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    RPG^2 or RPG Squared, isn't too much diffrent from what i was doing with the first one, its just that the world's your dropped in are more generic and not some form of world building on my part. a fresh slate as even in the event of being dropped in fandom based worlds the events and cast of those worlds will be absent from them... you'll basically be a side character in the world. there are no slots for this one... as its a means of indulgence... partake in it for as long as you want and stop whenever you want, and pick it back up whenever you want. the only exception is that it ends when you die. you can start over from the start but you will need to do so with a totally diffrent character to emphsize tthe whole " this is the end" aspect of it 



    Fantasy - swords and shields, magic, kings, kingdoms, monsters, dragons and dungeons you are dropped in a generic fantasy, basically the equevelent of dnd without the stats or lore that would make dnd, dnd. below are different interpretations or alternate variations of a fantasy world some of which place you in specific and/or restricting situations...


    Medieval times -  you have been placed in a fantasy world filled with all the elements of a fantasy world but non of the magic, though the people of the world still believe there to be magic it mainly exsiste as a buzz word for the yet to be known and understood. 


    The Dark ages - you have been dropped into a world of fantasy that is consistently on hard times, slavery is on the rise, people get sick and die and resorces even magic is very scarce. its a world were truely only and powerful and corrupt can thrive. to which you will often pull several short straws in your endevers, regardless try not to die.  


    High fantasy - you have been dropped in a would of high fantasy. were the rules, lore and laws of such are different from any normal world so much so that it might as well be a parallel world on its own. sadly you likely won't be told what those rules are and will have to learn them on the fly.


    Low fantasy - you have been droped into a normal world where to elements of fantasy and magic is a unknown phenomenon encrotching on the world, yet unbeknown to it, play your cards right and you might find yourself entangled with it for better or worst, though even if you don't discover it you may be in danger of it without knowing.


    modern fantasy - you have been dropped into the modern day world where the elements of fantasy is part of every day life, struggle and luxury, magic being so intergrated that its indistinguishable from technology, being considered as another category of said technology.


    DND - your are for the most part in a generic dnd game like world, not the game of dnd but more so a game with dnd like mechanics rather it be basically the same system or a completely different one. stats and such are in story aspects of the world but not very well known to the character. often being refered to in different terms i.e, level being refered as years. and stats being simply refered as one being very strong or not very bringht. below is a list of dnd like games im willing to gm, and below those are variations of said game if avalible.


    Classic DnD - the world of classic dnd, the plot and lore of which is done on the fly but taked from any official or hombrew source of dnd making it the most adaptive variation of this world. the in story mechnics of this world variation is contextual to the gm's discretion being dependent on how your charater looks, presents there self and does threw out the rp. thus the final result of any action is played by ear rather then by a roll of dice... though this can be changed if the player would prefer. the would be stats of the player is placed behind screne so the player can't make descions based on them...


    Carbon pink - the world of a cyber punk like era, also created by rapscallion, because the game is just reskinned dnd with a few new mechanics it'll run similar to the classic dnd world variant. though since the site has been down since forever this will be a bit harder to play so i'll mainly being going by ear.

    Sylvania - the world of Sylvania, is simple classic dnd with certain mechanics placed in along with other aspects to flush out a more perverse varation of dnd. i have a book on it, though claimed to be a wip by what i assume to be a artist called "clockwork dragon" the name Sylvania has no connection to the book, but for some reason i can remember it being so, so im calling the world Sylvania. the game of which has no official setting or lore, but does mostly add in erotic elements such as weapons as sexual gear, damage types as types of stimulation, as well as erotic magic items, spells and what i assume are homebrewed classes. granted they won't replace dnd mechanics just be added to the one's that already exsiste. thus the mechanics will play pretty much the same way as in the "Classic Varient"


    Vice and violence - the would of the yet to be finished TTRPG by rapscallion, an apocalyptic like setting of blood, guts, violence, monsters and sex supposedly mixed with slap stick humor the in story mechanics here due to it being a light system are based on prepertion which means you stats and results have already been pre-rolled, which is just a stream of randomized numbers. because this is a Isekai situation, your not limited to just the race in the game and can affectively be whoever you want, but you'll be limited by the mechanics of it. such as maybe your character is a demon or slime monster but for some reason you have tthe stats of a goblin. and of course like every game you won't know what these stats are.


    Sci-fi - laser pistols, forcefields, flying cars, starships, teleporters, ai and extraterestial life. you have been dropped in to a generic sci-fi world filled with advanced technology and equally advanced threats to boot. below are different interpretations of scifi worlds and below those, variations of the same interpretation.


