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  • lets get some stories going!

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    For starters, please inquire in PM only if any ideas catches anyone’s attention. If you comment, I feel as if you would be annoyed of me from every time a bump the thread and it clutters the thread up I feel.

    fair warning, this thread is going to be fairly long and not all of it is applicable to everyone. However, I do feel like I need to request everyone to at least read the first section. Ideas will be at the bottom. I promise I am not as picky as I seem.

    What I need from a potential partner:

    1. I can write in both first and third person, but I generally go for first person as my main. HOWEVER, I do understand that some stories are better suited in third, or that the other partner my prefer a certain one. If that is the case however, please let me know off hand and I will have no problem complying.

    2. I do prefer longer replies, but I am more than comfortable with doing a little bit shorter ones. The only thing I must stop at and won’t do, is one liners. I generally just try to go for matching my partners reply or at least a paragraph.

    3. I do find myself to have proper grammar. However, how I get on here and type my replies, it does not work out sometimes. If I have an error, and I do not see it, it sometimes won’t edit it. OR, it will edit a correct word and make it have errors. I have no idea as to why it does this.

    4. I find myself able to reply to a RP at least once a day but do find myself replying more than once daily. I find consistency to be very important and in order to not lose track of things, I think it’s always a good idea to tell one another if something is wrong or if a reply will take a while. I understand things happen and you may not be able to, I just ask that you try if that is possible. I tend to put a lot of effort into my replies, and to have them fall apart or cancelled from lack of communication just seems like a waste.

    5. I am able to role play as BOTH male and female characters but will only role play with female characters. Also, I LOVE pictures with descriptions in the replies.

    Now that that is out of the way, now for the fun part, my likes and dislikes:

    1. Mixed roleplays. That is to say, I like elements of various types of roleplays integrated. Usually this means some sort of romance plot, sexual elements. But, none of those would be the whole focus.

    2. Domination: Like I said, I like sexual elements in the plot, usually with extensive build up but sometimes quicker than other. I especially like when this involves a dom/sub dynamic. It can be mild or extreme, depending on your limits. Also like I stated above, I can play a dom male, a dom or sub female or both.

    3. Multiple in depth characters with one of us taking full control of certain characters is also another large like for me

    4. MasterXSlave or some variant. I'm basically always open to these if they can be given some substance.


    1. Generic roleplays. I like to collaborate, world build and work out the details, create a roleplay that suits both of us, not give a scenario and go. Even if the plot is made up, please help me edit it even.

    2. One sided plot development. I can be creative and clever with the plots, characters and so on—What I can't do is sustain that indefinitely without any help. In dom/sub roleplays, that means a prefereably detailed list of fetishes and kinks. It makes things a lot more interesting if I can act out things you enjoy that I might not have considered otherwise.

    3. Continuity breaks. It's annoying when one minute your hands are tied and the next response you're grabbing with them. If I notice anything major, I'm going to mention it. Usually it's an honest mistake.

    4. Roleplay in PM. We can have a conversation for any OOC talk. All roleplay is done in threads, as we can have OOC in another message. This is actually a big problem for me, so I will be working on it as well.

    5. No bestiality or toilet play. If I am playing a male, no anal done to me. I don't do MxM but I will do MxFxF. Like stated above, I can write female characters and though I prefer my main character be male, I might do FxF, if you can accept the fact that I don't have the parts involved and thus my understanding is more academic than practical. I don't roleplay with men, even men playing women... sorry, the weirdness just spoils it for me.

