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  • So... Usually I have plot ideas just ready to go, but I wanna try a different approach this time. I'd like to hear what you would like to write, so long as our interests align somewhat. What my interests are?

    I love anime, and I like fantasy. So ideally, I'd like to write something I can picture in my head as something that feels similar to an anime. What I mean is the feeling of things, such as magic. Something somewhat far away from complex modern law. Gold, silver, and copper coins as currency.

    As for pairings, I can write both males and females, but I admit the range of both is still limited. My guys are usually protector types. Think "pseudo big brother" or a caretaker of sorts. Kinda cool, reliable, strong. That sort of thing. And my girls are usually either quirky (being shockingly open about her feelings), tomboyish (with a bit of a tsun side, minus the violence), or calm and collected (does Kuudere ring a bell?).

    As for sex to story ratio, it depends. I wanna write something memorable, so I usually lean towards more story than sex. Do I dislike sex scenes? Nah. But if the core of a relationship between characters is sex, I feel like I might as well just read a doijin instead.

    And what I don't look for is canon x canon. Why? Because I can absolutely not write canon characters. I tried, and I am too pedantic to get things to a level where I would be satisfied with my own depiction of a canon character. I simply can not do it. If you have a canon character you wanna write though, go for it.

    Lastly, I can write a few times a week, about 2-3 paragraphs (sometimes more, but that is more of an exception than a norm), and while I can write multiple characters, I prefer if the focus is on 2 main characters. I use anime characters as faceclaims, and would be happy if you have the same preference.

    And I think that is all. If I gave you something to muse with, maybe take a minute or two, and consider either posting here or write me a pm? I don't really have a preference there.

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    I do have some Fantasy rp ideas if you want to give them a try ^^ depends if you want a corruption route or romance route lol


    Sending you a PM right away then~

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