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  • In Need of A Spark! <3

    • Comment here first! Looking

    Hello! I'm Sierra, and I've been emotionally and mentally walled off lately. I've had a terrible time writing and responding to my RPs. So I was hoping, that maybe~ One of you could help me? 

    What I'm looking for is a spark to kinda kick myself back into writing. Maybe you could give me an idea or help me feel something again? 

    I'm an excellent writer while awake(Sometimes I write sleepy 😅) and I try my absolute best to be descriptive and open to any ideas anyone might have. 

    I swear I'm a sweetheart who will never be rude. I'm open to literally anything right now to at least make me focus on writing something! ❤️ 


    Just Please help me feel something, I'm hopeful and trusting of this loving and understanding community. ❤️ 

    This is a link to my Character Portfolio! 


    This is a link to a kink list(Just incase we do smut)!



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    We can do that post-apocalypse RP that we've put off to do our first RP. Will you be interested in that?

    (By the way, don't you worry about our first RP. I'm a patient dude.)

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