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  • Slavery and Mastery RP

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    The Overview Tldr is below

    Setting: Fantasy/Scifi/Multiworld 

    Every world is part of the Circuit, because every world can be reached by traversing the Circuit. And somewhere within the circuit is the Circuit Market, a place where anything and everything can be sold and bought. And within this market is the Circuit Slave market, the most successful, and profitable, slave market around. What makes them so successful? The Circuit slavers have recognized that amidst the endless worlds of the circuit, there are endless people, and among those endless, are those who were born and destined to serve. The Circuit slavers can look into ones soul and see if they are fitting of abduction, training, and sale. Some are sold conditioned and trained for a certain type of work, others are sold fresh, unbroken and unbowed. All eventually come to realize their true purpose, within the market, or after being sold from it. 

    Lords and Kings from all worlds attend for an infinite amount of reasons, and some are tempted to seek the services of the slavers, especially those with...darker tastes. 


    Basics to Play

    The idea is that you and I would play two characters, 1 master, and 1 slave, and pair them off. I actually enjoy both sides of the coin in this, so it would be great to be able to play both! So you would have 1 master and 1 slave, and so would I. We will approve each others characters, and pair your master with my slave and my master with your slave. We can move them consecutively, or take turns with them, I'm cool with either. Since this takes place in an inter dimensional market, the masters will come from and go home to their own universe afterwards, and yes, that means that both your master and your slave can be nearly anything you want from nearly any fiction. Do you and play the character you want. Check out my RP Preferences to make sure we are match, and contact me through here or Private message, I don't mind either.

    Remember that all the slaves have been chosen because, deep down, that is what they find fulfilling to do. Slaves may start rebellious and resistant, but that should eventually cave to acceptance and fulfillment, unless putting up a fight is part of the desired slave master relationship this slave is a part of. I may be open to more characters, but let us start with just the two each to begin with. Masters should be Wealthy, powerful, or otherwise capable of housing and caring for a slave. Either character can be pitched as any race, species, or even specific character. 


    Underview TLDR

    I would like to play in a slave/master RP where both you and I play two characters, a master and a slave each. The slaves will be purchased form an inter dimensional slave market, and therefore may be of nearly any world or fiction. Please message me if you interested and read the rest of this post. Thank you.





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