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  • So I was just asked to star in porn by…

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    So this is more of just a fun post where it can have a lot of interesting outcomes. Basic premise is that my character would be asked to do porn with whatever character both parties can decide on, baring preferences of course.

    This could range somewhat simple from my boss asked my or my teacher asked me all the way to the crazier ones like I was asked by an ethereal being or a highly advanced AI. I’m open to discussing all that could happen and such. It’s pretty open ended so a lot of things could happen.

    I would prefer to play the male in this though just to get that out there. If you find yourself interested in this just shoot me a message and we can talk about this further. If not then I thank you for reading it and stay cool while having a good day. 🙂 

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