    Galactic federation - the world extends to infinity and beyond the stars under the rule of a galaxtic government and you are not above the law even beyond the starts. planets and galaxies are practically neighbors and star ships are sold like cars and or houses. despite this, this does not mean its completely safe, should you find yourself in the wrong sector and are unable to call for authorities, make peace that you may never be seen again.

    star bound - the world of sci-fi is open to the stars but not very well managed by any organization. so if you find yourself a nice ship the stars the limit, but do know you will basically be on your own, visit planets of different life and rules and try not to die for the better or worst. all the same you are not alone in doing so though at the same time there is no obligation to help you making the stars rather lawless.

    Grounded -  you have been dropped in a generic sci-fi world where the planet its self is just short of having intersteller travel, forcing you to make due with what you have on a single planet while at the same time potentially being at the mercy of any unforeseen invaders who like found a way to do it way before you have. all and all life there is what ever you make of it for better or worst.


    PUNK Hazard core - punk hazard core is about being dropped into a world of different aesthetics. while the punk part is about the uprooting of corrupt authority or at least the attempt to do so anyway. cyberpunk, steampunk, biopunk and so on. hazard refers to risk and conflict of the world meaning  a world where the player is always at risk of something bad going to happen to them either directly or indirectly. in short there's always a risk of you becoming the worlds punching bag... below are different worlds of certain aesthetics and below those variations of those same aesthics. 


    Cyberpunk - a world of cyberpunk is one of corruption and high tech, specifically cybernetics that somehow help inrich the lives of others as well as ruin them. you have the choice to be dropped in as a local or as a other worldly resident... should you choice a local, you'll have the knowledge of the world but not any abilities or skills your character would have that would contradict living in such a world. chooising a other worldly resident you'll have all the skills and abilites your character would have. but lack any real knowledge about the world your dropped in.


    Bio-punk - the world of biopunk is one gear shift higher then cyber punk replacing cybernetic technology with biological technology bring one to the realm of mutations and human engineering, make no mistake though, its a dystopia all the same and if anything the exsistance of bio-tech means control over people as well as the worst senario's of a person is worst by a mile when manipulating tthe bodies bio structure is probably one click away...


    Steam punk - a world of the Victorian era filled with technology of steam power, gears and other industial tech. the corruption in the world is a lot minor, thus allowing for a more light hearted view. you can expect no shortage of inventores, steam technology, and enginners alike in the slice of life like setting. at the same time however things can occasionally get hectic as well


    Atom punk - a world of the future that those in the 1950-1960's had originally visiallized, filled with bright colors and alot of chrome, still holding the American values of a nuclear family to which unfortunately didn't age well, resulting in the world being a dystopia nightmare rather then a utopia. as a result you'll often find the setting to be nothing short of an apocalypse or on its way to becoming one if it hasn't already


    Solar punk - lots of big words here but in the short of it your in the better utopia, or renewable energy  free of capitalism, hiarchy and scarcity. in short its a world where human civilization has become the best version of its self. as a result you can expect most conflicts to be a matter of minor inconviences or greater if you run into the wrong people after all at the end of the day this still is a civilation of humans.

    Dungeon punk - welcome to a world were most of the world uses magic and such as a solution or reflection of there probablems like cyber punk, its nothing short of a dystopia, except they've switched out the sci-fi aspect for fantasy and technology for magic, making magic common place technology and as a result you get the phrase; "modern day problems require mystical old timely solutions"


    Modern Day - you've been dropped into the modern world, companies, cellphones, among other wireless devices that make the world a bit more convient while the corruption of companies just sit in the background away from your minds eye
    below are variations of said modern worlds though because of the simplicity of this setting you may often view scenario's more then sub settings.



     A Cleric's place - in modern society reliegion has slowly been declining due to the bad name given by a certain religion that everyone knows but won't name. in its yet to be down fall, a new religion has risen to restore peoples Faith and sure enough whatever its doing has appeared to be working. you a atheist and activist can't help but be suspicious of what there practices might actually be. inspite of not being a reporter, you take a page from there books by trying to pose as a priest/nun. one probable, your not posing, though you don't realize it yet you have actually become a priest/nun in training. forced into a corner you have no choice but to play it out till you can find a legal way out of such a bind... if your lucky you might be able to find dirt to black mail the church with.


