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  • i have a more developed thread here, but it sadly hasn't been gaining much interest— at least, nothing that's panned out into a real story— so i wanted to pop this one up to hopefully just scratch that writing itch as soon as possible. i prefer playing female characters, and will happily play sub or switch; full dominant takes more convincing.

    hi! i'm senna, and i'm looking for some fun, smutty writing. give my preferences a look over, and if you see something you like, let me know! i'm also open to you suggesting your own ideas if you think we'd make good partners.

    we'll have fun together if

    • you can be patient! i don't respond daily, so please give me time to respond before poking me.
    • you can respect my limits! i don't write rape/non-con, loli/shota, scat/gore/vore, cheating/adultery, or anything first person.
    • you can check your replies! errors are fine, of course, but an unreadable reply doesn't do anything for me.
    • you can add plot twists! i don't want to do all the work— i love plotting with my partner!

    what do i want to write? well, most things! i have more ideas in my thread linked above, but honestly, i just want to jump into it. fandoms, originals, modern, realistic, historical, sci-fi, fantasy... bring it on! i really look forward to hearing from you! who knows... we might make the perfect match!



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    I’m always down to rp! If you ever like, you can check my Preference page for possibly ideas that might spark your interest!

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