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  • Hello everyone, so I have this starter down below that I made and I am hoping someone would like to rp it with me. I am hoping for it to be long term with it and possibly as dark and kinky as possible. I hope whoever reads this likes the starter, thank you.


    Y/N, having lots of time to herself due to her parents always being away on business trips wanted to try and find someone she could talk to maybe even possibly experience dating for the first time. It was during that time she found an online dating website for young women and older men.

    The young girl always fascinated her with muscular and handsome, much older men. Something about nerdy older men made her giggle and kick her feet, she didn't know why but she found them more attractive than the athletic, muscle-headed older men. She hoped that maybe with this website, she could find one to see how it would go. A few weeks had passed with no luck on her side, so she made sure to fake her age as well, hoping it would increase her chances. She was just about to give up thinking about trying another website when she saw a notification on her profile, that someone had messaged her. Eagerly she clicks on the notification to see that a man by Jonathan Wooks had messaged her.

    _"Hello Miss Y/N, I was scrolling through this website hoping to find someone and ran across your page. I have to say you are a charming woman and I would like to get to know you maybe we can meet up somewhere after we talk a bit? I hope you get this message and to hear from you soon._"

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