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  • Just throwing some ideas out there. (M4F)

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    Looking for some fun RP. Though I've listed some ideas, I'm also very open to others. I'm no author, so I wouldn't expect 4 to 6 paragraphs worth of prose, but I will do my best to at least give enough detail to get the point across. Any plots can be as plot-heavy or as little as they're needed/wanted to be. Details can be discussed before play begins.

    "Half and half" : My character is afflicted with a bit of a family curse. He's part demon. Normally, he's a timid, quiet young man. But when aroused, he becomes a powerful demon lord. Your character could just tease him for a bit of fun, only to end up at his mercy. Or, perhaps, a succubus that picked the wrong (or right) target.

    "You're like a big brother...": This one is pretty simple. Both our characters are life-long friends, with my character always looking out for yours. Of course, feelings are starting to develop, but my character is convinced that yours only sees him as a "big brother" type figure.

    "You're gonna get me killed...": This one is a bit more smut-heavy. A mob boss has assigned my character to guard his daughter, aka to keep her out of trouble. However, she is a woman who knows what she wants and ALWAYS gets what she wants.

    "My other half...": This one is twincest, and is probably the most smut-heavy. Both our characters have been practically inseparable, since childhood. When puberty hit, let's just say there was a lot of experimentation when Mom and Dad weren't around. They may have tried having relationships with other people, but that's just to keep up appearances.

    Again, details can be adjusted. If you have any ideas, please feel free to throw them out there.

    Other ideas that aren't well-formed, but I'm also interested in:

    Cheating GF/Wife: This can be for any reason, whether the BF/Husband is just neglectful, can't satisfy her, or even if she just gets off on cheating.

    Boss/Employee: I could do either role, but I'd prefer to be the employee. Maybe the boss is just using me as her "stress relief."



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