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  • So here are a few "brief" ideas I have for various rp prompts.  I have a few ideas in my head of each way these prompts could go.  If you are interested, let me know which prompt you'd you like to try and any kinks you like to include or take out!  I try my best to be pretty flexible


    The "Cool Aunt"

          It was finally summer vacation, after a year of hardwork and study, I finally had a few months off, just to sleep, and hangout with my friends.  As I wake up my first day of summer break, I see a text message from (YC), offering to take me to a resort for a week.  My parents are usually to protective of me to let me go on a trip like that with my friends, but you're a "responsible adult" after all.


    Two Princesses

         After years of scattered conflict, two kings decide that the best way to ensure peace is to for an alliance bolstered by the marriage of their children.  The Blackrocks are strong people, know for their military might, but King Fredrick only has a daughter, not that it matters, she as strong as two normal men.  Meanwhile, the Valorieans are much more known for their knowledge and science, and Prince Winsor has been looking for a wife for some time now.  But Winsor also has a sister, who renowned not only for her beauty, but her general dislike for the male species.



         In a small, country town its hard being anything but "normal" and when two girls (YC/MC) decide that their a little different then everyone else they know their life is in for change.  Will their parents approve, and how do they handle it when they don't?  Will our lovers just decide to move away, leaving everything behind for a new life?


    These are just my ideas for now, I should be adding more soon!


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