Hello everyone of this wonderful new site I can haunt!
I am happy you decided to pay my humble thread a visit, I know a lot of you will scoff and look down on me for my use of sexually inspired roleplays, but for whose who have similar interests I am sure we can find some wonderful common ground and come up with some very fun and hopefully creative roleplays together!
First I want to ask that you don't post in my thread, if you want to contact me please use a Direct Message!
I prefer to think of myself as a casual roleplayer. To that end I think my comfort zone is a little bigger on intros to set the mood and tone, and then after that 2-3 paragraphs in size, with more if we are inspired to write more! I love detail as much as the next person, but there comes a time when you just spout words to fill a word quota and that is not fun! I roleplay for the fun I get from it, and so to that end if someone keeps putting stress on me to do more and more I get pretty burnt out on the roleplay! However if the posts are too short and lack that erotic detail, I won't be inspired to write much at all.
I also only roleplay with you lovely female roleplayers, hence the Male x Female. I am also down to play as a Shemale/full package futanari opposite a lady as well.
Now, for roleplay I am looking to either do so through conversations here.
Now this ad's Intent is to illustrate a list of ideas that I would enjoy doing, however this thread is not to imply I am not interested in anything else! The wonderful thing about being on a forum full of other, imaginative writers is that we are all creative hopefully and can pitch ideas toward each other! So if you see my kinks on the ideas and the ideas I have listed, thinking we would be good partners. Please feel free to pitch me your own ideas, I would love to hear them and brainstorm scenes together!
Also, if there is an idea listed for a canon character but you would like to do with an original character instead feel free to tell me! I have no qualms adjusting my ideas, to make sure we are both happy with the play!
My favorite settings are High Fantasy and Star Wars, but I am a fan of many other fandoms as well!
The following are examples of fandoms I like, feel free to suggest others! My knowledge of even the following my vary, some I like others I know in detail.
-Dragon Age -Mass Effect -Harry Potter -Warcraft -Forgotten Realms -Dragon Ball Z
While not required, I especially love erotic scenes involving my favorite female canon girls opposite my own OCs. If you would indulge me in this at all that would be amazing!
Now, here is a list of my kinks! Not every idea is going to have every kink! But here are some Kinks and Limits I have!
Oversized Cocks, Excessive Cum and squirting, OC x Canon (Me/You), Anthro/Beast man x Human or human like female (IE Elf, Goblin, Gnome, Dwarf, Alien, etc), Fingering, Spanking, hair pulling, light choking, sexual ownership, lactation, breast sucking, addictive elements, Non-con turning con, Dub-con turned con, consensual, multiple orgasms, forced orgasms, mind break/fucked silly, bimboification, body growth, multiple cocks for one male, Male x multiple females, female x multiple males, sexual exhaustion, fucking after already passing out, overstimulation, magical elements in sex, fantasy, breeding, dominance, and more!
Scat, Watersports, gore, vore, torture, sadism, beating my partner, heavy bdsm, latex, any form of mutilation or just really gross nasty things. More if I can think of them, but these are the ones that are immediately in my head.
I also have some galleries of girls I'd like my partner to use and one of male anthros I'd love to play as
Gallery 1: A wide range of petite, busty, and thicc girls (mostly the latter)
NEWEST IDEAS: This section will have my newest ideas, and will sit for a bit before I move them to the other categories!
Jurassic Porn: Claire's Cum Adventure (craving!): There was another island, a distance from the archipelago of Los Cinco Muertes. Not part of the same island chain, but during the time of Ingen's project of Jurassic World. It was a secret facility used to facilitate advanced genealogical studies. They called this island Isla Cosechadora, and on this island they lost control of the projects they had been creating and had to completely abandon the site. However, Claire had decided they left too many valuable assets on the island, she opted to lead a team to the island to acquire the biological date and samples left by the previous team's hasty evacuation. So, Claire came with her team ready to sneak in and out with everything they needed. However, it all went to shit fast. Her team ended up killed by the denizens of this island, anthromorphic dinosaurs created by blending Human and dinosaur DNA, making humanoid dinosaurs.
However, the project previously failed due to their incredible strength, intelligence, and a powerful sex drive. Killing what males they couldn't successfully conceive children with humans, their sex drive and breeding instinct drove them to kill the males and claim the human females. Keeping them on the island with them, as sexual toys. Soon, the site was abandoned, the large island now devolved into english speaking tribes of anthro dinosaurs as they vied for territory and fought one another for land, food, and females.
