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  • Roleplays to give you life at 3am

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    A few role play ideas that I've been kicking around for a bit, that I have either had going in the past that stopped or that I've never sought out. I'll list information about each. I'm not really too specific about kinks, I generally figure that out with my partner, but don't skip over my preferences. For the love of God.

    I'm open to a lot and I'll answer any questions that you have. You can also message me privately rather than comment, it honestly doesn't matter to me. As always, images are for flavor unless specifically noted, unless you want to use the image, in which case, great. I also do everything mobile, so if the page looks like shit for you, you'll have to forgive me.

    Upon the sand

    Gladiator, slaves, interracial, violent


    A young warrior from a foreign army resisting the spreading conquest of the Romans is captured after losing a battle with his comrades and is sold into slavery. Being a fit, young fighter as he was, this naturally attracted the attention of a gladiator dominus, who primed him for representing his house in combat in the arena. 

    The young man is skilled in combat, but the hazards sometimes present in the arena combined with the styleless attacks and brute strength of seasoned gladiators have nearly proven to be too much.

    Another slave of the dominus, who works in his home and usually tends to his wife when not making a public appearance, takes notice of him. In fact, she is their owner's favorite slave, prized, even. To even see them together in a suspicious fashion could mean immediate execution for him, or both of them, yet she can help him and he can help her. 

    Like him, she is from another land, Egypt, and isn't so helpless herself, so she offers to help teach the new gladiator the strange style of Egyptian warriors to help give him an edge in combat, as long as he agrees to help her take back her freedom. Naturally, he agrees. 

    This role play could also have a supernatural twist where she is a witch or priestess of sorts that gives him the power of an Egyptian God like Set, etc. Or not.


    Western, romance, tragedy


    A while back, a western role play started here that I joined because I wanted it to have activity, I wanted to support it because I liked the chance that it took and honestly didn't see too many people joining. I was wrong, it moved too quickly for me and didn't need my help, so I dipped. However, I was enamored with the character I created.

    Before working for a saloon, my character was a US marshal who traveled with a partner, who eventually became a lover and then his wife. Things ended badly for them when an outlaw they we're on the tail of periodically finally, somehow, got the better of them and she didn't make it.

    I like the idea of futility and the relationship, and I wanted to visit his past and develop it, despite knowing that it is going to end poorly. I think there's a great story there. Things to know about her: she is meant to be a fucking bad ass. Do with that what you will.

    The Cloud Protocol

    Post-apocalypse, Sci-fi, survival, violent


    This is one you may have seen bits of scattered through some of my various role play ideas. I have a whole world thought up for this one and characters. It basically goes like this; 

    In the not so distant future, biological warfare has reached a boiling point and a virus was released, which wouldn't destroy an area like a nuclear strike, but would affect everything living in the area by sending them into a murderous frenzy. The idea was to have enemies wipe themselves out, but the plan backfired and humanity had no choice but to force a reset. The Cloud Protocol was initiated, an agreement between the world's leaders agreed upon long ago in secret if any such attacks ever got out of hand. Essentially a Dead Hand, atomic weapons were launched to exterminate the insane humanity and cleanse the Earth.

    When the threat of bio terrorism loomed, there were several underground safe havens built by the world's governments, but could only shelter a certain number of families for a certain amount of time, but were designed to last decades if necessary with clean air, water filteration, food, everything a person would need. Think vaults from fallout. 

    When this role play was originally done, my partner was a researcher of the virus looking for vaccinations and because of the testing she did, she had immunity to the virus. Something went wrong and the virus was released into the vault, leaving her as the only survivor. My character, a surface dweller, finds the vault when scouting one day and meets her, brings her to the surface to meet his people and it goes from there as she explores this new, terrifying but wonderful mutated new Earth after only reading and seeing movies on what life was like before the war.

    There's potential for a lot of kinks here too. There's monsters, raiders, normal people and other things, so if you're into noncon or groups, that could be fit in if you really wanted it to. 



    Not too much of a story here... I just... Really wanna splat Marina... Ahem...

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