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  • Guess Who's Private RP ideas

    I like RPing sex, but I also enjoy having some type of story attached to it. Nothing but smut eventually gets boring to me if it's a long term roleplay and I always enjoy long term over short term. So here are a couple settings and a kinda basic story for each so we can work together to make a storyline for the RP.

    Note: I'm a straight male, so I'd prefer to play that kind of character, but if we come up with an interesting enough concept that doesn't fit that or if we have multiple characters and at least one of mine fits that category than I'll be perfectly happy.

    1. Dark Fantasy - No one knows how it happened, no one knows when it happened, but ask anyone and they will agree with the sentiment. The world has ended. Those still alive in it are merely walking corpses traveling across the husk of this broken world. There are few heroes left now, maybe you're one of them, hoping to find something to bring us back from the brink, or perhaps you're simply human, trying your best to eek out a living through the circumstances given. Either way, there are horrible monsters, backstabbing exploiters, and few places left to find any respite. Let's do our best to make it through together.

    Inspired by Berserk, Fear and Hunger, and Dark Souls, this RP can follow our two characters or a small party of adventurers as we attempt to survive this bleak world. As the paragraph above said, we can either be heroes attempting to put things right or morally gray travelers, trying to find someplace left where we don't have to watch our backs constantly. We'll delve into haunted forests, survive the darkest of dungeons, face the grimmest of foes, and most likely connect with each other, finding brief moments of happiness in our shared lust.

    2. Hardboiled Sci Fi Noir - The rain came down hard and constant as if mother nature herself was hoping to put the biblical flood to shame. A city like this deserved it too. It certainly put Sodom and Gomorrah to shame with its wanton sin and debauchery. No one that lived here was clean and I was no exception. I'm sure neither was the woman I could hear coming down the hall to my office, her heels clicking with each step. My cybernetic arm whirred as it brought a glass of whiskey to my lips and I stared out into the rain-slicked night through venetian blinds. Overhead, flying cars still managed to be tripped up by bad weather, nearly sliding into a pedestrian outside as it careened down toward the curb. As my door swung open, I turned to face the beautiful stranger, curious to see the case she'd brought to this washed up private eye.

    Inspired by Blade Runner and Shadows of Doubt. A cynical detective, a femme fatale, robot limbs, flying cars, and corruption around every corner. It's Humphrey Bogart if he had to deal with androids and hackers. What could be cooler? I've been craving a bit of a noir mystery setting after playing Shadows of Doubt and reading books like Sin City and Blacksad, so if this sounds interesting to you too, let me know. We can either work together before the RP to decide the details of the case or if you want I can try to come up with one myself and act as a sort of GM as our characters work to solve it together. Considering how synonymous the private eye monologue is with the genre, I think this is the one time I'll request that an RP be in first person.

    Alright, that's everything. I look forward to roleplaying with you.

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