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  • We all know about Five Nights at Freddy’s right? Well, once more this is going to be me playing as a OC against Canon animatronics, but of course if you guys are up for it! I have a few ideas I will list as it can either be the new Pizzaplex or the regular Freddy’s:

    • My animatronic girlfriends: MC is the new Night Security Guard that is working at the new Pizzeria/PizzaPlex. When it got dark, MC will do his rounds around the establishment to make sure no one is sneaking inside. Though, when the animatronics go to life, they decide to show their appreciation. Show some intimate fun, showing their love for him. We can discuss what the reason can be. 
    • Don’t fuck the animatronics: MC is still the new Night Guard as he started his shift at the Pizzeria. He tries to keep them out of his room as best as he possibly can by pressing the doors to close them and using his flashlight. Though, one of them ended up getting lucky and getting inside. The thing is that they don’t want to put him in a suit. Oh no, they want to fuck him. To urge their cravings by rising his dick like there’s no tomorrow! The only problem, is that it will eventually kill him. When the night ends, they will find him with his pants down, having the life be sucked out of him. Newspapers speak of the night guard dying from the animatronics. But then, he would wake up, seeing that is was a dream! That he didn’t die! But he had still go back to the Pizzeria to finish his shifts because he can officially quit. 

    Let me know if interested!

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