After Claire's party is killed, she manages to escape during the carnage, into the jungle of Isla Cosechadora. Now she is in desperate need to escape, before the males find her and make her a fuck toy. However, will she be able to escape the island? Or will she become a willing cock slut for the big dicked anthro dinosaurs of this island?
A hot idea featuring a Claire Deering that looks like this babe cosplayer right here! I saw these images, and was immediately inspired to write up this plot! I also got this gallery of anthro dinos, so we can choose some for me to play! I will play them with humanoid, or whatever other cock type we can find, probably bad dragon inspired. Cock sizes I am expecting to range from 15+ inches in length and 2+ inches in width, this will depend on what cock sizes you are looking for and will vary from dinosaur to dinosaur. This can run longer, can be a single scene, or we can explore her full journey of her getting fucked, how she may escape, captured, etc. I am imagining she doesn't escape though, eventually she succumbs to the way she is enjoying getting fucked by the dinos and opts to stay!
Atlantis: The Rape Adventure: Now, this roleplay is going to involve one or more of the three following ladies from Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Those girls are of course Helga Sinclair, Kida, and Audrey Ramirez. However, substitute the normal movie versions you remember. Now stack on some real curves, like Helga Sinclair, Kida, and Audrey. Now, the actual scene. I am imagining that these three girls go on a solo adventurer, in search of some archeological relic they had been researching for some time. Now, it lead them into a dense jungle deep in south america. However, they learned one thing. The ruin they were in search of is actually the home of a thriving culture, that culture is an anthro village. Full of anthros, with huge dicks. Before they can get away to come up with a plan however, they get captured by the locals. Brought to their village, it turns out the girls were brought just in time for a special event. It is the time of a celebration to their goddess, a deity of fertility. To ensure a good harvest, these women shall be fucked and flooded with cum repeatedly. This is to satisfy the goddess and her whims, breaking the unwilling humans would be considered an even greater honor according to their beliefs. So, whichever number of the girls is present here, they shall be fucked ad nauseum in the name of this tribe's cultural deity! Filled with so much male seed, they will be drenched and coated in it!
Soul Calibur: The game Soul Calibur, full of hot babes that you just LOVE to smash hard enough to get them out of their clothes, inspiring some quality hentai. Now, I have two favorite girls I want to get properly fucked. Ivy and Taki, especially Taki! Now, I won't play a canon male in this. What I want, is to play some anthro warrior. One who just fought one of these legendary babes on his journey to Soul Calibur. However, his goal is not to take the sword for any particular purpose. Rather, he is hunting for women to fuck and add to his collection from this world. So, he pursued these women and the sword. Both for the power to get what he wants, and because he is looking to add to his growing harem. So, he has just defeated one of the ladies from Soul Calibur. Now that he has her at his mercy, it's time to break her into his cock addicted whore! Can do multiple scenes if we mesh well, for multiple Soul Calibur ladies! Also feel free to suggest other girls, but I especially love curvy versions of the Soul Calibur babes, but isn't required!
Canon Ideas
Avatar the Last Airbender
General Canon Smut: I don’t have specific scene ideas for this setting, yet. I do have some girls in this universe who I think could use a good fucking by some OCs! So we can brainstorm a scene together, craft it around the character and kinks we want. The girls I favor are aged up versions of Toph, Katara, Azula, Ty Lee, Mei, and Suki. Preferably, with some thicc assets!
Star Wars
Master and his Slave: I want to play a Sith Lord in this scenario, and I am looking for a female to play a female slave character. She can be a Jedi he captured to corrupt, a smuggler or other who wronged him and he claimed, or he could have just bought a slave. Twi'leks preferred!
Breaking the Sith: Looking for someone to play a female Sith Lord, a well endowed and curvaceous one! She is a thorn in the side of another lord, one who doesn't want her killed but humbled like the bitch she is. So he hires a bounty hunter, one known for doing such. He gives him a collar that can nullify the force, and a drug that is both an aphrodisiac that amplifies pleasure and reduces her strength. So he captures her, and spends a long period of time breaking her and turning her into a cock addicted slut!
Canon Babes Lewded: This is a simple and variable scenario, it involves one or more of the following ladies for some lewd smut! Curvier versions of Padme, Leia, Rey, Ahsoka, Oola, Aayla Secura, Kira Carsen, Vette, Asajj, any more! We pick who we are playing with, give them some huge packing contrast of a male or males and make something perverted happen! Let's get naughty and discuss!
