[M4A] “Helping” with your husband’s fertility issues
Other prompts open.
It had been months now….wait, had it been over a year? You had tried and tried and tried, but alas, it just wasn’t meant to be.
The world had come crashing down on the two of you as you held hands and listened to the doctor’s words. It had shaken you to the core and yet you kept a straight face and nodded “infertile…less than 1% chance” you repeated the words told to you.
Other options started to be the topic of focus. Adoption….no, while you knew you’d be helping someone out, it just didn’t feel right. Artificial insemination, well, maybe, but it was a little, well a lot, out of your price range. What if there were another way. A more natural way. Surely your husband would understand…right? After all, this was his fault.
Hi all, so looking to do something cheating/cuckold/betrayal themed where you come to another man, me, to help get you pregnant, or I learn of your situation and offer my services up to you.
Who I am is up for discussion although I’m quite partial to people that humiliate and hurt your husband. Maybe his boss, his best (and manipulative) friend, or maybe even his own abusive father.
I’d love if some ground rules were put down prior. Ones to make this less about infidelity and more about your biological problem. Rules to downplay any romance or intimacy and make this solely for biological and reproductive means.
Of course all those rules will eventually be thrown out the window as I claim your entire body for my own and ultimately destroy your entire relationship right under your boyfriend’s nose.
Kinks: cheating, age gaps, cuckolding, betrayals, panties, spit and drool, cum, pregnancy, outercourse, rape, accomplices, teasing and denial, anal, cock and ass worship, oral fixations, “it’s not cheating if..”, drug use, party settings
Limits: toilet stuff
[M4A] Navigating introducing your boyfriend to your VERY close guy friend(s)
The general idea is that of a girl who has a very close guy friend or group of friends who's behavior is definitely more than just friendly. I want to explore what would happen with that dynamic when the girl starts dating a new guy outside of that group of friends and he has to watch with increasing discomfort just how close they are.
While I'm open to this being a single friend or multiple, I would like to focus more on one friend group than the other, one who you're particularly close with over the others. I'd love to discuss the sorts of interactions you've had with him in the past as I think there's a few options. I think it's a given there will be a playful flirting and teasing nature between the two of you. You're very touchy feely and feel the need to have no personal space between one another. I would LOVE if you have some special bond with one another such as holding hands, being carried (or piggy backs) while you walk with one another, and/or you constantly sit in his lap to the point him and his friends refer to you as his lap girlfriend/princess. Another thought I had was that when you get anxious he lightly chokes you to make you feel all better.
I guess the main thing up for discussion will be if the two of you have had any sexual past, and if so, how much? If you have, we'll need to establish if that temporarily comes to a halt until you can't take it anymore, or the two of you continue hooking up even when you've started dating another guy. I can go either way but I'm actually quite partial to the idea that while you two are extremely close physically, nothing sexual has ever happened before. Maybe you getting a boyfriend was the trigger needed to ignite the flame between you two, or maybe your friend is quite manipulative and has somewhat friend-zoned you, and now that you're with someone else, he finally starts really seducing you.
I'd love to know from you how you see your character's personality and looks. I'm open but part of me was thinking an interesting combination of tomboy but with girly characteristics. Like you love to drink with the guys, but you're on cosmos and tequilas while they drink beers. You wear boyish clothes but in a sexual way, like long flannel shirts that are tied around the belly to show off your mid riff, or oversized hoodies with something but boyshorts or a thong underneath. I sorta love the idea that your new boyfriend sees you as being kinda tomboyish and independent, yet you're kinda soft and needy when sitting in your friends lap, as if you need that comfort and safe space. Let me know what you think because this potentially can be one of the most interesting dynamics of it all.
I've written a sample start-up below. I've written my main character as being your close friend but I am also open to playing the boyfriend too. Also, this post is M4A so it is open to guys looking to play as one of the male characters, but I would say you'll need to grab my attention quite well and be willing to play (or at the very least share playing) the girlfriend.
Your boyfriend was nervous. After learning how you had a very close knit group of friends that were all guys, it had put him in a minor state of unease. Not that there was anything inherently wrong with you being friends with guys, but *only* guys did change things slightly in his mind. Not only because it made him realise that he possibly didn't know you quite as well as he thought, which was understandable since you had only recently started dating, but because he sort of felt the need to look good in front of your friends. He had to be one of the guys while still distinguishing himself as being your boyfriend. It all felt like a bit of minefield but he had agreed nonetheless.
You lead him up to the front door and knock before placing your palms on his chest and smiling up at him. "Don't worry babe, they're going to love you" she says sweetly, and moving up to kiss you.
