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  • [M4A] First steps here.

    • EcchiText Me! Looking


    🍷I don't expect to make a formating world wonder at first time, but here we go. 

    🍷I'm looking for actually some OC play. I have a pretty heavy already established setting, so i could really easily put any idea and character into context.

    🍷So far here my only implemented OC is Duke Ranald von Leonford, a young Noble ruler of the Island nation of Midford. Its a heavy Fantasy system with its own magic, gods and races.

    🍷Ranald is known for, his cunning and quiet attitude towards the world and politics. I didn't wanted to make a Mary sue character so despite being one of the most powerful ad richest ruler of the old world, he is pretty weak both magically and in martial matters. But he is a far more capable organizer, with a lots of connection and questioanble deals.

    🍷So the main thing would be is approach as you see fit and we try to work out something. The worst thing i can do is say no.

    🍷Thanks for reading this page! I'll try to improve it soon! You can also message me in this regard!

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