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  • Hogwarts smutty Adventures

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    Welcome to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry! The year is 2020, all traces of the Wizarding war have come to a close, marking a new era for wizards and witches. With every passing of the torch to a new generation, struggles, challenges and adventures await those willing to explore. The setting is realistic and based primarily on Canon material, however for the sake of keeping things interesting, I'll be adding new magical elements to the Wizarding world. I intend to have a main plot for our students and teachers to interact with over the course of time, and am happy to hear out your ideas in building it. While I'll personally by focusing on world building, and character development for some time, smut is encouraged and if that is the only thing you want to focus on, that's fine by me. I'd like this place to be open to creative ideas, and i don't intend to be a dictator or the server, your thoughts are welcomed!

    I'm angling for quality writing, and people with creative ideas to build interesting story. One liners or simply lazy writing will get you a warning, if it persists, you'll be removed from the server. No God-Modding, Meta-Gaming. I'm open to almost anything happening in terms of smut and side stories you want to build for yourself and your characters, just clear it with me first to maintain realistic consistency. 

    For now you can make 2 students, and 1 teacher. However if you want to be a teacher, have a concept of what they teach, and be prepared to teach a classroom from time to time, there will be a greater quality of writing and dedication expected from teaching roles. I want our students to have fun and interesting smutty adventures and misadventures to go on, little mini plots of our own devising. Dark themes are welcomed, so long as they are relatively realistic in the way they occur. 18+ is mandatory for players, age of characters is still being decided. Please give me a PM if your interested in trying a mature themed Hogwarts experience.

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    I'm interested. I've always wanted to write a Slitheren character that tries as hard as he can to help his house get points since his dad, grandfather, etc were all Slitheren.

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