Opening the door, you quickly pull back before your lips can touch and immediately comes into hug me. "Hey there short stuff. You took your time" I say as I wrap my arms around you and pull her in tight, lifting her off the ground and giving her a little full 360 spin in the air before sitting her down, making you squeal out and giggle. As I set her down my eyes drift to her boyfriend who looked no more reassured.
Planting a slightly too hard palm on his shoulder I invite him in "you must be *him*" is say with a playful emphasis on the last word as the two of you come inside, music playing over the TV where a couple of other guys were all drinking beers and playing videos games with each other, a few beer bottles and half smoked joints laid out across the coffee table. "Let me get you a beer" I say in a friendly tone to him before looking down at you "and I assume it's the usual for you little missy?" my hand going to your face, palm on your cheek as I playfully and gently push your face.
Prefer PMs to chat but can do either. Please note that although I did it above, I won't control your character during our roleplay, that was just for intro purposes. Please put some effort into your replies as I always try to do the same.
Kinks: cheating, betrayals, cuckolding, power dynamics, manipulation, emotional cruelty, pleasure at someone else's expense, twisted sensuality and romance, outfits, panties, alcohol and drug use, outercourse, risky hold the moan scenarios, dirty talk, humiliation, dub/non-con, oral fixations, spit/drool, discrete fingering, easy access clothes, finger sucking, daddy issues, choking, anal, lots of cum, casually doing awful things, "it's not cheating if..." scenarios, putting pleasure above morals, condomplay, possessiveness, sharing/whoring you, getting you off to your boyfriend's tears
[M4A] Brain fucked in front of your boyfriend
Other prompts open
This is definitely one of my more out there prompts so bear with me. Basically I want play in a world where “brain fucking” is a thing but it certainly isn’t widespread by any means. In fact it’s extremely rare and has an almost mythical quality to it where a lot of people have friends of friends who have experienced it but almost nobody knows somebody directly who has tried it.
Why? Well I’m thinking for two reasons. One, it takes a certain kind of guy with a certain kind of cock to be able to actually pull it off, and two, because it’s supposedly very dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. So why would anyone try it? Well apparently it has the potential to be the absolute best feeling of your life.
That’s the general world building I’m going for this prompt. And for a story, because I’m such a cheating and betrayal craving slut, I want this to happen where a girlfriend is curious to try it in front of her boyfriend with another man (or I have no problem with it being a futa or trans person). If you’re still interested then read on to my opener. Just know that I’m more than okay changing things around and really enjoy when people toss their own ideas and creativity into the ring.
“Wait, you’ve actually done it?!” My girlfriend asks with nothing but shock and awe in her voice. Surely it couldn’t be true. Nobody had actually done that, except the people who had of course, but who the hell were they?
“Mmhmm, more than once actually. It’s…well, it’s pretty much indescribable. Only those who’ve tried it know what it’s really like” our new friend here replies rather smugly.
“Babe the Uber is gonna be here in a minute” I say to my girlfriend with a growing insecurity. Ever. Since we met this guy at the party I’d been getting bad vibes from him.
“Babe come on I just wanna know a little more” you protested with those wide eyes and adorable pouty lips of yours that I struggled to say no to. Your words slurring just a little to give away that you were tipsy.
I let out a sigh. It was impossible to argue with you when you were like this.
“I can do more than show you babe” the other guy says smugly “I could even show you…”
[M4A] Slow fucked in front of your dying boyfriend
Other prompts also open.
Looking to do a pretty fucked up scenario where you are front in front of or close to your boyfriend who is either going to die or will die soon without help and likely his predicament is due directly or indirectly to something I've done. It probably goes without saying that this is going to get very dark, but there's a few twists in mind for just how bad this can get that I believe go against the grain a little.
First, I don't want this to be rape. I actually want there to be some charming and seduction involved. I want us to flirt with each other at the most obscene of times. Giggle at my lewd or risque jokes, swat at my arms and chest playfully telling me to "stoppppp" when the gesture means the opposite. Wear something cute for me when I ask you. All of this while the man/boy you're supposed to love is suffering and fighting for his life.
I also love to mix twisted cuteness with the depravity. Accept my cutesy nicknames that will likely get a little a little more vulgar each time (pretty little cummy princess), let me draw little hearts on your body, put flowers in your hair. Acts that should be reserved for a boyfriend you're in love with, not the man who may end up murdering him.
Finally, I find deep, slow fucking to be extremely erotic and would love at least some of our eventual sex to involve it. Sure bending you over and railing you until you can barely feel your legs is fun, but I love the image of a standing doggy fuck, holding you against me and slowly driving deep into your gooey pussy, letting out involuntary breathless moans while we look down at your shell shocked boyfriend.
