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  • First time trying this, lookin' for any Female/Femboy

    Yo, I'm An-Nihilism, a dude who's just recently gotten into ERP and I heard some good things about this site. Full disclaimer; this is my first time doing this, so if you could mayhaps explain some things to me as we go it'd be greatly appreciated. 

    Like the title says, I'm looking for any Females/Femboys to RP with, me playing a male character. I'll probably make a whole sheet for him later, but currently just checking if this site is good for finding partners. I don't really have specific scenarios written out, if you have them I'm down to try them out! But if we're both clueless, we can always do something like "we bump into eachother on the beach" or "A finds B looking at NSFW in school/office" since those have a good starting point with room for improv 😆

    I prefer long posts, around 1-3 paragraphs long, but I can go over this if needed. Been rp-ing normally for about two years now, so I have some experience. If any of this sparks your interest, send me a... uh, 'Ecchitext' and we can get brewing. See ya there 👍



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