Harry Potter
The Harlots of Hogwarts: So I want to take our favorite witches from the world of Harry Potter, put them in an Alternate Universe with no Wizard War, and put them in perverted situations! All would be 18+, looking for Ginny Weasely, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Patil Twins, Cho Chang, Lavender Brown, and am open to more! We can brainstorm something together. Maybe one of them summons a demon and ends up its bitch, or there is a school that is like a wizarding university they attend, or maybe they go to study some new species of beast man who ends up breeding her like the whore she is!
Team Splice Fucks the World: Team Splice worked on a new project, genetically splicing humans and pokemon. In doing so, they created anthro pokemon. However, part of the goal was to be able to make pokemon that could breed with humans. That part of the project, was an abject failure. The project ended up cancelled, scrapped. So they had all these anthro pokemon males, and no use for them. So, they released them into the wild! However, their insatiable thirst to breed cannot be stopped, so they hunt down female trainers and start fucking them as they please desperate to breed! They have powerful sex drives, and can go for a long time. They are looking for canon female trainers, eager to flood them with load after load of their cum in hopes they will breed them! Looking for girls to play 18 YO or older versions of Sonia, Marnie, Jessie, Misty, Dawn, May, Nessa, Bea, and Hilda!
Dragon Ball Z
The Z Sluts: Looking for someone to play curvier versions of Bulma, Chi-Chi, Android 18, or Videl. Looking to play an OC opposite one of these girls, and of course it would be a matter of laying claim to one of these women as a sexual plaything. Making her his fuck toy! We can brainstorm more adamant specifics, but this is a basic idea for these ladies to be his sex slave!
Lord of the Rings
Getting Dirty in Middle Earth: Taking Canon babes from Lord of the Rings, and getting them fucked and creampied by all manner of non-humans both in and out of Lord of the Rings. I particularly non-canon minotaurs and werewolves doing the deed. Would love to play opposite curvier versions of Galadriel, Arwen, Eowyn, and Tauriel. Let's work out a scene that caters to one of them, and get dirty!
Dragon Age:
The Captain Overboard: It is terrible! Isabela is stranded on land with no boat again, in this alternate take on her character story. She ends up without a ship or crew, left to wander to the nearest town or village. However, her journey gets cut short when some beast man or darkspawn finds her! Will she be able to resist being its breeding whore after going round after round of it blowing loads up her pussy?
The price of Blood Magic: In this alternate telling of Merril's story, what happens when her price for Blood magic is far sexier? What if she summoned a new breed of demon, packing some huge dong and less repulsive physically? Well, it is only to be expected that it becomes her master and owns that tight elven pussy of hers! She'll become his cockwhore soon enough!
Mass Effect
Whores of the Normandy: This is an easy one, there are so many beautiful babes in Mass Effect! Especially ones that could use some more curves, and of course a good fucking to put them in their place! I want to set up lewd situations for big dicked aliens like Krogans or Yahgs to fuck one of more of these girls! Miranda, Liara, Tali, EDI, Ashley Williams, and Jack! Open to more girls, but let's get dirty in Space!
Perverting the Princesses: I think this is a very common one, but the Disney princesses need to be perverted. Given some nice curves, and paired against some huge dicked stud to put them in their place as the harlots they are! Girls like Elsa, Anna, Rapunzel, Jasmine, Ariel, Belle, Cinderella, Snow White, and more! Let's put them in lewd situations, I especially love the idea of pairing them against anthros or other beast humanoids!
A Horny Shadow Duel: What if Alexis, Akiza, or Tea ended up face to face with a shadow duelist. Someone who has power over reality, and can even stop Akiza from using her psychic gifts? He summons monsters, uses all manner of cards to subdue her. The monsters don't attack her, they fuck her! Leave her full of cum until she is broken from multiple orgasms!
World of Warcraft
The World of Slutcraft: The whores of Warcraft deserve to be fucked by huge dicked beast men, like Tauren and Worgen. Girls like Jaina, Tyrande, Sylvanas, Alextrasza. Powerful women, who need to learn their place serving cock. Let's get one of these babes, and turn them into proper bimbos for a powerful stud!
