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  • Hello! 

    I'm going to try to keep this organized and simple lol. 

    About Me (the roleplayer)

    I'm a heterosexual female looking for a male partner (preferably long term). For my list of kinks, I've attached my preferences sheet, if you want to give that a look! But mainly, my top kinks are sadism/masochism, master/slave, complete domination/control, mindbreaking, anything rough really. In other words, don't hold back! I'm in my mid 20s irl but preferably like to keep the age in the roleplay 20+. 

    I like detail. Don't be afraid to let your creativity come out! I like having character backstory/build-up as well, before just jumping straight into sexual activities. It feels more like a story that way! 

    The roleplay

    I recently uploaded a character profile of Amaterasu with a little description (https://ecchidreams.com/gallery/image/61147-amaterasu/) I'm probably going to add more onto it later, but I've been dying to make a roleplay with her forever.

    Just a note: This isn't an accurate representation of the story from the game, just inspiration from it. My idea of a roleplay would be for her to give herself as an offering to a demon as a replacement for the safety of Japan. Sexually, of course. A foolish man breaks the seal on the demon and the demon unleashes himself on Japan, cursing the lands and sapping the life from every living being. This is where Amaterasu would come in, fighting to replenish and purify the evil left behind. Of course, she would fall victim to the demon (your character), but we can discuss privately in more detail about how it'll play out so we can go over our kinks with each other and how we want to implement them into the roleplay! Hope you like the idea, and to hear from you soon! ❤️

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