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  • I've been racking my brain for some fun Gender Bender esque roleplay ideas that could be fun and wanted to post them here. Feel free to reply to these with alternative suggestions or ideas! 

    Modern: (These ideas will involve either medications or conditions that cause the change)

    1. This idea involves my character being slipped a medication that eventually turns them into a female version of themselves. It can either be at a party, at a bar, or somewhere where my character isn't really used to being. The idea would be my character trying to reorient themselves in order to find a new daily pattern and find out who did it them while eventually having some "adventures" of their own at times. 

    2. This idea would be centered around my character turning after not feeling well for a couple of days and simply waking up in an alternate form. Obviously this would follow some similar beats as the first idea minus the finding the person who did it. Instead this one will be centered around mostly coming to terms with the situation as well as having to deal with new people coming into their life. (We can discuss an idea about a primary love interest or something as well)


    Fantasy focused: These ideas will obviously focus on magic centered scenarios. 

    1. Is a mix between Gender Bender and Isekai fantasy (where a character gets transported into another world or realm or something like that)

    2. An adventurer or member of royalty who gets tricked or given a cursed artifact. (I did have an idea for this where it could cause a secession crisis in the kingdom if it's run only by male heirs. 


    I'm up for discussing other ideas as well if you have any ideas for scenarions. 

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    Oh I love the cursed artifact one. Maybe its a king and his three or four sons that all came from different wives the king had. After the births each of the wives had died in a mysterious way is what the public is told. The truth being the king had them disposed of only using them to get heirs.


    Is this available?


    If you're still looking, please contact me.


    I'd love to tackle just about any of these ideas.


    The second fantasy prompt looks fun if you don’t mind role playing with me ❤️

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