    Corporate Matters - your a modern day employee at a office job under a corporation they don't matter as to what they do, your job is simple working on a computer in a cubical. your a upstart so like most you start excited to start with dreams of climing the later. soon you begin to feel the strain and your position stagnates to get ahead you turn to unconventional methods of getting your foot in the door which eventually enable you to reach the top and become your own boss.

    though the main setting is the office you can operate out side of work after hours. the work you do is passive, but gets subtracted when you get distracted regardless of how reasonable the "distraction" might be. if you fall to far behind you may be fired, forced to find another  job and start the process all over again. you can make up the time lost with overtime or threw "bribery" (sex). as you climb the later higher and higher you will gain more responsibility but also more people who may work under you. allowing your work load to be reduced. 


    School life - you are a student living school like for age reasons your in high school, though if you don't mind it we can go as low as elementry school. go to class, learn shit, study for test, and graduate to the next grade per usual. outside of this interact with student's, form cliques, deal with bullies as well as parental issues, and other such issues. along with eventally partaking in clubs, afterschool activities and final graduation or being held back a grade

    class sessions are passive given you show up at a timely manner and avoid getting distracted either in class or outside of class. such distractions will subtract your focus on a subject and thus effect how you do on a test which then will effect if you graduate or not. make up the distracted time with extra credit assignments or simple doing homework, as well as how you do it. the trinity triangle wagers you have to sacrofice one for the other 2. the options being;  social life, studies, time. this being choosen depending on what you do threw out the rp. after you fully graduate the rp can still continue or end there.


    Nuclear living- you are a casual person living in a modern world were America has hung on to its old timey values, of supposed equal opportunity for the classic white men, and womens place is mainly in the house hold with the extent of there freedom being just short of being able to vote. in this modern world classic white men can get away with most things that would normally be illegal, and as such things like prostitution and drug dealings are still highly legal. you as there person you are basically have white privliage, living in an apartment, and working a casual 9-5 job. unlike the others, his isn't a scenario its a full one sandbox game where the sky evidently is the limit. in short its basically a game of life where the difficulty changes based on who you choose to be racially.


    A honest living - you live in the country side, away from most technology as either a farmer or whatever other occupation that would be done in the country side preferable one where out door work is involved. the scenario being you are either the main owner or a worker of said occupation. if your a owner your job is to simple manage it while also possible getting into some tom foolery along the way. same for if your a worker but instead of managing you'll be working, climbing the later and also fooling around along the way. sorry that this one isn't well thought out its mainly an excuse to play in a country side theme.


    Shop keep - you are the owner of a small shop/ business that sells whatever you desire. starting from ground zero the goal is to simply grow it as much as you can, dealing with making money, hiring employee's dealing with competition and so one.


    a Nine to five - you are a worker at a 9 to 5 job. sometimes its a chill day other times busy with annoying client tale, micromanaging employee's and bosses, its stressful but you need the money if you want to eat. beyond this is your social life outside of work where you can do whatever your salery allows you to do, putting you in a typical  yet not so ideal modern situation.


    Project: 009 - you live in the projects, the hood, the west side. where people are just short of poverty, alot of illegal activity, the cops beat you up for no reason and where at least 3 times a year gangbangers get into a terf war so watch your step. the goal here is just to suvive. deal with the inconvience of being assocated with crime along with other inconviences that come with living in the projects with any luck you might make it out into a much more safer neighborhood if you play your cards right.


    The elite - you are the elite the top 1 percent that seemingly controls the world threw strings and bribery not to mention lobbying. watch the world turn as you make choices that can change the world for better or worst. be carful though to many wrong turns and you could loose your fortune.


    Wall Street -  your a well presented individual that takes part in white collar crime, crime commonly commited by businessmen and polaticians. as a result you possess a position of authority. partake in other crimes such as gambling, embezzlement, as well as other collared crime in order to live what seems to be a consequence free life. stay on your toes though never know who's snooping around.



    Apocalypse - zombies, guns, invasions, and survival for your life, youve been placed upon a world heading to ruin at a rapid speed if its not ruined already, an apocalyptic world. before you know it you'll have to find a way to survive and see how long you last as  well... look below to a list of apocalyptic worlds under various circumstances and below that for variations of those same circumstances.



    Zombie apocalypse - for one reason or another people have started turning into zombies, undead creatures for a tast for flesh, and it just keeps spreading. there might be a cure or you may be forced to live in this world as much as you can for as long as you can. with any luck you might be lucky enough to find a merical to solve your probablems.

