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  • Seeking fun and plots!

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    Hello all and welcome to my request thread, I am gonna keep this short and simple for now, as like many of you I am searching for fun and some deliciously smutty stories. So while I am open t other ideas I suppose I will go with saying I am willing to accept those that are competant with grammer and spelling, I know mistakes tend to happen as I do make some myself. But something readable is good. I usually go to three paragraphs, or usually match that of my partner.  


    Kinks (So far) 

    Big Breasts+

    Big Asses+

    Dirty talking+

    Cum play+

    Slutty clothing+

    Rough Sex+ 

    Pet play+


    Turn Offs:






    (Shota) A young boy starts to get more in tune with his urges, even as he first starts masturbating, he soon gets the crafty idea to use his cuteness to his advantage, seducing the females around him, from his Mother, to his Teacher, to when he starts taking adventures around town to see how much he can exactly get away with. 

    (Harem) The devil down below has been getting bored, Hell is no longer fun for him, so what else to do then to have fun upstairs, taking a vacation from Hell. The devil starts to cause all sorts of trouble on earth, using his powers and in before he knows it. He creates a satanic sex cult hell-bent on bringing about the apocalypse. 

    (Sci-Fi) A mysterious being from another world has crash landed on Earth, with being the last of his species. He soon starts to get integrated into human life. With himself needing to repopulate his species. He soon starts to learn the wonders and pleasures of breeding, as soon as he starts with one girl. He moves on to the next what will come of this? A wacky adventure.  

    (Survival) With the plane having crashed on an island he found himself all alone. Stuck on an island in the middle of the pacific ocean with nowhere to go. Until he describes a tribe of feral females, who do not take kindly to his presence being there. Now he has to find a way off, or find some way to keep the peace with the women or else it will be his head. 



    More will be added soon, but I look forward to see if there is anyone interested, and I am always open for brainstorming. Hope we have some fun! 🙂 

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