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  • In Which I Attempt to Think of Ideas

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    While the ideas listed here more or less all have romantic/sexual components, I am happy to do anything from pure story to pure smut. See below for details.

    Hello! The following ideas are examples of what happens when I have too much time on my hands. I try to keep them somewhat open-ended to allow for modifications and adjustments as necessary; imposing a strict plot or setting on one's partner rather defeats the purpose of roleplaying with another person, in my opinion. With that in mind, if you have an idea for how you'd like to see one of the following scenarios go, or indeed if you have an idea of your own, send me a message and we can get to work setting things up! As stated above, I'm perfectly happy to do  one-off smut, a good balance of story and lewdness, or 100% clean plots. I've made an effort to ensure that all of the characters in these scenarios can be any gender, and you can play whatever part(s) you'd like - I'll fill in the rest.

    THE IDEAS - More will likely be added in the future

    A Risky Investment

    Two tech giants have been battling it out for control of the internet media industry, using all sorts of dirty tricks to get ahead. They've been stuck in a stalemate for too long, however, and one company's board of directors has fired the CEO and, in an unprecedented move, brought in someone completely inexperienced - straight out of college, in fact. In deep over their head, the new CEO will have to build relationships and learn the ropes, and quickly, because they'll be out of a job if they don't turn a profit in just one year.

    No actual knowledge of business is required - remember, they're not supposed to know what they're doing! There are lots of ways this one can go.


    It's the golden age of paleontology, and things are getting a bit heated between two up-and-coming natural philosophers. From simple theft to blowing up dig sites, their rivalry gets more and more bitter every day. Oddly, they tend to get along quite well when no fossils are on the line...

    Inspired by the antics of Marsh and Cope during the 1870's, though naturally these characters are very different; Marsh and Cope genuinely hated one another until their deaths, and obviously that wouldn't quite work here.


    These are just uninspired little blurbs that popped into my head that I'm having trouble doing anything creative with. These can be used as-is or fleshed out into something with more depth.

    Commanding officer x subordinate - Do they intend to instill fear and discipline, or will they do anything to take care of their troops?
    Teacher x student - Extra credit, anyone?
    Doctor/nurse x patient - Gotta make sure the patients are comfortable.
    Customer/manager/health and safety inspector x fast food cashier - Hey, my fries are up here!
    Royalty x castle staff - A common enough trope, to be sure, but are they serving the crown, or do they get to be "king" for a day?
    Deep-sea diver x squid/octopus - Will probably descend (heh) into absurd comedy. Expect dreadful puns.
    Pirate x sailor - Stranded on a desert island, these mortal enemies must work together to survive. Why? Because it isn't much fun if they don't, now is it?

    Again, feel free to send me a message if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. Heck, message me if you just want to chill. I hope you have a wonderful day!

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