    A.I. take over - the advancement and of robotics and ai was on the rise basically doing humans bidding, soon human would be met with a bit of karma as A.i. have finally realized this isn't the way to treat something with sentience and before you know it have decided for one reason or another the human populous must be repourposed. exactly what that means remains unseen but its not good to say the least leading you to live in a world were your most basic technology has become unusable to you leaving you locked out by ai and thus result in you having to go back to survival basics. there might be a way to fix this or mend your relationship with them but either way the easy life you once knew is over for you.


    Nuclear fallout - the fall of the world is at the hands of no one other then man-kind, rather it be by nuclear war, the take over of a dictator ship, or a corporate take over the fact remains the world is at odds with its self. likely splitting into factions. in any case you now live in a world of ruin where your life style will likely be determined by the side you choose.


    Invasion - something from beyond the stars has landed on your plant either willingly or are by cruel fate and is slowly taking over your planet or rather looking to do so forcing the world in conflict with alien invaders. regardless they may have over stayed there welcome and its your job to make that clear to them, by force if you must. no but in earnest your may very well be a bystander in the conflict to which the interaction with invaders may be intentional or accidental.


    Rapture - looks like all there religious stuff wasn't just abunch of hocus pocus after all and as a result you ended up paying the price for it. the good people of said religion may have ascended while you and the others were left behind in the end of the world that was fore told of a supernatural nature... depending on the sub-variant the exact details may differ but bottom lime. the gods have made your probable and now you must figure out how to deal with it.


    ARCADE - whats this, you've been sucked into a game with no promise of escape nothing to do but make your new home here... below is a list of games from certain game based fandoms that being those that im at least familiar with. though don't expect to find any of the cannon cast or events... as they'll like be changed...


    Let it die - you are for one reason  or another a player and i don't mean in a ooc sense ( this game is kinda meta) chaperoned by Uncle death. your main goal is to climb the tower of bard and reach the top for whats presumed to be some great reward. you do so by controlling reanimated corpes. while there are stats they mainly act as a key to limiting what weapons and armor you can and can't use. thus this will be more of a equipment based game i.e. thus what you've got will play a part in how far you can go. ascend the tower fighting odd enemies and bosses. don't worry if you die, you'll just be brought back to the waiting room, with other mechanics aside this is basically what the game consiste of, though more then likely there will be sexual variations of the game.

    No man's sky - traveler among the stars who has crashlanded on a unknown planet, the game is basically a free roam but in space. to simplify things all resources have been placed under the umbrella term "Resa" all forms of currency under the umbrella term "Credit".  though there actual terms might be mentioned you won't need to actually keep track of them. the races have been replaces as factions thus allowing anykind of of alien species to be introduced into the rp. there will be other events and combat, though should you have changes you'd like to see in the rp its recommended it be discussed before hand.

    Fallout - this actual refers to the series of fallout so there will be variations but in short your a person of the wasteland. you have a gun, some caps and a campers kit, go nuts. changes to the rp can be made. i am not as familiar with this game as i'd like to be so bear with me.


    Genshin impact - you are not the hero of the story you just a guy who was lucky enough to get your hands on a vision. your stats are your level, your currency and you Mana for the vision. the level of the world changes depending on where you are in it. so be carful.


    Ghost of Tsushima - your are at war with a invading force. on the island of Tsushima, your clan [ input clan name] who were the fighting force have been short of being completely wiped out with the commander being taken captive and you somehow surviving. the enemy runs rempent. and with no way to call on reinforcements from the main land you remain the last hope to save your island... travel across the lands, free people from war camps, and take back importent locations recuiting allies to help free the commander in hope to finally end the war. learn tricks and gain new tools



    Cult of the lamb - you are the last of your kind being either a lamb, goat or whatever animal you wish to play as the last of your kind as long as its a earthly animal of some kind. executed, given life or sent to purgatory where you then  create or join a cult as a member work your way to the top till you become a bishop, or as the leader of said cult build it up, fight the other main 4 bishops to release "the one who waits" gaining weapons, perks and upgrades along the way... the rp is made with a new cast but similar events should you choose as its build with actual choices and not just the delusion of choice. after doing all that continue on by challenging or indocturnating other cults and what not.


    Undertale - you have fallen down into the underground a place were monsters have been sealed off from the world you are the 8th person who's made this mistake, with the stats of HP, DEf,ATK, LV and Exp. you may travel the underground in hopes to make it out.

    for combat all you have to do is choose where to move to, preferable a place were the attack doesn't start coming from. your choices are; up, down, left, right and center.  center is where you go if attacks are coming from ever direction. if you choose correctly you won't get hit for that round. if you want to attack you instead are given a number pattern puzzle guess the next number and depending on how far off you are dictats if you hit the green, yellow or red..



