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  • [M4F, PMs] Looking to DM a Fantasy Adventure for a Healer/Cleric

    • EcchiText Me! Looking


    Hi there! I'm looking to DM a fantasy adventure. I'm particularly craving some sort of scenario where you're a healer who has the ability to heal through sex. Specifics of her background, extent of her powers and physical details will be up for discussion prior to RPing, I don't want to take away the ability to make this character *yours*!

    Basic Concept:
    YC is a healer. By random blessing, proper training, or some other method, YC can heal others exceptionally well through sex. Sure she could cast a normal healing spell, but that's not as fun. A lot of people are going to want to get their hands on this healer who can buff up her partners with a little fun in bed. And, they will!

    Below I have some prompts to get the ideas flowing, feel free to pick and choose or change it up from anything.



    A morally bankrupt king has captured and kidnapped YC. He heard tale of a healer with the ability to heal through sex and put all his power into capturing her. With the aid of his mage, he gets YC hypnotized to be the king's faithful fuckdoll. Past memories are clouded, her current desires are to faithfully serve the King and tend to his ailments. YC isn't his only captive, but she will be his favorite, spending most of his free time with her since her unique powers allow him to recuperate faster and fuck longer as well.

    However, due to the king spending too much time with YC, he was unaware kingdom is out of heroes to take on an impending threat. It is decided that YC will be sent out with the remaining forces with the King's stipulation that she only heal with spells, since she is HIS fuckdoll. While out on that assignment, a hero crosses paths with YC and frees her from the hypnotic spell she was under. The two (and more to cum- er, come!) will adventure together to keep her safe, take down the king that kidnapped her, and save YC from numerous misfortunes that land her in the clutches of other evil/horny monsters and men.




    YC will be new to the world of adventuring. She joins an Adventurer's Guild in hopes of meeting good folks who can protect her while she fills her role of supporting them. In this RP we could set up a cast of gentlemen who team up with her on adventure after adventure, or she could bounce around meeting new folks with each quest.




    Similar idea to the Newbie one above, but the RP starts off with YC getting rescued from baddies or monsters who got their hands on the healer. Perhaps her last group ditched her because the liability of having such a lusted asset on their team put them in danger more than they were willing to put up with. This RP probably has a bit more romance in it as I'd like if YC and the character who saves her bond a bit.

    Virtual Reality?:


    I like toying with this idea because there's a few routes we could go with this. I don't have anything in particular ironed out, so please don't be afraid to bring your own ideas into this. The base idea I have is that VR has taken a leap forward and now digital sensations are now felt physically with a low barrier of entry for the common consumer. These ideas probably could probably do without the sexual healing aspect, but it's a fantasy game we can do what we want 

    1. There's a new popular MMORPG 99% operated by human players. There's still quests and NPCs associated with them, but all cities/towns, shops, the marketplace are controlled by humans. YC wants in.

    2. YC becomes trapped in a game, online or not.

    3. A mix of 1 & 2, a game company is throwing a huge competition. The game becomes a series of levels. Players could go in solo or group up to gun for the prize, that's where YC decides to go healer and find a strong group to aid. Similar idea here where a lot of the world is player driven, so cooperation is really great but there's nothing stopping 1 tryhard from taking what they want.


    RPs aren't limited to those ideas! Just prompts to get the creative juices flowing. PM me! I'd love to chat about this.

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