Finally is what brought us to this situation to begin with. I'll give some ideas below, but please please come with your own ideas too. I really value my partner's input and want us to work together to build this story. Some ideas include:
I was a drunk driver who hit your boyfriend. While I walked away with but a few scratches, your boyfriend is bloody and broken. Perhaps I'm rather wealthy and powerful, which is how I managed to escape any charge from the police. I show up to your boyfriend's hospital room a day or two later while you're visiting.
Terminal illness. Perhaps he was diagnosed suddenly with an aggressive illness that's terminal. So sad for someone his age. This too could take place at the hospital. I could play a doctor treating him or maybe his estranged abusive father who decides to visit.
Drug dealer. Anything involving drug use is pretty hot. Nothing too concrete for this one but I see it either as your boyfriend ODing or the drug deal goes badly and he ends up getting stabbed. Either way, I'd love to feed a pretty girl like you some coke and molly.
Some sort of fight/brawl. Perhaps we're professional fighters that hate each other and I beat him to an inch of his life, maybe fighting dirty in the process. Or maybe it's on the street or in a bar where your boyfriend ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I'll write a starter as an example, in this case for option 1 above. Don't feel like this is the only one we can play though.
The evening had been blurry. The boys and I had ended up at a strip club and from there I'd lost count of the amount of drinks I had had. In my defense, the girls there were practically pouring it down my throats. I guess that's one way to a man's wallet.
The only memory from there I really have is leaning against my car with flashing blue lights everywhere. Something about an accident. Somebody being critical. Even then I wasn't worried. I knew as soon as they found out who I was, I would be sent home with nothing more than a stern "please be more careful next time."
I was informed of all the details the next morning. I felt surprisingly fine. I was never one for hangovers and despite a few scratches here and there on my face and body (btw, would love if you dote on these and help clean me up so they don't get infected) you'd never known I'd been in any sort of accident. My people had informed me of the "victim". Something I paid little attention to until I found out he had such a pretty little thing for a girlfriend.
I couldn't help myself. I showered, got dressed up in some of my better clothes, made myself look as best I could, had my people buy me a beautiful bouquet of flowers and made my way down to the hospital.
Kinks: cheating, betrayals, cuckolding, power dynamics, manipulation, emotional cruelty, pleasure at someone else's expense, twisted sensuality and romance, outfits, panties, alcohol and drug use, outercourse, risky hold the moan scenarios, dirty talk, humiliation, dub/non-con, oral fixations, spit/drool, discrete fingering, easy access clothes, finger sucking, daddy issues, choking, anal, lots of cum, casually doing awful things, "it's not cheating if..." scenarios, putting pleasure above morals, condomplay, possessiveness, sharing/whoring you, getting you off to your boyfriend's tears
[M4A] Cheating at your boyfriend’s little sister’s funeral
Other roleplays on my profile also open.
This place sees a lot of cheating and cuckolding prompts and many of them like to delve into the more humiliating pairings such as cheating with a bully of the husband or one of his family members. I’m a huge fan of such acts of betrayal, but today I want to kick it up a notch and delve into some truly dark and fucked up acts of betrayal and cheating.
My idea is pretty specific but before I begin explaining I just want to say that I value creativity and enthusiasm over almost everything when it comes to roleplay, so please feel free to chime in with any of your own messed up ideas. There’s nothing worse than typing one of these out only to receive a “hi, I like your prompt, wanna rp?” reply.
My idea is that my girlfriend is going to cheat on me with the absolute worst of people and on the absolute worst of days: the funeral of my sister with the man who killed (and possibly raped her). I’m going to leave it up to you how you want to play your character, but I’m thinking either you’re a completely two faced sadistic and evil girl that sees an opportunity to betray me in the most extreme of ways, or you’re not and this is somewhat of completely out of character for you and you decide to just cheat on an absolute whim after my sisters (surprisingly cute) murderer and rapist starts flirting with you. If the latter in the case then im thinking the other guy is a rather traditionally handsome guy who knows how to turn up the charm and will be the type of guy who doesn’t normally hit on you.
We walked hand in hand solemnly towards the church. I hadn’t cried yet but it didn’t mean I wasn’t still overwhelmed with emotion and grief. Really I was still trying to process everything and makes sense of it all. How could this have happened? She was such a special and pretty girl. Who could have done this to her?
I felt you squeeze my hand causing me to pull out of my thoughts for a moment and give you a sad smile. You looked beautiful. Maybe a little too beautiful though. Your black outfit wasn’t exactly funeral material. It was more the little black dress you’d wear on a night out to the club or a party. And you had really dolled your face up in make up like you often do for one of your live streams which I wasn’t a big fan of you doing. I didn’t say anything though of course. It wasn’t the time or the place.