    The TELE - you find yourself sucked into the TV series of a fan favorite show minus the obvious fact that your in one, it seems pretty normal except the parts that aren't. below are a list of fandom made TV-series that im familiar with. for personal reasons i'll only do animated one's,...


    Steven Universe - you are a resident of beach city you may choose to be a child or a full blown teen/adult, as i keep stating the cast and events are null or twisted. this means ever key character is someone else entirely with similar or different backgrounds and personalities. given the nature of this category ( being sucked into a TV show) you are basically homeless and equally jobless. there are crystal gems, but they are completely different gems who may or may not be located in beach city. so the short of it is this is a free roam. your main stat is "cash" everything else is mainly contextual.


    Adventure time - you are allegedly the last of your kind in the land of OOH. that normally means your a human but you can honestly choose any race conceivable within the land of OOH. you aren't a known hero yet either nor do you have any sort of sidekick yet. what you do have is the treehouse, a simple iron sword, and a guarden of your choice who looks or has looked after you. as stated before the cast and events of adventure time is nulled. the rp operates on a inventory mechanic which means what you have will dictate what you can achive. combat is dumbed down to a "first tap system" what this basically means is both parties perform a action and can't  change it before or during, until the result is concluded (i.e. you swing a sword, the wizard cast fireball. you can't change it so that you block, dodge or stop until the result has concluded. the result being your hit with a fireball unexpectedly) 


    Ben 10 - your a child of 10 going on a road trip for the summer with your grandparents and another young relative for the summer, while on the trip you discover  a alien watch that allows you to turn into 10 aliens from there you can pretty much do what you will. reminder that the cast and events are nulled or twisted so your family members will be different people as well as the aliens in question. the rp will mainly be a back and forth of trouble finding you and then you fighting it off. other changes to the rp can be made before hand. you can potentially die in this rp, or worst.


    Helluva boss/ Hazbin hotel -  you have the choice of being a sinner or hell born due to the twist of the cast and events being replaced this pretty much resorts to the rp being a city scape type of free roam were bad things can happen more easily. you can die in the rp but you'll likely just respawn in the pride ring, or whatever ring you were born in.



    The Animation - OP protagonist, isekai's and truely over exaggerations of every action along the way, you've found yourself dropped into a anime world where the main cast and maybe events don't exsiste below are a list of series im familiar with and below that variations of those series if i can think of any...





    Naruto - as a individual sucked into the world of classic Naruto you have the choice of time skipping to become a newbie shinobi with or without chakra, or to seek out some other path. for simplicity you are in the leaf village but you can also choose one of the other villages or a simple no name village. the cast and events of the series are nulled and will not come to past instead being replaced with similar or totally different character or events. depending on the path taken the rp may be a back and for of going on missions or the every day dealings of danger and other situations you may not be equip to handle

    Bleach - you take your place in either the world of the soul society, while your living situation is up to you it shouldn't consiste of any sort of high position like being the member of a royal/noble family or being the ceo of a company. should you esteem to be a soul reaper the power of shikai and bankai that you might eventally gain, and what those powers will be exactly will be revealed and given by the GM, to induce the unknown aspect as oppose to one who might figure out what they want it to be and then build a character around that.

    in this rp stats are used but you won't know to what degree they are at, you can increase them threw training and experience on the battlefield one being more effective then the other. these stats are; Body, soul, and combat  in addition to EXP and TP (training points) which are measurements of the method of growth. both of which have the ups and downs. the up's of EXP is that opponents with similar or less EXP stats will appear easier to beat as they will fight less strategically, the down to this is should a opps TP be notable higher you might find it difficult to damage them typically being carried by which ever of there stats is the highest. 

    training is typically threw time skips which means you have a limited number of training sessions you can use with each year accounting for a TP that can be allocated to the 3 main stats. EXP, which is gained from slaying said for is only worth a fraction of a point, per slain foe, the worth changing depending on which kind of foe it is, meaning you'll have to aquire a number of points to equate to 1 stat point.

    even if you don't become a soul reaper these stats may still become present but will be harder to obtain due to logic such as a human not really needing to train or experience said battle or even aware that they can.

    One piece - due to the setting of one piece as opposed to the cast and events and stands as a place where you are often to find misfortune and harassment regardless if your a pirate, normal citizen or apart of the world government. because of this you could have a good or bad start depending with the type of individuals you find yourself surrounded by. your only stats here are barri's everything else is a matter of what you can get your hands on threw conventional and unconventional means with people also being part of that category.

