Welcome! I am LewdiKris, and as the title implies, I’m looking to GM some lewds.
I’ll keep the first bit short, with more detail later on. I like to run solo, smutty roleplaying games. I like to use a variety of systems, settings, characters, and lewd scenarios. I like to tell stories, as much as I like to create situations for beautiful ladies to get into (preferably sticky, sweaty) messes.
A lotta' I, I, I in there, I know. But hey, you should have a little idea of what I’m aiming for. The rest of this will break down into the following. Firstly, what I have to offer. Second, what I need from prospective players.Third, what elements and format I’m open to. Then, I’ll move to a brief overview of the kinks and content that I am usually going for, as well as what I won’t touch. Finally, I will have a list of my concepts (or games) that I’m looking to fill, as well as a bit about my availability.
If you’re still interested, please read on!
What does LewdiKris do?
Well. I write smutty roleplays with people on the interwebs. Just like you! But more specifically, I’ve discovered recently that I really like one x one, lewd AF, system roleplays. I love it! I like to play ‘The World’, and all the creatures, people and hazards within it. It’s a really fun way to tell a tale of debauchery and heroism.
Why am I good at this? Well, first I’m big on communication. If you are my player, I am going to do my best to nail down what you are looking for, what things you don’t like, etc. And then use that to create a game we both enjoy. I’m not here to just get my rocks off, nor am I here to just help someone else do the same. We’re collaborators on a project of our simultaneous enjoyment. I will put in the effort.
I have a ton of experience GMing a ton of systems (more on this later). My writing is decent, with a good vocabulary and (I think) a good ability to paint a picture with my words. It’s easy to say that, so I’ll leave a couple of half-decent bits of writing linked somewhere below, for you to peruse at your leisure.
What does Lewd want from you?
You? Well, you play. Sounds easy right? Yes! Except that it still takes effort. But before we get to the fairly abstract wordy bits I want. Here’s the concrete stuff.
First of all, you need to be available to use Discord. Why? Because, honestly, It’s the most elegant and easy way to run a game. The actual story doesn’t have to be there, but for dice rolls, images, OOC questions, and similar things, it’s literally unbeatable (IMO). Next, is activity. If you only get a chance to peek in every 3 or 4 days, we aren’t going to have the momentum I need. I want to tell a tale, and life being what it is, we have a limited time to tell it. So, we can need to keep things moving. Let’s say a post a day, with the understanding that sometimes our schedules line up, so we can through a few back-and-forth posts, and that life does what it does, so we have to miss a day or three here and there. If that sounds like a big ask, maybe wait until it doesn't before hitting me up.
Now, let’s talk about writing. I am not asking for expert skill with technically flawless prose that would make Shakespeare weep to read it. I’m neither a snob nor a super judgy butthole. What I do need is effort. I want you to try and describe things in interesting, evocative ways. I want you to try and make your dialogue fun and characterful. I want you to try and make me laugh or say ‘Oh, cool’. The operative word is ‘try’ here. And it’s worth pointing out; if you aren’t doing these things in all your roleplays, already, then you might want to examine that fact.
I hate sounding demanding (except when it’s hot), so keep in mind that I am a friendly sausage, so I won’t be a dick about things. Worse case I’ll gently say, “Hey, I don't think this is working, I’m willing to discuss but I think we should probably end this here”.
Oh, and one more thing that should probably be higher up. You will be playing a beautiful (non-furry) female character. But otherwise, the options are pretty open.
The Third bit!
So, I mentioned format and options that we could play around with.
There are a couple, and each is up for discussion, so I’ll give you a feel for each with the understanding that we can nail the specifics later.
Meta Lewdity: So, this is very hit-and-miss, it really depends on chemistry and if it isn’t working, we can stop it any time (If we start with it at all). I can’t stress this enough, it’s a META and not the OOC, i.e.: I will not be your dom. With that preamble out of the way, what the hell do I mean?
I mean that we can have a meta layer to the RP. Generally, this takes the form of Dom/Sub play with the GM (Me, but a character nonetheless) being some combination of sleazy and/or domineering. I’m open to other interpretations, however.
Canon Systems: So generally I don’t like Canon RPs, as I’m just not that familiar with most Canons. However, with that understood, a system that is based on a Canon, I can be willing to work with, as long as you aren’t going to be overly pedantic over details. If you know you are a pretty strict person for this stuff, let us go for OC, okay?
Multiple Protagonists: If you are up for it, I’m willing to consider you playing more than one character. This could be a full party, (Maybe, never tried that and I don’t know how well it works.) or a few characters in the same story but separate. Enough said on that one, I think.
Kinky Bits!
Well, not just kinks, but I’ll start there. First, my preferences (O&Os) are in my signature, so take a look when you’re done here and you’ll get a better idea of my jam. But for a brief idea; My kinks lean toward the monstrous and the non-consensual. The general conceit of any world we explore together is that basically everything wants to bang your character and will go about doing so, however they can.^^
Not to say I don’t like sweet, fluffy romance or steamy tumbles in the hay, those are going to be in our games too. But if the paragraph above isn’t your jam, flee this place!
What I don’t play with? Trauma, torture, gore, and graphic violence (the last one can be included but very separate from the smut). For clarity, by trauma, I love non/dub-con; But I am not into it being dark. I prefer the “Oh no, Mr. Werewolf, please don’t hold me down, fuck my ass and force me to cum~ <3” tone. I hope that makes sense, but like everything here; We can talk about it.
In terms of broader genre for the story, I like horror (Lovecraft and Alien would be good touchstones), swashbuckling adventure (Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, etc), epic fantasy (LotR), and a bunch more. I won’t play super dark or gritty.
Let’s talk games!
I will attempt to keep this up to date so you can see what might be worth reaching out to me for.
Of 5 slots, 2 are open.
The systems/settings I am interested in trying. (Experience is not at all required, but it is preferred.)
Pathfinder 2e: A bit combat-focused, but capable of making characters focused beyond that. Best for a typical lewd fantasy romp! Some great resources for handling characters, etc.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: I like the world, character generation, and system of this game. We’d be leaning into the more humorous side of the world, rather than the grimdark.
Scum & Villainy: Hits the Star Wars notes, without being one of the cumbersome star wars systems.
Whatever you’re curious about: Seriously, if you’ve got a system you’ve been wanting to play with, let me know. I’m not guaranteeing I’ll use it, but I love talking about this stuff. But don’t go front door. D&D has its place, but this bit here is to encourage something [i]interesting[/i].
Systems I’m familiar with and I know work, but I’m less excited about.
Call of Cthulhu: It’s shockingly well suited to investigation play, and I like to modify sanity to make it more of a corruption mechanic. It’s great!
Ironsworn: Just the most elegant system for rules lite play. Easily customised for lewdity.
Systems I don’t wanna do:
5e: D&D is just soooooo front door. I’ve played it for years, and whilst it is, in many ways, my first ttrpg love. I just don’t want to play it anymore.
Final Waffle!
I've got one or two slots open at the moment, I am going to be trying to be discerning with whom I commit to, so, please, come at me with some effort. Short, "Yeah, wanna roleplay?" messages will be ignored. Otherwise, I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks for reading! ^^
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