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  • Gas, Grass or Ass?

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    You're standing beside the road, thumb raised, hoping to catch a ride to wherever you're heading to - or at least partway there. It's not the busiest road and many cars and trucks just pass you by, not wanting to bother with a stranger. But then you're in luck as a car finally stops. You lean forward as the passenger side window rolls down and the guy behind the wheel asks where you're heading. Turns out, he can take you all the way. You know the rules of the road though and like with almost anything in life, it's not going to be a free ride. That's why you're not surprised when he asks "Gas, grass, or ass?"

    Since you don't have the money for gas nor grass, you had already decided how'd you'd answer the question before it even popped up. Secretly, you were perhaps even hoping the question would pop up.


    So, this is a bit of a casual RP that can be either short- or long-term in nature. A fun roadtrip RP where the female hitchhiker pays the male driver with sex as he takes her to her intended destination. Further details, questions, and suggestions can be worked out in an EcchiText.

    Hope to hear from you soon if you're interested!

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