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  • Roleplay based on a dream i had

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    TLDR: Artificially Designed half-animals teenagers fighting zombie-frogs for the government 

    So basically this is based on a dream and weirdly combines a couple of concepts from specific animes and media: X-Men, (that anime with a half raccoon girl), Attack On Titan, GMNT and Sharlot.

    So basically, in this world it's a normal American life as it should be: nuclear families, Barbeques on the street, American flags, etc. But under all of this lies a hidden force that wishes for it to be all away. An evil alchemist has created a virus that causes humans to fuse with poisonous frogs causing them to become dangerous, infectious and powerful zombie like creatures that seek to spread their diseases and kill people. 

    To stop this the FBI took it upon their hands to find a solution, they found that sadly normal humans speed and reactions are way way too weak to deal with the frog zombies. So as a solution they began combining man with animal, resorting to kidnapping and lying to the families of the babies what happened to them, making very cruel experiments until after enough time. they found a formula.

    And so quickly over time more and more different hybrids emerged all with their own abilities. The government resorted to locking them in a special confined place, only letting them out to accomplish missions for them, Inside the confinement it feels kind of like highschool with your average bullies, romance, sex, etc. 

    Now you may ask, why is it mostly teenagers between the ages of 18-25? well that's because the threat they fight is so dangerous, most don't survive very long.


    If you're interested I'd love hearing your thoughts, for you to introduce your character and for some fun roleplain' 


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