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  • Modern World Plots (M4F!) (Check Pref First)

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    I havent actually tried making a Bulletin, and I am wondering how it'll go. Hopefully good as, I have a lot of spots open! I might even make a Medieval one, if I get any ideas that I want to try. For now:

    Let's get on with the plots!

    Persistent Admirer(Co-Workers; Friends; Best-Friends;Modern Era; SliceofLife; Romance)

    Life has never been moving as fast as YC could have expected. YC already has a stable job, or a stable income of money, or a stable education, with a reasonable timetable, pretty much in a middle ground of life. They find themselves partying, or working on their hobbies. Making a name for themselves either in media or in an industry, or keeping it laid back and chill. Recently, they met MC through a party, or maybe their work place. Perhaps in their favorite cafe or restaurant, or randomly through their other friends. Turns out, MC is either their co-worker, has become their friend through small chit chats or they even knew each other when they were younger and more free. And just now they were catching up. Through tad bit interaction, eventually YC and MC become closer, where MC tries to confess to YC that they have feelings for them. But, YC perhaps isn't ready for a relationship, doesn't know YC that well or wants to see more before making a move. So MC is promptly rejected.

    But instead of moving on, MC is dead set on showing that he is worth it, by deciding that he'll convince YC 

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