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  • Huge Breasts Stuck In Wall

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    I had an idea where a mature woman was dealing with some job issues at an office where is a ground level room, as she was arguing and such with another woman, there was two small hole in a wall where she covered with a picture of herself standing proud of her office, as they argue, the woman pushes the office lady from too much anger, a she would turn around while falling and bam, her massive breasts enter trough the small holes , as her shirt broke but the bra stays, it did broke into two as well but the bra parts just stay there.

    Her breasts would be peeking out from the other side as the woman ran away afraid that she would get arrested, now she was stuck in her office as there was no one else working except only her, and if someone passess by they would see them, the girl never had her breasts touched or sucked or tortured at all since she never was pregnant as well, total virgin, 34 years old.

    Liking to happen: Lots of torture,pain and deformation (basically if they are squeezed by hard stuff, they stay squeezed for a while before regaining theyr round shape again), bruises, can be blood but not gore (Example: They would whip and nail them good untill they bleed." But no gore like cutting open or cutting the nipples off), many people to use her breasts the way they want and not just one person, can be shotas, can be teens,adults,old men, dominating lesbians, etc, to ruin her breasts well enough that she would be regretting her whole life for having such huge breasts, but eventually she would get kidnapped the next morning only so she could be used more.

    Hates: Basically almost nothing at this point.

    She is single 34 year old woman who looks like this: 

    (Actually you give me picture of one huge boobed girl)

     Private message and lets begin! 😄

    Edited by Darknan

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