    6. Passive characters. As I have said, I love worldbuilding. That requires that characters be active and curious so I can expand on these concepts. If your character just says yes to everything and never asks questions, it becomes very difficult to introduce ideas important to the narrative. Same if they are utterly unwilling to dispute anything (Master/Slave excluded) you can disagree with me, I don't bite (often)

    Now for the actually 'Fun' Fun Part, ideas (plots craved the most are marked!):

    [SPOILER="training for revenge (craving!)"] This plot has my character move with his family to attend a new college he got accepted to. After meeting a friend, he goes to a first party, only for the host to have seen a fight video of his. He soon forces him to fight, only to lose and be beaten pretty bad. He begins to train, just to get revenge, as well as dealing with the girlfriend who is trying to leave the one that beat him to be with my character. What happens when he feels my character as a threat? [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="the trusty bodyguard (craving!)"] This plot has your character a very experienced hacker, as well as a criminal mastermind like her father. After the disappearance of her father, she is soon forced to try to figure out what happened to him, as well as eventually save him. The only person she has to help her, is her trusty bodyguard that her father hired to keep her safe, having no problem to kill anyone that may try to hurt her. However, what happens when they are soon forced to be alone for some time? [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="all for the treasure (craving!)"] This plot has our characters professional divers and treasure hunters, as well as exes that can not forget each other. After looking for the treasure of the life time, they eventually find it. But, after finding out that they were not the only ones that was looking for it, they must do everything to keep themselves alive and get this group off of their back. [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="for the farm (craving!)"] This plot has your character a good ole Country girl that comes home to help her parents after a break up from her fiancé, only to find out that her parents are in a very bad place finically. And, they are about to lose their farm that they have owned for years. As the new owner of the farm comes to tell the family that they must leave, he runs into her. Will she do whatever it takes to save her family’s home? [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="private dance (craving!)"] This plot has your character a dancer of a no touch club that recently got a new owner. Everything sounds alright at first, no real changes. However, after what looks like a new client keeps coming in, she is soon told she must do a private dance, which is something the dancers had ever done at that clob. Long and behold, it is the same new client. However, as he gets to touchy feely, it all begins to be to much for her. She goes to stop the dance, only to be forced to continue by the client. What happens when the guard does nothing to stop him? [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="you all along? (craving!)"] This plot has my character a serial killer, who quickly joins the police agency that is investigating all the murders. He goes along with the detective, leading her on bogus trails. However, he soon finds himself to feel as if the next big target, should be the very person investigating the most. [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="time to join the agency (craving!)"] This plot has my character a ex secret agent, who was framed for a crime that got multiple people in jail or hiding. After the mysterious murder of the agencies long running commander, he is soon broken out of prison and investigate the people that are trying to take out anyone that is able to prevent them from finally succeeding in their mission. [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="need a driver? (craving!)"] This plot has my character the best driver that is able to get anything that is needed anywhere. He is soon however drugged and woken up in his car with a mysterious bracelet that is blinking, with a video of a man stating that he needed to get to the next town over. However, along the way, he soon finds he has a woman in the trunk with the same bracelet. [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="back to college (craving!)"] This plot has my character going through a bad rut in his life, having just divorced and having kids that don’t want anything to do with him. After making a wish in a wishing fountain, he wakes up the next morning only twenty years old, around his kids age. Unaware as to what to do next, he soon decides to get to know his kids more. What happens when he finds out what they really do when not around their parents, and attracted to his daughter that she does not know. [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="Part of the hunt (craving!)"] this plot has your character a member of a special operations unit, investigating the disappearance of a fellow operative that went missing during an investigation. As her and her team are in the jungle looking for the other, they soon uncover that the operative did not just disappear, but was murdered. Believing it to be a enemy army, they are soon picked off one by one by a unknown being. However, when it is just your character and the hunter, they soon uncover that he is not the only alien that is hunting. [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="you have a month (craving!)"] this plot has my character the leader of one of the most notorious mafias around the world even, having his hands in anything illegal everywhere. While around other people that has nothing to do with the mafia, he is a regular person that happens to have a lot of money. However, upon trying to bed a local neighbor, with no success, he soon decides to take her and give her a month to fall for him. Will she be able to fall in love with her kidnapper? [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="personal trainer (craving!)"] this plot has my character a yoga instructor that goes from home to home. However, a new client quickly has him wishing to advance things farther than professional. What will she decide when he decides to take what he wants, by force if necessary? [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="about time (craving!)"] this plot has my character a true elemental, one that is able to control all of the elements besides just one like select few other elementals are able to. As the powers are passed from one to other upon death, and another never showing up after the disappearance of mine eighty years ago, it is long believed the powers have finally faded and died out. as a big war that is about to start, it is made quite clear that it would take a elemental of all elements to be able to stop the war. Upon the war coming closer and closer to the end, your character, another elemental of a single element discovers mine being frozen in ice. What happens when your character discovers him and helps him out? [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="the hitch hiker (craving!)"] this plot has both of our characters in a relationship and on a cruise across country to go to her families home for the holidays. However, after your character gets mad at my character for driving through a puddle on purpose next to a hitch hiker, he is forced to stop to offer a ride. However, the ride quickly goes south once the find out that he is a murderer and is now very pissed, but highly trained. [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="Being More Social (craving!)"] after moving to a new school from moving out of his parents to go to college, my character would come to find out that if he wishes to have friends and get over his shyness, he would have to run for a position on the student council board. However, he soon finds himself attracted to your character after she offers him a ride, and spots him starring at her body and decides to show him what all he has missed. What happens when he falls for her and finds out it was all a set up because of his name and when the girl of his dreams is being ordered to do as she is told? after moving to a new school from moving out of his parents to go to college, my character would come to find out that if he wishes to have friends and get over his shyness, he would have to run for a position on the student council board. However, he soon finds himself attracted to your character after she offers him a ride, and spots him starring at her body and decides to show him what all he has missed. What happens when he falls for her and finds out it was all a set up because of his name and when the girl of his dreams is being ordered to do as she is told? [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="The Need For Speed (craving!)"] the plot has your character a part of a crew of street racers, the leader one of best in the world. one of the other members, spike, finds my character and brings him into the crew. over the course of a little bit of time, my character clicks with everyone and easily is liked by all of them. however, after a few odd races, it is found out that the leader of the crew is running drugs and using them to do it. everyone is mad, but doesn't stand up against him.

