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  • RP with a powerful character

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    I'm not especially picky on the specifics at the moment, but the general idea is an RP where one of us plays a character with significant power. There are several ways this sort of RP could take place

    • One character finds a genie that they manage to take advantage of for more than what they'd normally get in wishes
    • Someone decides to make a deal with a devil/demon and the fiend finds the request or character interesting/amusing enough that they decide to stick around to entertain themselves.
    • There's a powerful spirit of some sort that's been bound to some mundane object and someone either figures out how to control them to some extent, or they free them and the spirit sticks around out of gratitude or some sort of obligation of service.
    • There's an incredibly powerful mage pretty much hiding in plain sight and a mortal figures out their secret, or maybe the magician just found someone interesting they wanted to spend time around before they move on.
    • Someone finds an artifact or spellbook that gives them incredible powers and they decide to test them out to see what they can do.

    These are just a few ideas, I'm open to others. I don't mind playing either the character with power or the one(s) they interact with. As far as setting goes, I'm fine with something modern like present day to recent history (just before cellphones if we don't want to deal with how many things they'd potentially mess with), or some sort of medieval setting, either fantasy or non-fantasy (outside of the supernatural character). See my preference sheet for things I tend towards and things I avoid.

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