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  • One shot Avenue ( WIP)

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    still a work in progress, this advertisement is, so don't comment for any rp request yet. this bulletin board called One-shot avenue, is as it sounds. full of simple senario's to hopefully get to the sex aspect quicker, typically ideal if your looking for more of a night stand type of situation. as of right now though all ive got is vague catagories for those scenario's as oppose to any actual scenario's so stay tune... much like the last bullitin there will be slots only diffrence being the timer of absence. week of absence without explination will take you off the listed slot. you can get back on it if  there are still slots avalible to continue the rp but other wise i won't continue the rp until then, in order to avoid being overwhelmed... 



    A X B -  a scenario involving 2 "characters" the exact scenario is vague and discussed later but the point of said one shot is a relation ship where the characters in question eventally end up bumping ugilies or what have you. below either is or will be a list of said generic characters. unfortunately this list of one shots does not and likely will not include cannon counter parts...


    M X F X FB X FU -   
    a story between 2 individuals either of which have the choice of being male, female, femboy or futa... one player choices one of the genders while the other player chooses the other unless they allow one of the the players to choose both... the exact plot needs to be talked out but the run of it is that the 2 characters will get to know each other if they don't already and eventually fuck depending on how long or short the talked out plot ends up being. the rp can end after the first session but it can also extend to multiple sessions of sex as well.
    Silent Type A-D  -  
    typical boy X silent/shy girl scenario or vice versa or however you want to work out the gender/races of said character. either way one of them are ment to act as the "silent type"  the silent type comes in 4 tiers to pertray the kind and intensity of a silent type based character one will be playing.


    Silent Type A -


     the character is simple shy and very reserved around people and becomes less reserved around friends, family and loved ones.

    Silent Type B -


    the character is basically mute in public not talking at all unless alone with family members and or loved one's 

    Silent Type C -


    the character is always devoid of any expression due to having trouble expressiong emotions in the physical or normal sense. they also won't talk neither in public or family or loved one's alike, they may talk to those they are extremely close to but even then its usually only short answers.

    Silent Type D -


    the character is often always expressionless, almost never speaks. and even more appears mostly un-responsive physically or mentally to a point where they often go with whatever without fighting back at all. leading them to be easily taken adventage of. granted they can typically operate on the on until lead to do something else.

    Race X Race -
    the scenario is when 2 different or same races interact with each other. one is choosen by a player the other choosen by the other player unless one decides to let the other choose both. the plot can be discussed

    RoleX Role -
    the scenario is when the characters hold 2 different or same roles that they play, this could be a occupation, a status or a matter of linage or what have you. the plot can be discussed at length

    Tally mark -
    in this scenario you are stud, maneater, harlot or sissy... your choice really, the plot for whatever reason involves a onslaught of hook ups in which you can always seem to find people willing to fornicate with... sex usually being great, ok, pour, or pathetic. depending on the role you've choosen, the position you take and the partners slept with... playing a game of tally mark...




    Studs - are the individuals who sleep around usually unintentionally, it starts with one and before they know it word of there sexual stamina gets around and turns into 10. usually taking the dom position they usually have great sex with females exclusively.

    Maneaters - are individuals who sleep around intentionally, usually playing dominant there amazing stamina leaving any man dried up thus they have great sex with man exclusively.

    Harlots - are individuals who sleep around usually for money, making a life style of it usually playing the switch position. as a result they end up doing just about anything if paid enough. thus they have great sex with males and futa's usually passing out after from being filled.

    Sissies - are individuals who are usually overly submissisive and as a result sleep around unintentionally usually do to peer pressure. or sexual impulse. thus they often take the sub position. and end up having great sex with man, futa's, and femboys. 

    The tally mark game


    the tally mark game - for each gender you sleep with you gain a tally mark for that gender. after gaining 4 or more marks in total your sexual performance will change in a corrdance to the group with the most to the least marks. with the more marks making sex appear most appealing and the least most un appealing. as it continues you may find the behavors of certain genders to change around you for better or worst depending on the marks... temporarily opt out of the game by getting all marks at the same even number causing the marks to disappear and place you back at zero and forcing the people around you to go back to normal, though upon doing this they will forget who you are...




    Task alpha - a set of simple senario's that are vanilla in nature, though there is sex in it, its almost always ment to be concentual. but not before a long build up of the plot. thus the rp's focus is the plot it's self rather then sex, in still exsiste in small douses. in short its unlikely anyone will want to play this but its here anyway. 



    Task beta - these senario's that have a simple plot are fairly dubious or casual when sex is on the table, being that it occurs between types of relationships where sex wouldn't be included due to a lack of closeness or because of the dynamic of said relation ships such as co-workers, a teacher and student, family members, or surface level friends. typically a " i don't know how it happened, it just did" scenario. consent being dubious as a  " i didn't consent but i guess i don't mind either" mind set



    Task gamma - the senario's under this category makes the realms of sex and consent almost entirely ambiguous. where sex seems more casual such as in conversation or or the act it's self, making or poking at the darker theme's like rape or ntr as minor or major inconviences or annoyances as oppose to being tramatic.  thus this category gives rise normally typical yet unrealistic sexual senario's without any real consequences.



    Task delta -  the senario's of this category are of a dark nature or simple beyond the normal realm of consentual sex, often in a tramatic manor, and typically with consequences. despite this these dark kinks are restricted to a minimal level as to not go to unnessacary extremes... its evedent that depending on the scenario the rp may start just before a sex scene takes place or just as its taking place.



    Task Omega - the senario's of this category tend to be the embodiment of certain kinks depending on the  scenario, up to 3 specific kinks. the range of which can range from subtle to extreme because of this its more ideal for those with no limits or few limits to partake in these senario's because despite the scenario, being centered on certain kinks other kinks can come about in the scenario as well..


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