Totally Spies:
Totally Fucked: The spies are at it again, confronting a villain to save the day from his evil plan. Yet, something different happens this time. He is prepared for them and is able to over power them, leaving them restrained and helpless. He decides he is going to turn them into his cum addicted bimbos, making them his proper sex slaves. Maybe he even grows multiple cocks through scientific means so he can fuck them at the same time! Let's get lewd with this villain owning all three spies!
Final Fantasy XIV
Alisaie is best girl: Anyone else agree with me here? Out of all the female characters in the game, Alisaie is my favorite! I would love to do some smutty scenario with her, not with me as the WOL mind you. Who I play would depend on what themes we want kink wise. If not non-con and more of a consensual sexual encounter, I could play my own OC from the game, or some anthrolike non-human in the game who is non-canon. Or if we want something non-con, well we can do all sorts of things. I could see her getting in over her head and punished proper, maybe she finds her aether disrupted and she can't defend herself when some well hung man decides to make her his. Let's discuss ideas together and make something perverted happen!
General FF XIV smut: So this is less specific, but I love Final Fantasy XIV. I would love to play scenarios in this game I have been pouring hours into, either as my own OC or in a multitude of other scenes! Let's make something lewd happen, we'll brainstorm something together!
Fantasy Ideas
A Priestess Corrupted: I am looking for a lady to play a pure and young priestess, like 18. New, serving her good goddess, and on her way to the temple where she will perform her new duties as a fresh priestess in the service of her goddess. However, I am playing a Dark Paladin. My character waylays her on her journey, captures her, and does the will of his dark god. To corrupt her, through pleasure, mind breaking orgasms, flooding her with cum, and making her a proper cock whore to him!
LFHS - Looking for Healslut: I would be playing an adventurer, one on the look out for a new healer to join his party making a two person team. Yet, her being his support healer is only part of it. He is looking for a slut as well, a whore to make his cumdump. Someone who can satisfy his carnal needs and keep him in fighting shape, maybe she even becomes a tool for him. Pimping her out for goods and gear, for favors, to get what he wants in general. Over-all though, she is his slut to use as he wills.
Revenge of the Wilds: I would be playing an anthromorphic druid, one who lives secluded in a vast forestland protecting it from outsiders. However, the humans in the bordering town have been nothing but trouble for his home. He is so angered by their disrespect for the woods, he has to take action. Targeting the daughter of one of the most vile humans, he jumps her and savagely breeds and fucks her. Making sure he floods her with cum! He continues till she becomes his willing breeder, and joins him in the woods to cement his ultimate revenge!
How did I get here: What happens when a canon girl, or celebrity from our world, end up somewhere they don't belong? One such girl gets transported to a high fantasy world, one populated predominantly by anthro men. Not only that, but they have a very lax sex rule in this world. Human women, being the social outlier, are subject to the whims of any anthro who comes across them. To freely fuck and use in public. So now she is in a world where she is free game for any anthro man who finds her, will she stay with one as a sex toy? Or will she travel place to place getting fucked along the way?
A princess turned Whore: Now, the kingdoms' is a shining example of nobility, purity, and beauty. However, what if she became the wanton slut to some debauched man? Maybe it is her guard, someone who takes advantage when the king is gone to hole himself up in her room to fuck her brains out! Maybe it is a local wizard who set up a magical sundries business, she just so happens to visit his shop secretly at night to get her back blown out! Or it could be some barbaric foreign dignitary, a brutish orc from a foreign land she just can't help but let plunder her pussy! Lots of options, let's make this princess a whore!
Heroine put in her place (fantasy): Now, this isn’t limited to fantasy, but it inspired the original idea! Now, what if an adventuress suddenly lost her ability to fight back? A wizard without her spellbook, a paladin stripped of her arms and holy symbol, or a rod of aphrodisiac that turns once rigid muscles weak and makes her body receptive to the fondling, groping, and fucking! Well, it would even be more hilarious if she is captured by normally weak but surprisingly hung creatures! Like goblins, lesser demons, or anything you can think of! Well, she gets captured and turned into a fuck toy that craves dick of course!
Modern Ideas
Really earning your rent: An idea based off a roleplay I worked out with another partner, one I’d like to revive! The idea features you playing a young fresh college student, leaving home to an exciting new city. The university you were accepted in is everything you ever wanted, but you need a place to live! Rent everywhere is way too expensive, until you find a place that is shockingly very low and hop on it. Dismissing the fact that only young females are welcome. You find that it is a one bedroom apartment owned by an anthro man in his thirties, and that you will be his live in fuck toy. It would start like that, but would form into some strange relationship.