    it is quickly found out that the leader is actually being forced to do as he told by spike, another member of the crew, who makes it clear he runs things. my character goes to stand up against him, and challenges him to a race for control. the race is set up, and was suppose to private for spike also goes to kill him. your character finds my character and helps keep him hidden as he goes to get his car back and beat spike once and for all. [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="the college experiment (craving!)"] this plot has my character roommates with your character. We would be pretty close friends, very comfortable with each other. However, after a drunken night at a party, the two end up having sex. However, what happens when they wake up nude to each other? [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="im so sorry (craving!)"] this plot has my character being best friend with a girl he has known since childhood. They grew up together and were at one point, inseparable. However, after falling for a new guy in town, they are soon forced to stop being friends with how insecure the new boyfriend is. However, what happens when she finds where he lives a year or two later, and comes to his home in the middle of a storm at the night, with the knowledge she had found her now fiancé cheating at the bar. [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="shouldn’t of drank with me (craving!)"] this plot has my character now dealing with his father recently getting remarried, having him come home for wedding. However, as he meets the new wife, and his new sister, he soon finds out that he is really attracted to his sister in law. He then gets drunk with her and ends up sleeping with her, on the night of the wedding. What happens when they wake up to each other? [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER=" Baba Yaga (craving!)"] this plot has my character, a legendary assassin, forced to come back into the game of being an assassin. After losing his wife and having his car stolen and his dog dead, he soon goes after the men that did the last two. He soon goes after a old friend, but is forced to call someone else that is suppose to be out. However, with a law that requires your character to help him for they once used a blood oath, she has to come back in to help him. What else could happen? [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="the infamous serial killer"] This plot will my character a famous killer hunting and killing a group of teens that have come to research the famous lake that he resides in. However, the last one he goes to kill, he ends up kidnapping and taking her for she reminds him loosely of his mother. Now with years passing, her brother comes to see if he can find her. After running into another group who plan to go to the lake after one of their fathers build a vacation home, what happens when Jason finds the new group? [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="welcome to earth"] This plot has a group of college friends investigating the lore of their town. They began to look more and more into it, until they began to find more and more proof. However, after one of them, the other find themselves forced to hunt down the alien and save their friend. However, with the alien more mad and stronger with the threat of being discovered, is it possible to save their friend or is it too late? [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="Want To Go Back To Jail?"] after being accused of a crime (That she could or could not have done), your character is now forced to do some probation. However, what happens when the probation officer finds her to attractive and decides to get her an ultimatum. [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="All For Them Grades (student version)"] after quite some time, the young professor at a well-known college soon finds himself attracted to his once best student. She was quite popular, sexy, and did sports. However, unknowingly to her, her grades soon began to decline thank to him changing her grades throughout the trimester. Now failing the class and the threat of not being able to play sports or graduate, what would it take to pass? [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="I Will Save Ya Kid"] This one has an older male, who has been through it all. He was in a secret task force of the military, who found out too much and had his family killed by men that thought they killed him as well. After years of hunting and perfecting all his skills. He had finally killed the people that was responsible for his family’s death. But, now what? The story picks up with my character on a road trip to find himself and found a younger female on the run herself. After saving her from a hit group that was trying to kill her, he finds out that he must protect her as well as find out the connection between who tried to kill her and how they know him. What could happen during the trip together was nothing that was planned. [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="Ready To Be My Personal Assistant?"] what starts off as your character working at my characters business as one of his best seller, soon has him noticing her more and just how shy she is. He soon makes a request for her to take on bigger jobs, get a pay raise and everything, telling her he will help her break out of her sell by making her one of his personal sluts as well. Will she take the job? [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="Your Mom Is So Hot"] this one has a new family moving into the suburb, your character being the much younger wife to the husband, only a few years older than his only son in high school. After making new friends with my character, who is really doing it to get to the wife he soon comes to the home when all but her are to be gone, to drug and blackmail her. [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="Welcome To Prison"]the plot has your character being placed in prison, and upon arrival, quickly realizes the she will be forced to do as the main guard, as well as deputy governor, instructs her to do as she is told or have a terrible life in prison. After running in with the guard, your character is also forced to deal with the top dog in the prison. Will your character make it through the short sentence she had? [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="back in time"] this plot has my character having an accident happen in his lab, forcing himself to go back in time, as well as reverse his age. After finding himself unable to find the materials to go back to his time, he is forced to settle in. however, what happens when my character saving your character and falling in love with her. However, after a eventful night, he then finds out that she is actually his own mother, before she met his father. [/SPOILER]


