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    I need a female for an rp idea I have or one that us better. if you will, please leave a comment and a link to your Roleplayer Preferences Sheet and or your kinks and things you're not okay with if youre intreasted. Will move to mobile chat to start. If you want to see my preference sheet, go to my profile. Copy and paste doesn't want to work on my phone 

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    For future reference you might want to shed some light on your RP idea. More people will respond if you specify ideas they'd be interested in - without saying anything someone could skip over this to look for something more specific, which could be what you wanted all along. 😂

    With that being said, depending on your ideas I'd love to RP with my new character Lena. She's not quite as submissive as my other characters, in fact i'd call her a borderline dominant - she doesn't fit the master/servant or daddy/mommy type RP's, she's more for just general fun. If your RP involves rape or blackmail of any kind, I'd prefer that with my character Lulu - though I really would like an RP with Lena.

    For preferences, I'm super open (though like I implied before, different characters are better suited for different RP scenarios)
    Preferences are as follows; 

    And here's Lena - but feel free to take a scroll through my other characters to see if they might be better suited for your RP.



    I might be interested depending on your idea

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