Staying with Big Bro Leaves you sore: Looking for a scene where you would play my characters younger sister, thinking the age gap is 18 (F) and 28 (M). Can be bigger, it would be the oldest and youngest siblings. So she is traveling to college, and he so happens to be living in the city where her campus is. So, she decides she can stay with him until she works out a place to stay. However, distance away and time make them see each other in different light of attraction. She decides to tease him, physically egging him on. However, it goes completely forward as he freely grabs at her and starts groping and soon fingering her! What started as a simple teasing, is a full blown out fuck session in his living room!
Home Invasion from bad to Worse: I am looking for a lady willing to play one or more female characters opposite one, I would say 2 max though personally. So the idea is this. I am a robber who breaks into a house, only to find that it is the residence of one or two female roommates. One could be away to start, she could walk in on the action. So he breaks in, and rather than robbing it blind, he decides to start fucking her! Strips her, pins her down, and starts pounding her! Soon enough the other roommate shows up, however the first one has experienced first hand the addictive supernatural elements of his cum. Building an addictive need, she becomes more compliant after a load or two in her. Soon, he is fucking both girls till they are his cum addicted whores sharing their home! He can also restrain them, the supernatural element is fun I think though!
Doors best left Closed: So you would be playing a goth girl, one who found an old book in some antique store. It is said to be a demonic book of spells, and you found one that can summon a demon. Provided you have sufficient will, you can control it. So you perform the spell thinking it some joke, only to successfully summon a demon! However, you are not strong enough to control him. Instead, you spend the rest of your night, and pretty much future, enduring his sexual energy. Until you become his wanton slut, nothing but a bitch for him to pound.
Cosplay Slut Put in her Place: You would play a popular cosplayer, one that has lots of adoring fans. Mainly because of how buxom she is and how tight her cosplay costumes are! I am a fan, not some fat simp but a muscular and well built stud! I find you at a convention, and one of two things happens! I either just pull you over the booth table and start fucking you right in front of everyone, or I take you somewhere semi-private like a dressing room and make you my whore! Fucking you non-stop till you are my cock crazy harlot!
A stream to remember: You play a popular streamer, either real or your own character. I play an OC. One who is her roommate, brother, friend, whatever. I sneak into your show while you are streaming, completely naked save for my robe I leave open at the front. While streaming, I slam this massive dick right on your desk for you and your fans to see. Start making you suck it, finger you till you squirt in front of your fans, and proceed to fuck you on camera for all of them to see! The stream keeps going, with me balls deep in you nutting over and over as I make you cream for your fans to enjoy!
Celebrity Themed Smut: Celebrities, they represent the hottest members of our society. And of course, I can name a good deal of ones that really get my horny. I would love to have a debauched scenario where a celebrity gets absolutely fucked, flooded with cum, and turned into a cock addicted, cum slut. Especially, if the one doing the fucking is a horny anthro groping, fingering, and fucking her brains out! Now, what situation could we do that would facilitate this celebrity porno? Well, let’s talk about that! The following ideas are not concrete, just some initial thoughts. I am fully down to brainstorm a plot, just bring a desire to play some celebrity to get fucked senseless!
Maybe I play some younger or same aged fan, and this can go any number of ways. She meets him on a hook up site, convention, meet and greet. Regardless, she ends up alone with him and in either a con or non-con fashion gets her ankles pinned to her ears and railed into next week!
Maybe something more fantastic, and she is transported to some foreign dimension where she gets captured by one of the sexist locals who puts her in her place as a sex toy.
Or, maybe she ends up on hard times, and she has to debase herself by taking low budget porn roles. A self produced porno by some young anthro stud, but she decides to stick around after getting addicted to cock.
Now, I got some celebrities I am craving, I would LOVE if you play one of them specifically.Kat Dennings, Diane Kruger (think Troy era,) Billie Ellish, and Iggy Azalea.