    [SPOILER="The amazing spider man!"]Peter parker who is now a 23-year-old college graduate who has held the secret identity of Spider-Man for eight years and has settled into his role as protector of New York city. In addition, he is working at a laboratory as a research assistant to doctor octavius. After recently defeating criminal Wilson fisk, Peter must now investigate with his group of heroes as a new gang known as the inner demons emerges taking over Fisk's territory.

    I want him to be kinda of a dick at the start. Left mj to date gwen, then she got powers and left town and mj is ignoring him.. be a bit depressed when he meets her? Maybe before doc goes evil, she could be a new assistant since Peter is late a lot because of being spiderman. And also thought that how she could be connected to crime and to get kidnapped is maybe her father that she knows nothing about. So it dont affect your character at all or even backstory, has been sending her money her whole life bit is fisk.[/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="an unlikely relationship"] This plot has my character, deadshot, thrown back into prison after doing his last assignment for the last time. After deciding to finally go after his own freedom, he then breaks himself out only to get thrown into the mix with Harley quinn, right after she finally breaks it off with the joker.[/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="its jokers time"] This plot would have the infamous joker in the insane asylum, where he first meets the famous doctor Harleen Quinzel. The plot will have the joker corrupting and turning her to him to help break him out, and to become her partner in crime. [/SPOILER]

    [SPOILER="welcome to Los Angeles, lucifer"] The plot will consist of lucifer, after he found himself attracted to Chloe, and will lead up to the pair finally confessing their love for each other, as well as what it is like to be dating the ruler of hell. What all could really happen really? Will he love only Chloe, or will she not be enough? [/SPOILER]

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