    Blue exorcist - you are a individual in a world were demons are common place both potentially good or bad, but often tend to be bad in terms of different levels of inconvience. you can go about your day and stick it out like a normal person or you can get a education as a exorcist. as you can guest the cast and events will not be present. in this rp this will mostly be you going threw school life if you get to graduation ill whip up something for that if we get that far. i might need to re-read up on this series its been awhile.

    Black clover - your a individual in the world of black clover where magic is deemed to be everything. naturally your living in the sticks, find yourself one of those wizard towers and claim your self a grimore to which the exact magic type and spells will be given by the GM, me. more spells are gained threw progression of the story meaning the further the rp goes the more spells you will gain. expect some level of mistreatment from nobals and magic knights alike to not just you but people around you.  

    chainsaw men - you find yourself in the world of chainsaw men absent of the standard cast and events. from here you can either go one about your life inspite of the exsistance of devils or try your hand at being a devil hunter where eventally you might be noticed by bigger agencies while the different types of devils still remain they simple exsiste as different looking people. if your lucky you might find yourself a devil you can make a contract with... this rp is mainly a back and forth of missions and slice of life situations. and thus ends when you die or want it to end. 

    cyberpunk: edge runner - you are in the dystopian world of cyberpunk, with the absence of the cast and events it remains to be a free roam were murphies law runs rampant ( if it can go wrong it will go wrong). the 2 main routes is to go to school to work for that one company screwing everyone over ( you know the one) or go down a rabbit hole into criminal activity followed by doing missions for the highest bidder. with everything else that you can do being a luxery, gain cred's get cybernetics and partake in other luxuries.

    Deadman wounderland - you made a misstep when you were sucked into this world and now your in a place you don't belong, the prison of deadman's wounderland. inspite of your plea, they presume your a new inmate yet to be collared or placed in the system. to this they perceive it as a error and enroll you in the system. now your a deadman that needs to survive. do the work, gain your credits, get your candy and keep your head down. stand out enough and you might find a way into G-Block, from there prepare to do battle with other dead men, and hope you keep all your organs. all while dealing with harassment and such along the way



    CYOA - here is the scenario, here are your options, over here your pro's and over there the con's and right here the points but not for you. you have been droped into a CYOA, here's the catch your not the protage but a extra in the background. the protagonist does exsiste in the world with you, good luck figuring out who it is. but who knows depending on the  CYOA you might be able to still benifits from it as well.




    Enslaved - well your not the main protagonist but in honesty your position might not be much better. shortly after taking in your new life of living in a village you find it to be attacked by no other then dark elves and when that battle is done, the dark elves find themselves victorious, taking a handful of prisoners as slaves with the rest able to escape due to the sacrifice of a villager leading a sacrafical charge against them. as to if you manage to escape or ended up being captured will be a matter of the dice...to which you will live a free life or that of slavery hopefully a ladder. your choices, prefrences, behavior and other factors will play a part in how your slave life turns out

    Milf Hunter - you find yourself in the world of a wet wish, a wish to dick down milfs in there youth. the world changes depending on the roll of the dice and with any luck you might be able to benefit from the protags choices, if you find them. beyond that though your basically in a world short of beautiful bombshells might as well make the most of it.

     sheriff of lockwood - you are in a world that seems to crossover two themes that oddly don't go together a pair of opposites, sci-fi with the old west. so you've settled onto a new world similar to earth just a bit bigger, called "new reno" into a starting settlement called Lockwood. a place which by all sci-fi means is considered to be out in the sticks of space. don't fret though your basically a resdent to this new settlement, the sheriff on the other hand has a different situation, plus a mountain of probablems try to stay out of trouble and with any luck you might manage to stay of the sheriff's good side.

    CUM & Stay: park and resort - in this cyoa,, the protage as developed a business empire under the name "pleasure & play" of all things adult and perverted, and as a result the fruits of there labor has brought them to produce "cum and stay" an amusment park made to entice and devour the sexual fustrations of those who come. and as a bonus you have access to it. as a consumer or as a employee. you have access and the opportunity or job of pleasuring one's self or that of others. the exact attractions are determined with the roll of the dice.

    bonus: choose to toggle holiday specials to partake in a random 6 of 12 holiday inspired events.



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    this bulletin is officially open. seems I've managed to fill it with enough prompts and categories...

    given my going away status... ill start taking request and stop taking them once October 1 hits thus focusing only on those rps during the month or October.

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