact age differences can be discussed, but I want to play an older, like 30s to 40s Sith Lord. Can either be Old Republic Era or Clone Wars era, it mainly just affects if he is secretive about his sith nature or not.
I am wanting my partner to be any manner of younger female character of an age we can discuss, canon or OC. If Canon, I would love if she was Ahsoka Tano, otherwise any OC works! I do however, have a love for the OC to be a Twi'lek or Togruta, have a bit of a lust for them!
So, the angle of what this scene can be based on numerous factors that we brainstorm this plot from. Whether or not it is a consensual or non-consensual plot, I lean toward consensual personally for this. Also, who she is. Could be she is a Jedi he is corrupting into a Sith, could be some politician's daughter he brings under his dominion, or maybe some stow-away on his ship that he gets into a lewd encounter with! It will be smutty, a younger girl getting savaged by a big, throbbing, sith dick!
The Furry Femboi power breeder: So this idea is based off art revolving around this character, he is a femboi fox, but is a dom and a potent breeder! He quite frankly handily fucks his way across many an older or younger women, and makes sure that he leaves them knocked up. In fact, he takes a perverse pleasure in telling his partners how he is going to breed em, make sure they are so full of his potent cum to make sure that their eggs are drowning in his cum, telling them they better be ready to be a mother. It is a simple set up, I am looking for ladies to pair with this femboi. We can work out the scenario that leads to the lewd, rough, breeding encounter, but let's craft a scene for him to pop a bun in an oven!
Lord of the Sluts: A perverse Middle Earth Scenario: The proud and noble women of Middle Earth, Galadriel, Arwen, Eowyn, Tauriel, all of them are respect and proud women of Middle Earth. Little did anyone know or suspect, they are closeted sluts. Perhaps they aren't even aware of it themselves, perhaps they touch themselves at night to the thought of some big furry beast, or a group of huge dicked Uruk-Hai pounding their pure pussies into absolute submission. Regardless of what manner of creature is responsible for making these girls cream relentlessly, and which girl is the one enduring it, I am looking to craft a scene with a partner to make it happen! Feel free to pick a favorite heroine, and even a favorite beast or creature for me to play, and let's get fucking dirty!
Will he lose his mind? A reverse gangbang/femdom RP: So, normally I do roleplays where I am the dominant males gang banging a younger female. However, at this point I am looking for the inverse! I want to play the younger, but absurdly hung femboi and/or emo young man who gets mercilessly ridden by many older women! The goal? Well, they want to turn this younger lad into their breeding stallion and fucktoy! I was especially interested in making this featuring anthros on at least my character's side of the equation, but would love both! So either I play an anthro and you play a slew of anthro MILFS, or you are human MILFs with an anthro! Can discuss the set up, my initial thought is a neighborhood full of MILFs find out he is packing, and decide to break him into their on demand cock, making him cum his brains out and flood them with his absurd loads until finally he relents that his life as he knows it is over and he is just going to be a breeding stud for the MILFs!
Some other themes that could be fun!
If he is an anthro but they are humans, could do some species play where his anthro nature becomes a fixture of dirty talk and more! Or if they are both anthros, maybe he is a predator species like a wolf and they are prey species, and that becomes a fixture! Some fun ideas
The Absurdly Hung Streamer: Now, the title says it all! I was wanting to play a streamer, either as a normal male or femboi variety! He is very well gifted in the endowment department and through some means, some vivacious and utterly shaggable woman enters his life for him to lavish as his princess, but more importantly, fuck utterly senseless as his delightful and sexy cocksleeve! Now, who she is to him can vary, I have some ideas! However, I would love for you to have some thoughts on who you want to play. I do have one stipulation though, I would LOVE for her to look like this, quite frankly I am strongly craving it!
Perhaps she is a fellow streamer, it starts as her flying out to collaborate and evolves into them becoming a couple and duo streamers!
