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  • Reverse Isekai! Looking for a caretaker for a warrior out of time (FxM, looking for M)

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    Hello and let's get right to it! Anyone wanna take care of this one?



    Name: Nimue
    Race: Human
    Sexuality: Straight
    Height: 133 cm

    Older than she looks, Nimue has a bigger history behind her, resulting in quite a few things. A powerful arsenal, her having stopped aging, but also certain burdens she has to live with. Despite this, she is truly happy with how things are, for she was not always as free as she currently is.

    Nimue is selfish by nature, and fully aware of it. Despite holding a lot of power for a human, she doesn't feel responsible to be a heroine at every opportunity. But she dislikes cruelty, suffering, and will use her resources to help if she sees a change to make things better. But while no crisis is in her immediate range of influence/attention, all she wants is good food, a warm bed, and free time to either indulge in her hobbies, or discover new ones.

    I'm looking for a fairly standard good guy. The type who would get nervous around a loli with sun kissed skin and alluring eyes, unsure where to look at, but would push through that to help someone who is clearly lost at finding herself in a new world. For what reason? Well... Maybe he doesn't need a reason to help people. Or because he knows how difficult it is to be on one's own.

    And as far as sex and story go, I aim for something of a 30/70 ratio. So... If you think you can write something like that, by all means, post here or send me an ecchi text, and we'll plot out how to get them together.




    Ah! And to make things easier for you to plan, this here is my initial suggestion on how Nimue would arrive in the modern age:


    The city park changed a lot over the years. It started as a few benches on a quiet street near a river, eventually got a bridge though, expanded, got shaped into what people would actually call a part, complete with trees, walkways, and shrubbery. The only downside was that the streetlights were constantly broken, and sooner or later, a few myths were made about it. Not that those who just wanted to take a shortcut thought it after a long shift would care though.

    But whenever he wanted to or not, today was the day he would find out if anything about those occult rumors was true. Because as he made his way through, a peculiar distortion formed in the air. As if space was distorted, waved left and right. The hum of the breeze simply died, and got replaced by an otherworldly resonance that prickled at the edges of his senses.

    Before he could fully grasp the situation, a shimmering portal materialized not far from him. Out of it tumbled a demon, its grotesque form contorted in pain, bleeding, and retreating by the looks of it. But it didn't come through the otherworldly gateway on its own. First a barrage of arrows, then a small figure, shrouded in red pink and black, came through. With the arrows now embedded into the demon as well, she pushed forward, grabbed her lance, forced it into the demon's back, pushed its mass through, and the demon with it.

    The demon writhed and snarled, its guttural words in a foreign tongue reverberating through the air. The girl, undeterred, pressed forward, forcing the demon to lurch until it collided with a large tree in the park. The demon let out a final, eerie utterance, and suddenly, its once menacing form turned dark, then brittle. It shattered into chunks that dissolved into a fine dust, carried away by an ethereal breeze.

    And just like that... it was calm again. One might call it a fever dream. But the girl was still there, exhausted, wounded, but... mesmerized too. She looked around, looked at the street lights that suddenly decided to work, the houses in the distance, the benches to her right. "Where... Where am I?" The surprises didn't end there. In shock, she let go of her lance, and it dissolved into shadow, then nothingness before hitting the ground. Suddenly, she noticed a presence, changed her stance, from golden light a bow appeared in her left hand, while an arrow did the same in her right. And while aiming at the person, she demanded "Show yourself!"

    Keep in mind that Nimue isn't violent. She would simply be in a situation where a lot is falling onto her at once. Adrenaline wearing off, wounds starting to actually hurt, feeling lost. Your character should be able to easily defuse the situation with words.

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