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  • Legend of the slime hero (Looking for F)

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    The Hero. Shielder of the innocent, slayer of evil, standing at the peak of fame. But since a while, competition draws on the horizon. A heroine who has tamed a legendary slime, and bound it to act as her armor and sword. Wielder of incredible magics, feared by monsters. But where did she come from?

    In this RP, we will go through exactly that! For her beginnings were a lot more humble than one might assume. And this is exactly what I would like to have YOU for.


    Hi there~ Now that I have your interest, I'm Mini, and I am looking for someone who might be interested to RP with my slime character. Without further ado, let's get right to it, shall we?



    Name: Monty 

    Age: Unknown since Monty stopped keeping track of the years.

    Background: Since a few years, there is a post in the wanted book of the adventurer's guild many consider a joke, for its target is a slime. Yes, its shape is a bit out of the ordinary, and it is a bit bigger, but other than that, it's nothing special, right?

    Wrong. While its threat level is low, and everyone who encountered and attacked it is alive and unharmed for the most part, it has a reputation of defeating almost anyone, and then change its body before draining their semen or other bodily fluids as payback. Those who assume it is a joke are only the ones who have not fought it. Those who did keep it a secret for obvious reasons.

    Personality: Should one try to converse with Monty, it will reveal freely that it can talk, was once human, and holds a sweet sense of nostalgia for its forgotten life. It also holds a profound belief in the superiority of slime as a species, often asserting this dominance to those around it. But that sense of superiority doesn't blind it. Just as one slime is only a drop, many slimes are an unstoppable ocean, Monty believes in unity, and will encourage those who converse with it. But it is also a lewd creature and will prey on anyone's body should they decide to attack it. Both as punishment, and as hobby.


    Monty is capable of fluent speech and has no issues communicating. It can even write if provided something to write on.
    It is also aware of the lives and systems in human society, likely due to its past life.
    Its most obvious ability is shape shifting, which it can use to assume human form, but also to shift its slime body to its needs.
    It can not cast spells on its own. But similar with how mages can use staffs and wands, Monty can allow a human to cast magic by acting as their mana battery.

    If you didn't run away screaming yet, here's what I wanna do: I want a kinda comedic adventure RP, where Monty is worn by a female, and they do some good as they travel, or clean up the local kingdom. Thanks to its shape shifting abilities, it would look like any other armor or clothing. The gimmik in this? While being worn, its wearer would be able to use Monty's mana to make the armor/clothing considerably tougher, her swings and punches much stronger, and cast magic freely. I would like this unorthodox duo to then have an adventure or two, while also doing lewd things on the side. If I had to point out some things I would like to try, it would be living clothing, bondage, double/triple penetration, stealthy sex, and overflowing with cum/slime. NOT all at the same time, and not at the start of their relationship. That would be quite of an overload. Also, please let me know if you are interested in the idea, but one or another of these does not interest you. I don't mind leaving one or two out, or adding new ones if you have ideas.

    But how would this duo come to be? I have 2 ideas, but am willing to accept more.
    1: Your character is an adventurer who took it upon herself to get rich and famous. Upon seeing the bounty on a slime, she decides to kill it, and secure the money, now knowing just what kind of fight she is in for.
    2: Your character is someone influentlal. Maybe a knight captain, or princess, who could give away information with just the right torture. In a cell, a big urn would be brought into her room, the lid opened, and all guards would leave the area quickly, for a huge slime would emerge from it (only to be confused by why it was brought there).

    In either case, Monty would offer to be your character's companion, if she in turn would satisfy its conditions. What exactly those conditions are is something I would like to plot out with you.

    Interested? Shoot me a PM.

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