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  • Heart of the Cards

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    Duel monsters, a famous card game in the world of Yu-Gi-oh! Majority of the people there think they are just cards, playing them, having them appear in Holograms to fight, things like that. Though they do say when you Bond with a card, they grow stronger, and give you that edge to win. 

    What lots of people don’t know is that the cards have souls in them. That the duel monsters are real. That bonding with them is real, and there is different ways of doing so. It can either be respecting the card. Or, with the lucky few who can see the spirits, can bond with them in a more physical way. 

    My idea is that I want to play as a OC who is a Duel Monster player. He can see the spirits of the duel monsters and ends up bonding with them! Though the way he bonds with them is through sex. To truly feel that connection by having sex with them. Maybe even growing a relationship with a card or two!

    Anyone want to try and explore this idea with me?

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