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  • Hello!

    Now that I have been RPing again for a few months, I thought I would update my request thread just a little bit. Add some more details.

    About Me

    I am 32 years old female. I took a break from RPing for over ten years. In those ten years, I got married, moved to a new country, and started my professional teaching career. This past January, I decided, to go back to school and work on getting my Master's degree.

    I am still happily married, and honestly he is my priority. He does some RPing on other sites, and sometimes we like to share our stories.

    Although I am off for the summer, I am still taking classes for my master's degree so I may not always respond multiple times a day.

    What am I looking for?

    I am looking for long-term, story-building RPs. I like having smut in the RPs; however, I also like having a story.

    I am semi-lit. I usually get one good paragraph, depending on what my partner provides.

    I only play female roles! I am also only interested in F/M pairings.  My partner's gender doesn't matter to me, as long as they are willing to play the male part 🙂

    I am always open to suggestions!

    Pairings I like (Will be adding plot ideas as I come up with them)

    - Roommates
    - Best Friends
    - Brother's Best Friend
    - Ex-Loves
    - Sports (any) player/ and girl
    - Knight/Princess
    - Knight/King
    - Angel/Demon
    - Professor (you)/ College Student

    That is the one plot Idea

    Brother's Best Friend


    MC's older brother and YC have been friends since they moved to the city when MC was 10. She enjoyed hanging around her brother and YC all the time. Up until the time that she was 15, she was allowed to hang out. Around that time, she realized she had a crush on YC, and her brother found out. Suddenly, she was no longer welcome. Where YC used to smile at her all the time, the looks now were more angry. MC realized that her brother probably told YC how she felt about him.

    MC's character never forgets how she feels about him. She had moved away for college but was returning home after finishing her degree. She had worked and saved money to purchase the local bakery, a dream she had always had.


    Please feel free to send a PM if you are interested. We can work on plots together, talk about different roles, etc.

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    I'd love to try and set something up. Send me a message if you're interested.


    I'd be willing to try step siblings send me a message and we could give it a whirl.


    I'd be down for forbidden lovers or step siblings. DM me if interested


    I'd love to do this with you!  Serious role player   Therapist - Patient  Teacher - Student    Priest - confessor     Father -  Daughter  Drop m a line.  


    I'd love to do any of these scenes. It's been a while since I've rp'd but can definitely figure out one of these scenarios.


    Bumping for the sake of bumping 


    These pairs sound fun! If you’re still up to it, I would totally be down for one of these. Let me know if you’re interested.   (^///^)


    Hey there, I'd be interested in the angel/demon one, in case you are still looking for partners.


    If you are still looking. I'm willing to try anyone of those out with you.


    Hello I'm looking for a new partner too


    bump for the sake of bump 🙂


    I am interested in doing a teacher/student or princess/knight roleplay. 


    I’m interested if you’re still accepting applications, I’d love to see what you have in store


    I have an interest in the last two rps you've listed


    I’m very interested! Do you mind playing with transgender girls?


    I really like your posted idea, I would be interesting in giving it shot if your currently looking for a roleplay partner. I'm happy to further discuss details! 

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