“I’m sorry for your loss” I hear a deep voice in front of me suddenly. I can’t even count the number of times I’ve heard those words the last couple of days and my automatic and robotics response of “thanks” was about to fall out of my lips when I looked up to see who said it.
I was stunned. He was here. Why was he here?! “You…you shouldn’t be here” I managed to mutter out.
“I wouldn’t miss Chloe’s big day for the world James. You know how close we were” he replies with a sadistic and smug look on his face. Of course he hadn’t actually been convicted, but there were so many rumours about what happened that night and everyone seemed to know that he was involved. The police said there was a lack of evidence to convict him but considering he was wealthy and from a powerful family, it was easy to believe that the reality was far more corrupt.
“Are yo innit going to introduce me to the pretty little thing on your arm James?” He then says, turning his attention to you, his eyes going up and down your body. “Wow, you’re the cutest one here by a long shot. Even cuter than Chloe. What’s your name sweetheart?”
Kinks: cheating and betrayals, cuckolding, age gaps, panties, anything pregnancy related, drug and alcohol use, rape, anal, “it’s not cheating if..”, risky hold the moan sex, humiliation, manipulation and gaslighting, two faced characters, forced bi
[M4A] Cheating with your Father/Father-In-Law on your wedding
Other prompts open too.
Bit of a classic setting but hopefully one that has some fun dark twists in it. I'm looking for someone to play as a bride who is going to cheating just before or after or maybe even during her own wedding, specifically with someone extremely taboo. There are two possible pairings I had in mind here which are:
Father of the bride. I would play you estranged father who you have no seen for many many years. I likely abandoned you when you were little and what you know about me has only come through stories of other family members, perhaps they're no pleasant ones either. They could be filled with abuse, neglect or even worse. I'd love to suddenly reappear, unexpectedly and uninvited just before your big day.
Ideally I've love to you be wrought with emotion at just the sight of me. Perhaps you've dreamed up all the things you'd say to me if you ever saw me again. All the harsh words you'd have for me, all the ways you'd put me in my place were I ever to give you the satisfaction of making myself known to you again.
Things might not quite go according to plan however when you're face to face with the reality. Maybe you'll suddenly feel very vulnerable. Maybe those daddy issues will start to kick in hard. Maybe your heart will melt the moment I smile, tell you how pretty you look and call you by an old pet name that you vaguely remember.
2. Your new father-in-law. I don't see things being terribly different from how I described option 1 except for the fact this won't involve direct incest. However, I would still be play a bad father figure, just this time to your fiance instead of you. Perhaps you still have all the daddy issues I mentioned before that I can exploit now that you're effectively my new daughter.
Maybe you've heard the stories of my abuse to your fiance's family but wanted not to believe them. Maybe you hate when your fiance talks badly about me because at least he still has a father figure around unlike you. For this I could show up unannounced and we meet for the first time we me expressing the need to meet you finally before you become part of the family. Or perhaps you're the one who secretly invites me behind your fiance's back, not knowing just how dangerous I can be.
For either option, I'm not going to play a good person. I'm going to charm and seduce you, I'm going to subject you to a roller coaster of emotions where you don't know if you want to cry or cum harder. I'm going to make you cheat with the worst of people, on the worst of days, all for my selfish pleasure.
I'm very much open to your ideas in all of this too and welcome creativity, so don't be shy if you have a different approach or have some specific itch you want to scratch. Below is a sample intro.
It had only taken a little flirting with one of your bridesmaids to learn where your dressing room was. Checking my watch, there was still a little bit of time before you were to walk down the aisle. I knew this would be the perfect time to find you alone and at your most vulnerable
It had been so long since we had last seen each other, I wondered just how much you'd even remember of me. No doubt your mother and possibly other family members had poisoned your mind with stories of how awful I was and all the things I'd done. I wondered what image you had in your mind of me. I wondered how much my abandonment still affected you.
Wearing an immaculately tailored black suit with a white button down shirts underneath I lightly tap on the door. I tower over you, beaming a smile down at you as you open it up in your pretty white gown, watching your pupils dilate and your lips begin to part with shock as you slowly come to recognise the stranger in front of you.
"Hi princess. Can I come in?"
Kinks: cheating, betrayals, cuckolding, power dynamics, age gaps, manipulation, emotional cruelty, pleasure at someone else's expense, twisted sensuality and romance, outfits, panties, alcohol and drug use, outercourse, risky hold the moan scenarios, dirty talk, humiliation, dub/non-con, oral fixations, spit/drool, discrete fingering, easy access clothes, finger sucking, daddy issues, choking, anal, lots of cum, casually doing awful things, "it's not cheating if..." scenarios, putting pleasure above morals, condomplay, possessiveness, sharing/whoring you, getting you off to your boyfriend's tears
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