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  • Role plays that are bad for your health

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    A lot of you know me in some capacity, whether it be shitposting or general chatter. I've role played with some of you. Some of you I have yet to. So, be sure to look at my preference sheet, it has additional information, or you can ask.

    I've done just about every sort of role play that comes to mind since joining this site, let me tell you, I have done some weird shit just for the sake of doing it. There's a few that have been swimming around in my head that I wanna get down.

    One thing that I haven't really stated anywhere is that I do realize some of you use role playing to fantasize and... Other things. So, if I enjoy role playing with you, I will literally do anything you want. Just ask, and I'll probably be happy to oblige unless it is on my "no" list, which are generally hard nos. Generally. Ask. I do "eat" for my own pleasure, though. So... For some reason, lately, I've also really been feeling impregnation and I have absolutely no idea why.

    Another thing I should mention is playing characters "realistically". Some of you like to do things that way, and that's cool, but while I find myself a decent role player, I'm not brazen enough to think that my role playing is good enough or my character is desirable enough to make sleeping with them a goal of some kind for my partner. That sucks the joy out of role playing, in my personal opinion. I put plot and character interaction before anything, anyways. Unless you're intentionally looking for something sex heavy.

    Now! On to plots. Note, images are unrelated and for flavor only unless otherwise specified. Also, don't role play in first person, my plots might be in first person, though. You can if you want, but a character is not me and God help you if you want me to role play as me.


    A Rainy Day, A Spoiled Date...

    I have been dating the girl I've crushed on for about two months now. We enjoy our time together, things have been progressively getting more heated in times we're alone, but we've yet to take that step. It's something that always seems to be itching at the back of my mind, sometimes I catch myself staring at her thighs and ass as she walks ahead of me, or watching the way her breasts jiggle through the fabric of her shirt and I know she catches me, teases me about it, even... Today, we were going to go to the fair, which we have been meaning to do for a long time, but an unexpected downpour got us caught halfway to walking there... Now, soak in wet, we had to turn back to my place, but it was when we were finally under cover that I noticed, under her dripping wet clothing, she wasn't wearing a bra...


    My New Supervisor...

    I work for a company that writes software programs for security, maintenance and operating systems for home and business use. Things have gone well, until the supervisor for my department was let go and replaced by an emotionally vacant woman who sort of dismisses everyone. She seems to have taken a particular liking to tormenting me about deadlines, which I'm loathe to admit that she's right about. I'm slacking... I just... Can't stop thinking about her, for some reason...


    The Weird Girl Next Door...

    I've been living in my apartment for about six weeks. I was warned by the landlord about this particular apartment, number seven, about the goings on of apartment number six. Many of their previous tenants left with nonsensical complaints about weird things happening, sounds from the other sides of the wall like obvious whispering and scratching late at night, some of them could even swear black smoke has come from the vents closest to apartment six. I'm not really a believer of ghost stories, but I'm kind of starting to get it, because it's happening to me, too... I wonder what is going on over there..? Wellp, let's knock and meet the neighbor!


    Picking Up Strays...

    (Note: She doesn't have to be a loli, but I've never SUCCESSFULLY done a loli role play and would love to... Also, there's an unsual amount of nasty sex in this one for my usual role plays.)

    I've never been a cat person, when I was younger I had a serious allergy that I seem to have grown out of and just never spent much time around them after, but walking home from work one day, it was cold, rainy and I noticed a neko kitten curled up behind a few trash cans, cold, alone and by the looks of her, hungry... I couldn't just leave her there, so I scooped her up and brought her home to warm her up and give her something to eat. She was quiet at first and didn't really want me near her, so I have her space and planned to send her on her way... But that didn't happen. I didn't send her out so that same thing could happen to her. I had no idea how to take care of a cat, but over time I grew very fond of her, she grew warmer and eventually became very affectionate towards me and it's been wonderful having company, since I lived alone... She... Has been very... Curious, as of late, though...


    My Perfect Girlf(r)iend...

    Boy meets girl, boy likes girl, girl likes boy. It all works, she's beautiful and giving and she will do ANYTHING to make him happy. Things seem perfect... Until they suddenly show signs of... Not being so perfect... This is a role play where my character is the one getting abused for once. I have a habit of not treating my characters well for various reasons, so this is in theme for me...



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