Maybe she is a fan, he hosts a contest for someone to fly out and visit and co-stream with him. From there, she becomes his new co-star, princess, and cocksleeve!
Let's talk this one out!
A Celebrity's Descent into Beast Porn:
I am looking for someone to play a celebrity for me, we can decide on who, but my favorite characteristics that I would love are someone with a curvaceous ass and some big bouncing breasts! Now, I am down to either have someone who starts like that, or could be that our Celebrity grows to the part! A favorite of mine is Kat Dennings, but am open to others we can discuss!
The idea is she is utterly off her luck, she is no longer getting roles, lost money on foolish ventures and/or lawsuits, and is now desperate and broke. Her agent, smelling a future of money ahead, offers her a chance. She will absolutely be disgusted by it, but it is her only chance now.
She starts at the bottom as a low brow porn actress, but the scenes she partakes in to start are with big dicked anthro men. There is a stigma around anthros, they are so foreign, weird, and disgusting to humans. However, she has no choice but to debase herself and be rutted out by anthro animals. However, perhaps after time she learns she loves being fucked by hung anthro men.
Either way, this is about her becoming a depraved, anthro fucking pornstar in a desperate bid to build her wealth so she can take the roles she really wants and be a real big name again. Or perhaps, she finds that even if that were to be, she will never give up her new craving for anthro dick!
Princess turned Slut: So, this is a general idea that will feature either a plot we brainstorm, or one of a variety of scenarios we can play! The idea is simple though, a proud and noble princess ends up fucked proper by any manner of big dicked studs, all of which will make sure she is properly flooded with cum! Now, I have some basic ideas, but am also down to brainstorm something longer than a one shot!
An assassin is hired to target the high elven princess of a powerful elven kingdom, he is something from some lower class group in the city. Be it an orc, anthro, dark elf, something that would be beneath the princess. He is hired by some group wishing to play a long con of breaking the king, and it starts with this. He is to break into the castle, equipped with a potion of virility, sneak into her room and fuck her senseless non-stop till she is flooded with his cum, and guaranteed to be impregnated by this bastard!
A foreign entourage visits the princess’s father, they are proud and noble moon elves. High born and respected amongst the various kingdoms. They visit to negotiate updated treaties since it had been years since they conversed, and of course his whole family arrives, prompting her father to host a magnificent banquet. When she is eating and enjoying the festivities, she can’t help but notice that the older than her twin princes were eyeing her the entire night. She doesn’t find out why, till she finds them in her room and ends up double teamed by the twin big dicked moon elves!
A simple idea, a princess was rescued by a brave adventurer, rescued from bandits or orcs. The adventurer, definitely something non-human and strange, gets sick of her poor attitude and decides he will enjoy a bit of extra payment. He fucks her throughout the night, until she is his wanton and cum oozing slut!
Atlantis: The Rape Adventure: Now, this roleplay is going to involve one or more of the three following ladies from Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Those girls are of course Helga Sinclair, Kida, and Audrey Ramirez. However, substitute the normal movie versions you remember. Now stack on some real curves, like Helga Sinclair and/or Kida. Now, the actual scene. I am imagining that these three girls go on a solo adventurer, in search of some archeological relic they had been researching for some time. Now, it lead them into a dense jungle deep in south america. However, they learned one thing. The ruin they were in search of is actually the home of a thriving culture, that culture is an anthro village. Full of anthros, with huge dicks. Before they can get away to come up with a plan however, they get captured by the locals. Brought to their village, it turns out the girls were brought just in time for a special event. It is the time of a celebration to their goddess, a deity of fertility. To ensure a good harvest, these women shall be fucked and flooded with cum repeatedly. This is to satisfy the goddess and her whims, breaking the unwilling humans would be considered an even greater honor according to their beliefs. So, whichever number of the girls is present here, they shall be fucked ad nauseum in the name of this tribe's cultural deity! Filled with so much male seed, they will be drenched and coated in it!
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