MILF Sexual Escapades: So, this is another more general idea, but an ageplay scenario with me as a younger stud (18-21) opposite one or more older women is something that is really resonating with me right now. I haven’t done a younger male with older female in awhile, and playing some young anthro stud fucking some sexy and curvy older babes sounds hot! Maybe I play some young stud, he managed to buy his own first home very young and moved into a nice suburb. All the depraved, sexually deprived, size queen, MILFs that need a real dicking down are very interest and he gets around! Or maybe something with more familiarity, like a mom and her son’s friend who she caught a few times with other girls or a glimpse of his package in the shower (very porno.) College professor and student always has potential. Or a reverse power dynamic against the age norms, she is taking a yoga class and he is her young stud of an instructor. She gets some hands on work from him, only to escalate into a private session into fuck session! Please bring your own ideas if you have them as well, MILFS need some good dick from young hung studs!
Open to also playing him as a shota as he fucks through all the MILFS in the neighborhood!
Anthro Farm: This is an idea that would take place in a modern setting, one where anthros are part of everyday society. However, they have some different accommodations in society due to differences with humans. One key thing being they have an insatiable sex drive, that drives them into strong heats.
Your character would be a city girl. Stacked with a nice ass, some good tits, who has grown tired of the hustle and bustle of the big city. She has a cousin who has a country farm, an establishment for anthros to come and work out their heavy breeding heat without actually impregnating someone. Your character can either know or not know, and agrees to come and help out around the farm to get a bit of that fresh, country air. This is all a set up for her to be absolutely railed by the various anthros that come through the farm!
Futanari Scene Ideas
Star Wars Smut: I am wanting to play futa x female scenes featuring me as either canon or OC futas fucking canon girls. Who I would play would vary depending on who you play. The girls I am looking for a lady to play as females are Leia, Padme, Rey, Oola, Asajj, Aayla Secura, Vette, and Kira Carsen. Now for my character, I have a strong preference for playing a Sith Lord Futa, preferably a sith pureblood but I can change this! And if not one of the canon babes above, for my partners character, I LOVE Twileks and togrutas, but especially Twileks!
Mass Effect Futa Smut: I am looking for someone to play Miranda Lawson and/or Ashley Williams for me, open to others but they are my chief cravings! I would play a hung futa Liara T’soni, Samara, and/or EDI. I would be down for playing more than one of the three, if I am I would like to add more females for you to play. Such as Tali, Jack, Kelly Chambers. Maybe all three of my futas decide to take all the females for some breeding frenzy.
An all Futas School gets a new Student: I got an idea for a school themed idea, one where it is an all futa school. That includes staff and teachers, along with the students! It is because futas have intense sex drives, with a powerful need to fuck any biological female they can, when they can. So, they keep it futa exclusive to make sure there are no incidents.
However, what happens when a biological female transfers there through some quirk of fate? Well, will she be able to keep all the futas at bay? Of course not, she'll end up getting fucked rather regularly by students, staff, teacher, and even the principle herself! So, she will become the school fuck toy!
Desert Kingdom’s Queen: I would be playing the futanari queen of a desert kingdom, huge dicked and everything. She acquires a new prize, an exotic and foreign captive. She makes full use of her as the newest collection to her sex slave harem, and gets the rigorous treatment as the new favorite.
I’m your BIGGEST fan!: My character is an aspiring futanari porn star who decides to pay a visit to a convention held for the porn industry, and my character goes to meet her favorite MILF porn star. This could include exhibitionism or semi-private elements based on preference. But suffice it to say, she gets a chance to show her favorite porn star just how huge her cock is. And gets to fuck the woman of her dreams!
Monster Futa fucks Adventurer: Just as the title suggests, a monster futa ends up capturing some adventurer and making her its sex slave. Maybe it is some fallen angel who uses a dark sex ritual to bind you to her, or maybe it is a bull minotaur babe who wants to breed you full! Or perhaps it is a whole host of various monsters and dark beasts filling a dungeon, and each get a crack at your pussy as you fuck your way through!
The tomb isn’t empty: Who wants to play a female explorer delving into the tomb of an ancient desert queen? Only to find the mummy isn’t some disgusting zombie, and she is not at all dead and is very horny.
Staying in a traditional Hotel: You would be playing a lady who is traveling, preferably 18 with friends/family. You are on a trip in some foreign country, my preference was Japan, where you stay at a more traditional Inn to enjoy a cultural experience. However, you are shocked during one night of your stay. When, while sleeping at night, you are awoken to the MILF owner of the Inn walking into your room with nothing but her robe on and open. Showing not only a pair of huge tits, but a heavy thick cock hanging between her legs. We all know that she is here to take what she wants!
Edited by Fadereaper
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