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  • Let's Get Creative!

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    Hi there! I'm new here, but I'm an experiences role player looking to get back into it.

    I enjoy creating characters and building their stories to the fullest, from smut to world building and character development. 

    Let's discuss ideas! I'm definitely full of them- from werewolves to cowboys to regular old people and much much more! I prefer private role playing because it's more intimate and we can really hash something out.

    I am a trans-masculine non-binary person who goes by they/them pronouns, so if that bothers you I'm not the writing partner for you.

    I am happy to play the role of males, females, and in-betweens. Able to write queer, trans, and straight situations. I also am happy to try new things and generally won't say no to giving something a shot. Basically, I'm open to anything and I enjoy experimenting and new ideas!

    Try me! Could be the start of something golden. 


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